Saturday, August 31, 2019
Memory Cost Essay
Over the past 30 years the cost of Electronics has steadily decreased. The cost of electronic storage has decreased greatly over the past 30 years as well. In this paper I will be talking about the decrease in the cost of RAM and Hard Drive Storage, how much will a 100TB HDD will cost when it becomes widely available in the future, and how much memory I will be able to buy with $100 in 10 years. In 1956, IBM created the first commercial Hard Drive called the IBM 305 RAMAC which held 5MB and cost a whopping 50 thousand dollars! Electronic storage started being more widespread during the early 1980’s, but it wasn’t until the 1990s that RAM and Hard Drive Storage begin to be cheap enough for the average person. Back in 1981 the price for one MB of Hard Drive storage space was $340! Most people couldn’t afford a computer back in the 1980’s because of the huge cost. Through the 1980’s the cost per MB fell from around $340 during 1981 then to $40 per MB i n 1988, and finally to $9 per MB in 1990. The cost of one Bit of ram in 1981 was 0.000425 cents, in 1988 it was 0.000005 cents, in 1995 it was 0.000000158 cents, in 2000 the cost per Bit was 0.000000063, and in 2013 the cost per Bit was 7.9Ãâ€"10^-10 cents. To get an understanding of how much memory will cost in the future and when 100TB hard drives will become commercially available, we have to take a look at how the price for memory has gotten cheaper over the past 10-30 years, the ever increasing amount of storage space that can be squeezed onto a hard drive platter, and take in to account the rapid growth in the technology field. According to Chris Mellor in his article ( technology giant HP announced that 100TB hard drives could be available as early as 2018. I firmly believe that in 4 years by 2018 there will be 100TB drives for sale to the public but they will probably be very expensive till they go into mass production. In 10 years, we will be able to buy a hard drive with a phenomenal amount of storage space. From 1990 to 2014 the price has gone down exponentially from $9 per MB to under 150 MB per Cent! If we follow that exponential trend we are looking at hard drives that can hold over 100TB that cost fewer than 100 dollars, while the RAM will decrease in price slower. In conclusion, the cost of Storage such as RAM and Hard Drives has gotten very cheap, from over $500 per MB to 5 cents per GB! We will see a continual decrease in the cost of electronic storage and an increase in the amount of storage in smaller packages. Picture Citation: Citations
Friday, August 30, 2019
Computer Technician Essay
Memory: Your memory does not store everything forever. The computer memory refers to computer components, devices and recording media that retain digital information. The computer data storage provides one of the core functions of a computer that of information retention. How a Computer Remembers: A computer has two memories, called RAM and ROM. ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It carries the information. The computer needs to carry out, it’s task, and it cannot be altered. It stays there even when the computer switch off. RAM stands for Random Access Memory or Read and Write Memory. This contains the information the computer needs to carry out the particular task you want. When you switch off the computer, RAM empties itself. You can save your work on CD-ROM, DVD ROM Disk, Floppy Disk, Flash Drives, etc. Storing Information: Each memory cells stores binary digits. It is easy to see that the size of computers RAM is important because the computer can only do the amount of work that it has room for. Computer Memory Memory Imagine that you are going to the park to play with your friends. You know the way because you have been there before. The route is stored in your memory. On the way, you meet someone and stop for a chat. If it’s not about anything important, you will probably soon forget. Your memory does not store everything forever. The computer memory refers to computer components, devices and recording media that retain digital information used for computing for some interval of time. The computer data storage provides one of the core functions of a computer, that of information retention. How a Computer Remembers A computer’s memory works in similar way. There are some pieces of information that need to be stored away. Others can be forgotten once the computer has worked on them. To separate the two types of information, a computer has two memories called ROM and RAM. ROM stands for Read Only Memory. ROM carries the information the computer needs to carry out its task. This information is built into the computer and cannot be altered. It stays there even when the computer is switched off, just as your memory of how to get to the park stays with you until you need it again. RAM stands for Random Access Memory, or read and write memory. This contains the information the computer needs to carry out the particular task you want it to do now. When you switch off the computer, RAM empties itself. You can save your work on CD-ROM. DVD ROM disks, floppy disks, flash drives, etc. Storing Information ROM and RAM are both made up of memory cells, Each memory cell stores binary digits. A chip may be able to store millions of bits. It is easy to see that the size of the computer’s RAM is important because RAM has room for it. With some computers, it is possible to add extra memory chips to increase the RAM.
Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay
As a business grows and expands, eventually the goal of a business is to transform from company into a corporate powerhouse. Once the goal of a company turned corporate is met a corporation is to operate eventually internationally within other countries. With the ability to operate a business internationally this will enable a corporation access to several features. These features are more revenue income, acquire and disperse domestic and international stocks, capital expenditures in the forms of resources and manpower in foreign countries. These features also spell the recipe for creating more jobs within those foreign countries a corporation plans to operate within. Culture Issues Affecting Corporations Actions Outside the United States The well known jean clothing company known in the retail business as Levi’s operates under the business name of Levi Strauss and Company. Levi Strauss and Company is located in the heart of Northern California’s Bay Area city of San Francisco. Levi Strauss and Company operates and own its factories of clothing internationally in 110 countries (Levi Strauss & Company, 2012). With the business growth and years in operation Levi Strauss and Company also have been put under extreme scrutiny because of business practices and business ethics. Most of the examinations and criticizing of the company business practices have been from various groups and individuals ranging from employee unions, stock market companies and individual, even from external companies associated with Levi and Strauss. One of the reasons for criticism was the attention brought onto Levi and Strauss operating two of the corporation’s factories in Bangladesh, India. What the assessment of Levi and Strauss Company found was that its resources also included the employment of children working within the factories. Many of these children working within the two factories working under the minimum age limit. This had put Levi and Strauss into a bad business situation. With the United States the minimum age limit to work legally in non-hazardous areas is 14 years of age (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010). In India the children working at two of Levi Strauss and Company were under the age of 14 years of age. With many of these children working there most of the wages were used to help support their families who depended on their child’s wages. Levi’s implemented into its Terms of Engagement that any child working under the minimum age limit would have his or her salaries covered while paying for his or her full education (Levi Strauss & Company, 2012). Ethical Perspectives Of Levi and Strauss Company Global Organization Levi Strauss and Company have ethical perspectives are in agreement with the majority view of operating as an ethical global business entity. Levi Strauss and Company operates under a Worldwide Code of Business Conduct, and a Global Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy (Levi Strauss & Company, 2010). Under the Worldwide Code of Conduct Levi’s operates its business affairs with good responsibility and integrity. The Code of Conduct also encourages the corporation’s employees base business decisions under the corporation’s ethical values. Operating under anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy, Levi’s operates under each country’s specific laws and regulations, in addition, these policies are put into effect to help the company’s employees be able to identify any potential business scenarios and avoid situations, which can put the company’s ethical policies at risk (Levi Strauss & Company, 2010). While operating in 2008 Levi Strauss had received pertinent information regarding its factories in the country of Uzbekistan. Levi Strauss and Company had gone under pressure to investigate about the working conditions of forced child labor to harvest cotton in Uzbekistan. With inquiries from the company’s external stakeholders, environmental nongovernmental organizations, socially based firms, and internationally based retailers, the company addressed the issue of forced child labor to harvest the cotton in that country. What Levi’s did was ban the cotton harvested in Uzbekistan (Levi Strauss and Company, 2010). From the part of 2008 through the middle of 2009 the company brought the issue to the United States Government and engaged the country of Uzbekistan government to resolve the situation of the country forcing children to harvest the cotton within that country (Levi Strauss and Company, 2010). Levi’s Ethical Perspectives Across Cultures Levi Strauss and Company faces different challenges operating in different countries and abiding by various cultural ethical differences. While operating in different Asian countries Levi and Strauss took part in The Asia Foundation to help support the end of corruption that is common in many Asian countries (SUPPORTING VULNERABLE POPULATIONS IN ASIA, 2012). the Asia Foundation helps with funding from Levi Strauss and Company develop programs which are to enable a better life for many people in Asian countries. With helping to end corruption Levi and Strauss has taken a pro-active approach to end this dilemma that is still in many of the Asian countries. In working internationally Levi and Strauss has addressed the issue of women’s rights in countries such as Egypt. In other countries the humane rights of women are equivalent to almost nothing putting women down at the bottom of the social pyramid. Levi and Strauss has partnered with Business for Social Responsibility to run a program also known as the HERProject-for Health Enable Returns that is meant to help women in educating women about health reproduction and access to get health services (Jill Nash , Vice President, Levi Strauss & Co. Corporate Affairs, 2010). With regards to operating in international countries Levi and Strauss must be able to handle each challenge differently and adapt policies for each specific region. One solution may work in one country but may not work effectively in an another country. Levi and Strauss operate under a high standard of ethics and code of conduct within the United States, which is far higher when compared to other foreign countries. Operating business in a high ethical standard is something Levi and Strauss have been innovating as the corporation ventures to operate in foreign countries. With each country come challenges, which may be similar and different from other countries, which are unique to each region. In conclusion businesses are either currently or entering into the global market as the realization of more income revenue is abundant. When companies look to grow with expansion into other countries sometimes the earnings of revenue will tend to take a company’s focus of concentration away from dealing with cultural aspects and challenges unique to those specific country regions. When the distraction on not learning about the different cultures and ethnicity conducts business do companies create mistakes that can have a major ethical issue in the public view. The best result would be to conduct business research on how business conduct operates in each country to avoid any potential ethical dilemmas.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Players view on the NBA Lockout 2011 Research Paper
Players view on the NBA Lockout 2011 - Research Paper Example he players since the partnership loses a lot of money and has given proposition to reduce the player’s salaries by 40% as well as set up a fixed payment for each team (Croslis). The proposition has generated many outcries from the players who have aired out different views on the matter. The players view the lockout as a result of failure of communication between them, and the league officials since most of them were not provided with the copy of the proposal that was regarded as final (Stein). Most players have insisted to vote out the final plan if they had the opportunity to give their opinion on the matter. The players also insisted that the executive director would have prevented the lockout from happening if he had learnt something from the last lockout that occurred between 1998 and 1999 (Stein). The players view the leaders especially Stern as dictators since they have been enforcing certain rules and regulation without consulting the players. Therefore, the lockout comes because of the officials being ignorant of the role that players hold in the league. The players take the lockout as a great obstacle to a new sporting year which most of the diehard fans have anticipated for long since the end of the last sporting year. The players view the lockout as a fa ilure by the officials to come into terms, and most have moved out to join other teams outside the country in an effort to continue earning, but still in waiting for the deadlock to stop. The players feel that they have been exploited in the fact that their salaries will be reduced by about 40% while the league continues to thrive on their success (Croslis). The players still think that the lockout should continue since they are not willing to accept any person to dictate their career, which happens to, be their life and source of livelihood. Their view is that their patterns have turned out to be their enemies, and they cannot surrender to their terms (Stein). They feel that they are not the cause
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Immigrants' Food Traditions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Immigrants' Food Traditions - Research Paper Example As we walk across a supermarket in America we realize the impact of immigrants’ food in the United States. The citizens of the USA have easily adjusted to Mexican food habits. This has increased the availability of a wide range of cuisines in American food today. Food represents the culture of a country. Mexican cuisines are basically simple they are easy to cook. As it is cheap and tasty Mexican food is widely accepted by Americans. When Americans refer to Mexican cuisine they usually talk about â€Å"Tex-Mex cooking, an extremely popular cuisine that spans the long border between the United States and Mexico. The food of the south western US state of New Mexico and the dishes of many of the Native American peoples of the southwestern US, employ similar dish names to many Tex – Mex and some Mexican dishes, but use different flavorings and cooking techniques†(Essman para 1). Tex-Max foods are made spicy with the use of chilies, pepper, garlic, onion and other sp ices. â€Å"Beans are a primary starch, along with the flatbread, wheat or corn based, known as tortillas. The corn chip, the tortilla chip, and the piquant tomato dip known as salsa are all Tex-Max inventions, better known in bars and casual restaurants in Minneapolis, Seattle, or Chicago than they are in Mexico City or Guadalajara. Some other typical Tex-Mex favorites include†(Essman para 5). ... It became widely popular among youngsters in 1970s. â€Å"The original Tex-Mex hybrid began with a mixture of European Spanish and the Native-American cook ways of the region. When a number of families from the Canary Islands migrated to San Antonio in 1731, they brought a taste for Spanish and North African spices like cumin and cilantro that would differ from those that would become popular in metropolitan Mexico. Some theorists believe that Tex-Mex chili is a descendant of the Moroccan stews that are still today slow-cooked in the distinctive tangine clay oven†(Essman para 3). â€Å"Tex-Mex describes a great American food tradition†(Essman para 1). Tex-Max food varieties are very popular, and they are easily available in United States. It could be described as a typical food which is dominant and ethnic in its quality. It has been integrated with the mainstream eating delicacies of America. Americans have introduced some new cooking styles in the traditional Mexica n food. â€Å"American variants of Mexican cooking also add prodigious quantities of cheese, either shredded or melted, to nearly every dish, a practice rare in Mexico itself. The same heavy hand applies to the American use of sauces of all kinds. North of the border portions are larger, plates crammed with dishes that tend to run one into the other. In Mexico, the soft corn tortilla performs the function that bread on the table performs in the United States; it is a side starch. In the United States, tortillas, often fried up to a state of crispiness, become an ingredient in nearly every dish†(Essman para 3). Some Mexican dishes are served in a different style in the United States. Dishes like â€Å"enchiladas, tacos, and tamales are cooked and served differently†(Essman para 2). Mexican food has
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Company Profile Project on American Airlines Essay
Company Profile Project on American Airlines - Essay Example He has always advocated for consolidation in the airline industry so as to create a stable as well as a competitive environment for its employees, the nearby community and the shareholders. Beverly K. Goulet who is the Senior Vice President and Chief Integration Officer plays the role of worldwide functional manager. Beverly Goulet previously served as the chief restructuring officer of AMR Corp and led the restructuring process in chapter 11 of America’s constitution as well as in the analysis and negotiation of American’s merger with the US Airways. As the worldwide functional manager, she is charged with the role of leveraging knowledge as well as innovations across the various functional departments within the company. The position is held by Stephen L. Johnson as the Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs and Assistant Secretary. Johnson holds a Masters of Business Administration as well as Juris Doctor from the University of California. He further holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University. As the geographic subsidiary manager, he operates as a bicultural interpreter who is in charge of linking different cultures within the company. He is at the forefront in the implementation of corporate as well as global strategies aimed at transforming the image of the company globally. Within the American Airlines, top-level managers include J. Scott Kirby who is the president and Elise R Erbwein who serves as the vice president. Kirby first served as the president of US Airways and he saw a number of major achievements in the airline industry. The top-level managers are responsible for overseeing the operations of the entire organization. They come up with strategic plans as well as setting a tone at the top of the organization so as to ensure smooth operations in the entire organization.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Media Log 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Media Log 4 - Essay Example At an encounter with her therapist, she also confessed to behaving in similar manner for a very long time in her life as she has always wanted to please all people around her. Her rationale for doing this was that her own people did not understand her. Indeed, this is an exemplification of how distant modern family members are even though they may all live together in the same house. It had to take Claire going to Alex’s school to experience a similar situation where she was made to solve a mathematical problem to realise how distressing it could be for anyone to be put under pressure or put him or herself under pressure with the goal be pleasing others. From the episode, one is forced to ask if members of today’s modern family really live independent lives. This is because if Alex had learnt the act of living independently, she would not have probably worried herself about the need to put herself under pressure to please others. But then there the real issue could be t hat the family expects so much from its
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Article review on war affairs relating to foreign policy
Review on war affairs relating to foreign policy - Article Example This is because of the Budapest Memorandum, as a foreign policy pact for Ukraine to cease the world’s third largest nuclear potential in exchange for peace, but Russia one of the countries that vowed to provide peace is taking it away. Foreign policy development should be in a position to address such backstabbing in future policy agreements. Foreign policy development also hinged on the article’s theory is to ensure the effectiveness of economic sanctions in deterring evil as demonstrated by the inversion of Russia and threat to use nuclear weapons. This is a deviance from previous foreign policy agreements resulting in the need to develop policy to respond to this theoretical issue presented in the article. The other development of foreign policy analysis evident from the theory in the article is the need for the development of proactive and not reactive foreign policies to guard against foreign aggression evidenced by Russia’s inversion of Ukraine. The arguments in the article are persuasive, for example, the argument for the need to prevent the use of nuclear weapons by Russia as this will result in China and Korea following suit. The realization that the agreement for use of nuclear weapons for defensive use only by Russia will make these other countries follow the same to intimidate and pursue their own selfish interests not regarding the impact on other economies. The other argument in the article is breaking of the treaty outlawing the use and testing of cruise and ballistic missiles ranging between 300 and 3400 miles that form the main foundation of the postwar peace. The argument is persuasive because Russia began withdrawing from the treaty t cruise and ballistic missiles of 300 to 3400 ranges showing that the argument holds some ground. The other ground for the argument to be true is that since 2008, Russia has been testing cruise and ballistic missiles of the ranges disallowed by the treaty. I would critic the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
A Beloved Place for the Rest, namely the Forest Essay
A Beloved Place for the Rest, namely the Forest - Essay Example Going to the forest is one of the best voyages in life to take. God indeed loves humanity as it manifests through the perfect beauty of the nature surrounding us. I can remember it was a sunny and blissful morning when I decided to take a trip to an outskirt nearby. Half a kilometer away, I could already tell that one blissful reunion would take place later that day. Because I am a forest addict, I had the cheek to go there all by myself. Just like what most forest goers encounter, I had my share of stern tests. Before I could get to the heart of the timberland, I knew, I had to go through some tough challenges. Finally, I arrived at the doorstep of the jungle. The first thing I saw was a cohort of vibrant buds bowing down their heads to welcome me. Although quite silly, I felt I was treated like a royalty. As I hovered above my head, I could see the wild vines meshing up with each other to form a lovely wild curtain; I could also hear the birds chirping tones in mirth. It seemed like they were chanting out in harmony to serenade me. I stared down and saw my leather booths muddled up with some thick mud clinging around them, but I knew the sludge was not going to stay there for long as the spikey fingers of the eyes were ready to wipe them out. When I finally took several steps inward, it seemed like the time has traveled so fast that day... the surroundings turned rather gloomy, although everything was still in sight. Different sounds I heard: the blabbing voice of the river, the squeaky and tiny sounds of the squirrels, the sound of the clapping leaves as they were swayed against each othe r by the wild winds, and some mysterious noises that blended together to create a perfect music – something that could not be produced even by the most brilliant record producers, composers, and singers. But of course it was not a walk-in-the-park trail; I also had some of the tensest feelings I have ever felt in my life. Who does not get scared by snakes? By scorpions and tarantulas?
Friday, August 23, 2019
Poes psychosomatic Turmoil Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Poes psychosomatic Turmoil - Research Paper Example Longings for the affection and love of the nearest and dearest ones were further deteriorated by the animosity of his step-father. In fact, the stepfather soon turns the inferiority-complex in Oedipal Complex. Along with these traumas, Allan Poe has experienced nightmares throughout his whole life. Instead of being afraid he soon learnt to apply the nightmarish effect in his writings, as in his book, Edgar Allan Poe, Vincent Buranelli says: He took to inspecting with meticulous exactitude his psychological states when he hovered between sleep and wakefulness, found his mind occupied with shadows of ideas â€Å"rather Psychical than intellectual,†and learned to some degree to control them. In a letter to Mr. Allan (April, 1833) Poe writes about loveless bleak world where he was suffering from isolation and destitution: â€Å"Without friends, without any means, consequently, of obtaining employment, I am perishing  absolutely perishing for want of aid†¦ For Godâ⠂¬â„¢s sake, pity me and save me from destruction (O’Neill 7). Obviously Poe’s longings for the camaraderie and compassion of the near relatives, together with his stepfather-induced Oedipal-complex greatly help Poe to perceive the revengefulness of the inferior and to conjure up the horrible revenge character like Montressor in â€Å"the Cask of Amontillado†. Though the â€Å"Cask of Amontillado†dominantly echoes the theme of revenge, the ruptured psychological evidences such as inferiority-complex and Oedipal complex, that Allan himself has been familiar with during his lifetime behind Montressor’s revenge. ... Though the â€Å"Cask of Amontillado†dominantly echoes the theme of revenge, the ruptured psychological evidences such as inferiority-complex and Oedipal complex, that Allan himself has been familiar with during his lifetime behind Montressor’s revenge. Indeed these ruptured psychological complexes are evident in almost all of Poe’s characters. If his real life inferiority complex and oedipal complex exhibit through the convulsive personality disorders like alcoholism and murderous intension in â€Å"the Cask of Amontillado†, â€Å"the Black Cat†, â€Å"The Premature Burial†, â€Å"The Tell-tale Heart†etc, the losses of his loved ones and the existential void induced by these losses are vividly emergent through the necrophilic fantasies in works such as â€Å"Ligeia†and â€Å"The Raven.†But the same existential cavity in Poe’s life has helped him to create a bleak world void of love and haunted by the fear of d eath, revenge, injustice and a world where people are affected with hyperesthesia, hypochondria, love-sickness, hypersensitivity to humiliation, abnormally revengefulness, etc. Such bleak world is evident in â€Å"the Fall of the House of Usher†. The loss of Poe’s mother when he was at three years old, the absence of a father, the death of his consumptive wife who soon died, the antagonistic relationship with Mr. John Allan, frustration in love and the subsequent indulgence into gambling and alcoholism etc have influenced his writings in a number of complicated ways. Though specific evidences in any specific piece of work can directed referenced to a traumatic event, experience or object, the traumatic events and experiences in Poe’s life have some effects on the themes
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Ford Motor Company Business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Ford Motor Company Business - Case Study Example Vertical integration strategy is adopted by Ford and it provided them competency in the industry. Along with the success report, unresolved problems existed with the company. In the beginning of 1990s, Ford automotive-focused on the North American region made huge success whereas, at the same time, the business sector focused on the European Car market recorded greater losses and break even. Since the year 1999, the company showed greater developments through different operational strategies. In between 1999 and 2001, the newly appointed CEO of the company implemented consumer services sector as a part of the Ford Motor business. It was affected by the challenges aroused from safety issues related to the rollover accidents of Ford Explorer Sport. The business relations of the company with the tire manufacturers Firestone was broken from these issues. Nearly 20 million defective tires were required to be returned to Firestone. Operating loss faced by the company after September 11, 20 01, due to the requirements of sales incentives on the recalled tire on the ground of aging of the product. â€Å"Ford now encompasses many global brands, including Lincoln and Mercury of the US, Jaguar, and Land Rover of the UK, and Volvo of Sweden. Ford also owns a one-third controlling interest in Mazda. Ford also recently purchased the Rover name to keep others from using it to capitalize on Land Rover.†(Ford Motor Company Production File Archive for Stock Certificate Design – 1951 2009).... The tax application seems to be the main default with the conversion of profitability in greater stock market return. Vertical integration strategy is adopted by Ford and it provided them competency in the industry. Along with the success report, unresolved problems were exists with the company. In the beginning of 1990s, Ford automotive focused on the North American region made huge success whereas at the same time, the business sector focused on the European Car market recorded greater losses and break even. Since the year 1999, the company showed greater developments through different operational strategies. In between 1999 and 2001, the newly appointed CEO of the company, implemented consumer services sector as a part of the Ford Motor business. It was affected by the challenges aroused from safety issues related to the rollover accidents of Ford Explorer sport. The business relations of the company with the tyre manufacturers Firestone was broken from these issues. Nearly 20 million defective tyres were required to be returned to Firestone. Operating loss faced by the company after September 11, 2001 due to the requirements of sales incentives on the recalled tyre on the ground of ageing of the product."Ford now encompasses many global brands, including Lincoln and Mercury of the US, Jaguar, and Land Rover of the UK, and Volvo of Sweden. Ford also owns a one-third controlling interest in Mazda. Ford also recently purchased the Rover name (which is no longer in use) to keep others from using it to capitalize on Land Rover." (Ford Motor Company Production File Archive for Stock Certificate Design - 1951 2009). In the year 1999 the company attained position among the world's ten largest corporations by revenue and one of the world's most profitable
Improve communication Essay Example for Free
Improve communication Essay The reason why Carly didn’t come to me earlier to report the project delays was because she knew the reasons of the delay were not genuine. She was definitely part of the problem and therefore she didn’t have the language of reporting the conflict that was affecting the team project. Also, since the rest of the team knew her weakness she knew if she reported the case to me I would involve the rest of the members thus exposing her weaknesses. Carly hasn’t had a conversation with Morris about their differences despite being the supervisor since she was aware of the root cause of the problem (herself). On the other hand, Morris did not break the ice and discuss the problem with Carly because he assumed that it was Carly’s responsibility as the manager to approach and solve all differences. Furthermore, it was clear to him too of Carly’s participation in the problem. He had also been treated unfairly by Carly and this made it difficult for him to approach Carly. Coupled with the fact that Morris was more educated than Carly, pride could not be ruled out. If Morris had had a conversation with Carly, he would have mentioned about his unfair treatment to her. I tend to think since the other team members knew that Carly was treating him unfairly, this would have been his motivator to mention of this problem. He knew he had support from the entire team. As for Carly, I bet she would have owned up to this problem and promise Morris of a fair treatment in their future interactions. After such a conversation she would have realized that she was losing a key team member and the other team members had observed it previously which would also affect the whole team thus portraying her as an incompetent manager. For Carly to have been given this role of a project manager meant she had positive leadership qualities and therefore would have owned up to her failures. Failure to accept her mistake would have left her as a lone ranger thus breaking the team spirit. The biggest problem with the way these team members interacted lied on communication breakdown and barriers. This is because it’s clear the other team member had noticed the dispute but no one had shared about it with me or even asked Carly or Morris. Teamwork was minimal in this team and this would have affected this project very adversely if not handled well and quickly. To break this communication barrier and improve communication, it would be beneficial for the team to encourage more frequent and effective upward, downward and team communication. With more communication, any arising problem would be handled well in advance before affecting the project negatively. I think Carly should continue serving as the project manager. This because having discussed the dispute openly, the parties would have understood the facts of the problem and hence allow them to see their areas of agreement, thus turning the conflict into new ideas of enhancing teamwork in the project.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Effects of Nuclear Radiation on the Environment
Effects of Nuclear Radiation on the Environment Nuclear power is generated through the use of nuclear fission. This process produces a large amount of heat and electricity. The nuclear waste and radiation that nuclear fission produces are harmful to living organisms; however, the benefits of nuclear power are too tempting to refuse. As a testament to that fact, there are currently 437 nuclear power plants worldwide, generating a total of 372,210 megawatts worth of electricity. A further 68 nuclear power plants are under construction with an expected net output of 65,406 megawatts. [1] This report will outline the effects of nuclear radiation on the environment, including all biological organisms and the abiotic environment as well as both benefits and drawbacks. Effects on Organisms Using humans as an example, nuclear radiation have very detrimental and adverse effects on human beings. Being exposed to high amounts of radiation for an extended period of time will cause humans to experience radiation sickness. Symptoms of radiation sickness can include headaches, nausea, fevers as well as the possibility of obtaining cancer or causing severe damage to ones DNA. [2] Nuclear radiation consists of ionizing particles, which are particles that individually have enough energy to displace electrons in an atom or molecule. By forcibly removing an electron and taking its place, the particle forms an ion-pair that are immensely reactive. This reactivity can cause major damage to cells and DNA. [3] The Diagram shows how an Ionizing particle displaces an electron. As seen in the previous diagram, the ionizing particle, represented in yellow, will have enough energy to knock off the electron of an atom, represented in green. The resulting ion-pair is very reactive and the reactions that follow can damage human DNA and tissue. Radiation Chart: Relation between Dosage and Symptoms Sieverts, or Sv, is the international standard for measuring radiation dosage. It is meant to measure the biological effects of ionizing particles. Below is a chart provided by environmental journalist Ben Jervey that shows the dosage as well as consequences of exposure to nuclear radiation. [4] The Effects of Nuclear Radiation on Plants and Soil Similarly to humans and animals, plants and soil are also affected negatively from high amounts of nuclear radiation. Just like in humans, radioactive material can damage plant tissue as well as inhibit plant growth. Mutations are also possible due to the damage caused to the DNA. Radioactive material in soil can prevent nutrient from being taken in by plants, causing it to be infertile. The effects of nuclear radiation can sometimes change the biodiversity of an area completely. Taking the Red Forest in Chernobyl, Russia as an example, the area is filled with radioactive material such as Iodine-131 and Cesium-137 due to the nuclear power plant disaster. [5] Many plants and organisms died within days of the disaster and the soil of the forest could not support life. However, after many years, as the radioactive material began to reach their half-life, sturdier plants and animals began to inhabit the contaminated zone. Although the Red Forest is still too radioactive for humans to settle in, it has been proven that the biodiversity of life within the forest is currently higher than it was before the nuclear disaster. The forest is now currently a wildlife refuge where all kinds of animal and plant species thrive. [6] Another example of nuclear radiations effects on soil is the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan. The explosion at the nuclear reactor released clouds of radiation over much of Japans agricultural land. This caused crops to become irradiated and unsafe for consumption. The irradiated soil also bore irradiated plants or became infertile. Over 81,000 hectares of land were affected by the radiation. [7] Unlike Chernobyl, where European soil is good at absorbing radiation, and thus limits the amount of radiation absorbed by plants, Japanese soil is sandy, offering less resistance to radiation. Due to the lack of crops and food, many of Japans consumers have to rely on aid from other countries or imports. This has put considerable stress on Japans economy, not including the $13 billion that will cost Japan to completely decontaminate the affected area. [8] A Journalist checking radiation levels at Fukushima Daiichi power plant. Radiation Therapy Ironically, while radiation in high, uncontrolled doses can be detrimental and even fatal to a persons wellbeing, it also has been proven that radiation can be used to treat certain health problems. The most significant of which are tumours and cancer cells. Radiation therapy is the use of x-ray, gamma rays or charged particles to kill cancer cells and reduce tumour growth. The treatment works by using the radiation to selectively damage the cancer cells DNA impeding or stopping its ability to replicate and grow. As the cancer cells slowly degrade, the human bodys natural defenses are able to naturally destroy the cancer cells. Radiation therapy is not without risks. The radiation used is also very harmful to every other type of cell within the human body. This is why the radiation used is mostly in the form of a pin-point laser directed at an angle so as to not affect other tissue other than the cancer cells and tumours. [9] Radiation Therapy Food Irradiation Another benefit of nuclear radiation can be found in our everyday lives in the form of food irradiation. As explained in the Fukushima case study previously, irradiation of food will make it unsafe for consumption, however, small amounts of nuclear radiation are able to kill bacteria and sterilize food, preventing spoilage. The amount of radiation needed for the process is so minute that it is safe for human consumption. To emphasize the safety of the food irradiation process, only gamma rays are used, which means that no neutrons are present to cause radioactivity in the food. Furthermore, the source of the gamma radiation never makes contact with the actual foodstuff. The extension of shelf life due to killing bacteria and other organisms can result in the lesser use of pesticide and preservatives in food. This also means that there is a lower risk of invasive species being exported to another country through the food. The increased spoilage time also allows for easier exporting over long distances. [10] Conclusion Based on the information and case studies presented in this report, we can conclude that nuclear power and radiation can be both beneficial and harmful to humans and the environment. Nuclear energy is dangerous and unstable and may result in great damage to the environment if something goes wrong. However, if used properly, it can provide large amounts of energy for in place of fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources. Nuclear radiation has also proven to be effective in certain medical treatment and food processing that benefit humanity. On the other hand, many are skeptical about the use of radiation in everyday life due to the volatile and dangerous nature of radiation.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Ephedra Should Not be Banned :: Sports Athletics Steroids Health Essays
Ephedra Should Not be Banned Almost everyone loves professional sports. People love to watch awesome athletes competing fiercely against each other. But now, more than ever, to make it in this world you have to be the best of the best. And people will go to many extreme lengths to be this way. The use of steroids in professional sports is becoming more and more popular. The latest way to lose weight, boost energy, and gain a more competitive edge is by using nutritional supplements like the newest one; ephedra. Ephedra causes decreased appetite and burns calories, which results in weight loss. Ephedra exploded onto the scene in February of 2003 after a Baltimore Oriole’s pitcher died of heat stroke from using ephedra. It is not only used by athletes but now usage is particularly high because younger athletes want to be bigger, stronger, and faster and older athletes need to remain in shape and competitive. Anything that occurs naturally is considered a food, as is ephedra. This means that ephedra doe s not have to be proven safe of efficient before being put on the market. The NFL, the NCAA and the Olympics have all decided to ban ephedra. But supporters of ephedra say that when used properly is safe and effective in weight loss and energy gain. They think it should be kept on the market for people who want to use it safely. On the other hand people against ephedra feel that since ephedra increases heart rate, speeds up the metabolism and reduces the body's ability to cool itself that it is very dangerous and should be classified under the category of amphetamines, which are illegal drugs, and therefore should be banned. I think that ephedra should not be banned. Since they are illegal in sports I feel that before you are able to try out for a team you should have to have a drug test and each week they should require everyone in high school, college, and professional sports to have to take a test too.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Free Essays on A Dolls House: Breaking Away :: A Dolls House Essays
Breaking Away in A Doll's House The central theme of A Doll's House is secession from society. It is demonstrated by several of its characters breaking away from the social standards of their time and acting on their own terms. No one character demonstrates this better than Nora. During the time in which the play took place society frowned upon women asserting themselves. Women were supposed to play a role in which they supported their husbands, took care of their children, and made sure everything was perfect around the house. Work, politics, and decisions were left to the males. Nora's first secession from society was when she broke the law and decided to borrow money to pay for her husbands treatment. By doing this, she not only broke the law but she stepped away from the role society had placed on her of being totally dependent on her husband. She proved herself not to be helpless like Torvald implied: "you poor helpless little creature!" Nora's second secession from society was shown by her decision to leave Torvald and her children. Society demanded that she take a place under her husband. This is shown in the way Torvald spoke down to her saying things like: "worries that you couldn't possibly help me with," and "Nora, Nora, just like a woman." She is almost considered to be property of his: "Mayn't I look at my dearest treasure? At all the beauty that belongs to no one but me -that's all my very own?" By walking out she takes a position equal to her husband and brakes society's expectations. Nora also brakes society's expectations of staying in a marriage since divorce was frowned upon during that era. Her decision was a secession from all expectations put on a woman and a wife by society. Nora secessions are very deliberate and thought out. She knows what society expects of her and continues to do what she feels is right despite them. Her secessions are used by Ibsen to show faults of society. In the first secession Ibsen illustrates that despite Nora doing the right thing it is deemed wrong and not allowed by society because she is a woman. While the forgery can be considered wrong, Ibsen is critical of the fact that Nora is forced to forge. Ibsen is also critical of society's expectations of a marriage. He illustrates this by showing how Nora is forced to play a role than be herself and the eventual deterioration of the marriage.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Analysis of The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks Essay
Analysis of The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks For this month’s book report I read a book called ‘The Indian in the Cupboard’ by Lynne Reid Banks. This book was about a boy named Omri and his small Indian toy. For Omri’s birthday he received a small Indian toy from a friend and a small cupboard from his brother. Omri put his Indian in the cupboard and to his surprise when he opened the cupboard the Indian toy had come to life. Omri has to keep his Indian a secret for fear of an adult finding out. When Omri told his friend Patrick about the toy, Patrick wanted his own. Omri thought it was a bad idea but brought the toy to life anyway. When Omri brought Patrick’s cowboy toy to life, Patrick was very excited, but Omri was afraid he didn’t know that they were real people. Omri decided he would keep them both at his house. Patrick did not like this idea but agreed only if Omri would bring the cowboy and Indian to school the next day. Then all the trouble started. Patrick and Omri were called into the headmaster’s office and the headmaster threatened to call Patrick’s father if he didn’t tell him what was going on. Patrick was so afraid that he showed the headmaster the Indian and the other toy. Luckily the headmaster thought he was seeing things and so he went home. Omri decided that the Indian was too much trouble and that he should put them into plastic again. So Omri locked the Indian into the cupboard and when he opened it again, the toy was p...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Hot Zone Book vs. Movie Essay
†¢In the book, we have Nancy and Jerry, and they are very important characters who deal with Ebola. Also they are married. In the movie, Sam and his ex-wife shares similar rolls like Nancy and Jerry. They try to stop the outbreak of Ebola virus in the monkey house. In the movie Sam and his ex-wife is divorced and still have problems between them. †¢movie changed ‘Ebola’ to an Ebola-like virus called Motaba, the conditions of both diseases proved to be similar †¢The army took strong precautions in both cases, wearing Level 4 body-suits in the presence of the virus †¢They tried to contain a town and bomb it, and that made it so surreal that it eventually became difficult to take anything the movie says seriously. This made the movie fictional, and took away from the threat and danger of this deadly disease. †¢Robbie and Sam in the movie. It made it somewhat of a romantic love story †¢Daniels- equivalent to Jaaxs †¢movie didn’t focus on the monkey house at all †¢The pet store kind of took the place of the monkey house in that the host infected others at the pet store. †¢both have a laboratory monkey escaping from its cage †¢In the movie, the host monkey that was smuggled gets loose and threatens the lives of human race. In the book, one of the sick monkey in Reston escapes from its cage and Jerry spends days trying to catch it †¢similar is the potential rip in the space suits †¢Both Sammy Daniels and Jerry Jaax share a strong concern over his wife or ex-wife working with in the hot zone with the virus †¢Finally, the doctors in the book tried to help the villagers the best that they could, and eventually ended up leaving the village and the people behind. In the movie, the village, that had many people infected with the virus, was obliterated by a bomb †¢In movie, they catch the monkey responsible for everything
Friday, August 16, 2019
Innocent Segmentation
innocent segmentation 1 Segmentat the market for innocent’s smoothie products using relevant segmentation criteria. In order to describe the segmentation of the consumer market of innocent’s smoothie products i’m going to use three relevant segmentation criteria such as: behavioural, psychographic and profile. Talking about the behaviour of customers we can segmentate the market of innocent in this way: The smoothies are addressed to customers that want healthy food, and live in a healthy way, and they are sure to find in innocent a very high quality products.They could want also to improve their self-image because innocent has a strong reputation and for its high levels of price is not affordable for all. Customers’ perception of the innocent’s products is a high level quality perception and they appreciate innocent also because its ethical commitment in the environment and society trying to make better the world around the company. Psychographic: the customers that buy innocent’s smoothies are cash-rich, time poor, health conscious consumers, who have not time to eat enough fruit or to prepare healthy meals.They can be young workers, middle aged people, family that live in cities and are very busy with them works but are aware of their health and they want to consume the right amount of fruit and vegetable per day, and they want to leave in a healthy way. Demographic: the innocent’s smoothies are sold in certain supermarkets principally in UK and Ireland but also in other european markets such as Netherlands, France, Germany, Scandinavia and others.Customers of these products are well-to-do city’s inhabitants, their age is variable, they can be young workers, like so middle-aged people with families or not, both man and woman. Describe the current segment of innocent. The current segment of innocent is that its product are oriented in the european markets to people that are aware of their health and want to have a health life, that have money to spend on, that are environmental sensible people and that have not a lot of time to waste.Which segment, or segments, should innocent target next? In my opinion the next segment that innocent should target is the market of old people. I think this because there are a lot of old people that are aware of their helth, that have money to spend and that want to live in a healthy way but nowadays they are not attracted by innocent’s products because its products aren’t thought for them. Therefore i think that innocent should develop an array of products thought specifically for old people to serve this segment. 3 What are the strenght and weaknesses of innocent’s product/branding strategy? Innocent has built a very successful business in the smoothie market by offering quality, fresh products and by behaving in an openly ethical manner, this has created a brand that from the point of view of customers it means quality and hea lthy products, its ethical strategy is using fresh and pure fruits and not use any preservatives, stabilizers or concentrates in its drink.Therefore when customers buy Innocent brand they know that they are aquiring healthy products eco-friendly. So this is a strenghts of this approach and also the fact of being active in charity events and also the firm assures to the customers that 10% of its profits is destinated to charity activitie through the Innocent’s foundation. The company wants also to leave things a little better than it found them. So it has an ethical approach and aspires to be an ethical business.One weakness of this approach could be that by aspiring to be an ethical business, Innocence offers its products with a high price category and the message that is communicated is that if you want healthy products you have to pay more than other products and many costumers even if they wanted to buy innocent’s products they could not be able to afford this array of products. Another weaknesses of the innocent’s product’s strategy is that since it has decided not to use any preservatives, stabilizers or concentrates its products has a shorter shelf life in the supermarket in which they are sold.For this reason it requires an exceptionally slick system of distribution. Instead strenghts of branding strategies are events and activities organized by the company to increase and improve the brand’s awareness, such as â€Å"innocent village fete†, organized every year in Regent’s Park in London,and free tour aroun its headquarters,then it has also brand extension that is also a strenght of its strategy and it is the innocent foundations established to do charity activities in different countries and that received every year from innocent’s overall income the 10%.Another branding strategy’s strenght is the choice of lower-case letters for the brand’s writing that expresses the unconventiol w ay of the company to communicate with its audience customers.
Body Fat and Eating Disorders Essay
Body composition is composed of lean tissues and fats in the body. Lean tissue includes muscle, bone, and organs, while fats include essential, non-essential, and storage. Obesity has environmental and lifestyle effects. Some effects include high availability of fast food and high fat content food. Advertisements for different types of foods are seen all over the television, and a lot of the ads are for unhealthy foods that are aimed at children. Many families are limited to buying the cheaper foods that are found in stores. Health foods are often more costly and low income families simply cannot afford them. Inexpensive foods are often served in portions that are well above the recommendations for servings. Families keep themselves so busy in this day and time, and this leads to buying foods that are convenient to make. Convenience foods can often be high in fat and calories, making them unhealthy choices. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes a fear of gaining weight. A person may feel fat even though he or she is extremely thin. Some of the health problems associated with anorexia are changes in brain chemistry, brittle hair and nails, weak muscles, bone loss, and fractures. Anorexia can also cause kidney failure and growth problems. Bulimia nervosa is when large amounts of food are uncontrollably eaten and then purged. A person with bulimia may use methods like abuse of diuretics and laxatives to get rid of the food that is eaten. Physical complications include irritation of esophagus, stomach, and throat from excessive vomiting. The teeth can become yellowed and damaged from the acid in vomit. Bulimia also causes lung irritation due to choking during vomiting. The choking allows food to enter the lungs. The loss of body fluids causes low potassium and sodium levels. Muscle spasms and weakness may also be experienced. Some of the health problems associated with it is low blood pressure, slow heart rate, bone loss, heart failure, or kidney failure. Bulimia nervosa is another eating disorder that can cause a lot of problems. Bulimia is actually a combination of anorexia and binging. Bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and anorexia nervosa can all be serious, life threatening eating disorders. Depression or stress can cause an individual to eat too much which causes an excess weight gain and if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems. Eating too little can cause an individual to be lacking necessary nutrients needed for the body to function properly. Binge eating leads to a loss of control over the binging and purging associated with this disease. Individuals afflicted with these eating disorders typically eat foods that are high in sugar and salt content. The foods these individuals choose are low in healthier nutrients. For this reason, these individuals are at risk for type 2 diabetes which is very serious. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and gallbladder disease are other health risks associated with bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and anorexia nervosa.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
My family’s relationship to nature and the environment
The history of my family demonstrates the drastic change in the relationship with environment that has occurred over the past few generations. Seeing the change in attitudes and lifestyles between my grandparents, parents, and my own generation is very educational, Examining the changing relationship with environment across this timeframe, one can make conclusions about the relative importance of natural surroundings in the life of people as changing over time. My family history naturally reflects the situation in Thailand, as I come from this nation, but I believe that it to a great degree parallels the events in other parts of the globe. My grandparents lived in a rural area in Thailand and made their living by farming. This is still a common situation in Thailand where 65% of the land is engaged in agriculture (Assumption University, n.d.). Their occupation made them strongly aware of their natural environment as they depended upon it for their livelihood. However, this relationship was not one of adoration or concern – land, water, plants were to them something matter-of-fact, something they perceived as their daily routine. Besides, their attitude was one of consumption. They saw the resources of the land as something they were entitled to merely because of being born in this land, since soil, skies and water were simply vehicles for growing food, not much else. There was little concern as to what will happen in the next generations, and little awareness of the need to implement new agricultural techniques in order to extend the land’s capability to generate harvests over generation. At that time, Thailand’s population was not so large, and it was at many times simpler to move to a new plot of land than to tend to the old one, trying to improve its productivity. With all this said, I would like to note that my grandparents were successful as farmers and developed some new crops that allowed them to outstrip the rest of the farmers in terms of financial gain. In the next generation, the income received by my grandparents enabled my father to receive a college education and obtain a white-collar job. Thus, nature offered them this opportunity to improve their lifestyle and life standards. As a result, my father who grew up on a farm, found himself working in an office in Bangkok, only occasionally visiting his elderly parents in their place. The same is true for my mother who also changed her rural motherland for an urban life. This made nature seem something of a holiday setting to them, rather than an everyday reality. In their office jobs, they did not need to care whether land preserved its fertility and whether the climate remained mild enough for the crops to grow. Although Bangkok and other cities in Thailand are made up of landscapes skillfully integrating trees, lawns and buildings to create a coherent image, this nature is very ‘cultured’ and very far removed from the roughness of the village landscapes. Thus, in my parents’ urban life, nature was very much a distant reality, something they saw on TV and enjoyed in our little Sunday outings. However, they identified with Thai nature as associated with their place of birth and motherland. Given their rural background, they remembered toiling in the fields and gardens, trying to turn the gifts of nature into material benefits. Somewhere deep inside their souls, they looked upon this connection, although on a subconscious level. One change that occurred in the relationship to nature in my parents’ generation was the rising awareness of nature as a global phenomenon. Thanks to books, periodicals, TV, and now Internet, their generation was able to realize that the boundaries of nature transgressed those of nations, and that nature was facing a threat from too much human interference. Seeing pictures of nature all around the world, they began to see in color how different various places on earth were, and realize how unique their own natural surroundings were. This ‘global’ realization, I believe, happened more or less in the time my parents’ generation was active, as millions of people throughout the world realized that the rest of the world has become closer, and reality is such that we live in a small, interdependable world. With the move to the US that happened when I was only 17, the connection with nature as some place in Thailand where my parents were born and grew up, has become even weaker. Here, we were surrounded by a rich and diverse natural setting, even if it seemed alien to us at first. However, the beauty of American nature took our hearts, and as a family we made quite a few ‘nature-focused’ outings, such as, for instance, a trip to the Grand Canyon or the Yellowstone park. More important is, however, the revolution in thinking that occurred in my generation. With globalization trotting over the planet at a dramatically increased speed, environmental plight is no longer something distant and incomprehensible, but instead has become something that threatens us already in out lifetime. With evidence of the global climate change and warming happening on a large scale, no one can ignore the significance of what is happening. Basing my judgment not only on my personal experience, but also on that of my colleagues and fellow students, I can claim that we are much more likely to make environmentally conscious choices. Personally, I agree with the words of James Gustave Speth, dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, that environmental issues today have turned into â€Å"chronic problems,†that emerge and have a long-term nature†(Laverdiere, 2000). The fact that today’s ecological issues such as greenhouse effect, ozone depletion and loss of biodiversity cannot be solved by the efforts of one nation or dealt with effectively on a local level. Their solution requires the coordination of effort on an international level, translating into significant changes in our mentality. My generation is much more aware of the existence of other nations, better informed of their struggle for a cleaner environment and has better opportunities to join with representatives of other countries in the struggle for a safer and cleaner environment. Personally, I have participated in a few demonstrations focused on environmental issues and at one point attended the Ecological Club in my high school. I also know a lot of peers who take this action seriously. This is something my parents and grandparents would not think of doing since they had a totally different perception of their relationship to nature and environment. Thus, over three generations, my family went through a revolution in our relationship to environmental cause. To my grandparents, land and nature was commodity, something they consumed in order to receive material benefits for themselves and their kids. My parents were to a great degree alienated from nature that remained to them very much a childhood memory that bound them to their birthplace; at the same time, their understanding of nature and environment was considerably broadened to include places far away from their motherland. Finally, in my present generation, nature became a source of concern, something that requires distinct political action to protect and save it for future generations. References Assumption University, Bangkok. (n.d.). Agriculture. Retrieved January 27, 2006, from Laverdiere, M. (2000, January 27). â€Å"Forestry dean discusses hidden environmental problems†. Yale Daily News. Retrieved January 27, 2006 Â
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Students Should Take Up Part-Time Jobs During School Holiday
1. America's love affair with Taylor Swift seems to have hit a rough patch. She quickly won over fans by sharing her everygirl boyfriend woes, including how she was dumped by Joe Jonas during a 27-second phone call. 2. The most recent blowback comes from her fan mail dumping scandal. As omg! reported Tuesday, hundreds of letters that had been carefully crafted (and decorated with stickers and glitter! ) by her loyal fangirls and boys and sent to the star were discovered, unopened, in a Nashville dumpster. Though a spokesperson for the singer explained it was an accident, there has been a strong backlash – even here on omg!Then there was the unnecessarily harsh comment Swift directed at Tina Fey and Amy Poehler for making a joke – again, a joke – about Swift's taste in younger men. Not only was the one-liner from the Golden Globes tame – and not so off-base considering her last two boyfriends were both 18 – but the star's love life is a daily punch l ine both on TV and the Internet, so it was unclear why she singled out the two very likable – and darn funny – comedians with the stinging comment to Vanity Fair that, â€Å"There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women. 3. Perhaps the most damaging blowback has become Swift's ex-boyfriend bashing. While it was once charming to hear a story of her heartbreak woes (we have never ever ever felt the same about Joe Jonas! ), Swift has been blowing through famous boyfriends – others have included Harry Styles, Jake Gyllenhaal, John Mayer, Taylor Lautner, and Conor Kennedy – and then making money off them by slamming (most of) them in her songs.Her performance at the Grammys, in which she was viewed to have mocked Styles by breaking into a faux British accent mid-song, especially raised eyebrows and prompted us to ask, â€Å"Is Taylor Swift the Worst Ex-Girlfriend Ever? †It's that unapologetic nature that rubs some the wrong way, especially when not all of her exes have the huge worldwide platform she does to defend themselves. 4. Taylor Swift has an incredibly strong brand and her earning power remains as high as just about anyone in music,†Forbes senior editor Zack O'Malley Greenburg tells. â€Å"She has done pretty well by writing about it. How many hit songs has she had? Maybe if she settles down – and perhaps gets married – there will be other things to write about. †Until then, she should keep in mind, â€Å"If you're talented and doing well – like she is – you really don' t need to take personally everything that everyone says about you. â€
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The IASB at a Crossroads Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The IASB at a Crossroads - Assignment Example IFRS ensures high quality standards in financial reporting of financial statements globally by promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in financial reporting. High quality financial reports enable the making of effective decisions IFRS decreases the cost of capital and provides institutional investors with the ability to make well-informed decisions by comparing investment portfolio. Companies trading in the stock market are required to comply with IFRS. IFRS helps to reduce information asymmetry and reduces transaction costs thus reducing the cost of capital. This helps attract Foreign Direct Investments. IFRS also promotes better management control systems. Despite the benefits adoption of IFRS faces quite a number of challenges. There is lack of public awareness on the use of IFRS and its benefits to regulatory authorities and investors. This is because of lack of information on IFRS. There is chronic shortage of competent professionals in some countries especially developing countries to implement IFRS. Most of these countries still use previous accounting practices which IFRS is phasing out. The IASB is ambiguous in its requirement on the adoption of IFRS globally. For instance, the less developed countries would simply adopt the standards without putting in appropriate legislative measures. A few industry players would adopt IFRS and yet the country would be registered as an adopter of IFRS. The IASB can promote updating of academic curricula in universities and training institutions across the world in order to raise public awareness on the use of IFRS and raise competent professionals who can implement IFRS. IASB can continuously publish pronouncements and embark on capacity building programs on IFRS to provide more information to investors and regulatory
Monday, August 12, 2019
Christianti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Christianti - Essay Example However, there are a number of other Christian churches, from a very long time ago, with different interpretations of Christianity that placed them out of favor with the traditional church, and are often forgotten in religious discussions. The Paulicians, the Bogomils, the Cathar (also, called the Albigensians) are all, likely, less familiar, examples of Christianity, but are deserving of attention. The first of these rather obscure branches of Christianity are the Paulicians. This sect is what is called a dualistic sect, which originated in Armenia in, approximately, the 7th century. The Paulician belief system was, primarily, a mixture of two Gnostic movements from the 3rd century, the Marcionism and Manichaeism. Their fundamental doctrine has two distinct principles that gave a different interpretation of traditional Christian doctrine. The first, that there is an evil god, the one responsible for the creation of the world and the ruler of this world and a good god that will rule the next world. This contrary belief, the idea of two gods, put them at serious conflict with accepted, existing, doctrine. The second principle of the Paulician is that they do not believe that Mary was the true mother of Jesus. They, also, rejected the Old Testament, as well as, the sacraments, worship, and established church hierarchy.("Paulician" ) Paulician ideology flourished through the 8th century, but were ultimately destroyed. In at least one massacre, the faith suffered a loss of, approximately, 100,000 people.(Gillis) The Paulician’s ideology spread to places like Macedonia, Greece, and Bulgaria, and, may have, contributed to other later sects, including the Bogomils. The Bogomils formed around the 10th century. The beliefs include the idea that this world was created by the devil and the rejecting the Christian conception as an example of grace. They believe in a good god that has twin sons; Jesus and Satan. However, there are many that believe that the dualistic views of Bogomils may have less to do with influences from the Paulicians, but more to do with traditional Bulgarian mythology, due to its Balkan roots, that have, since the 2nd century, of a god and his twin sons that battle in opposition to one and another. Overall the Bogomils opposed everything about the Orthodox Church. Until the 14th century the Bogomil ideology found its â€Å"congregation†but the Ottoman Conquest of the 15th century, essentially, wiped out the sect and very little more was heard from the movement again.(Weiling Feldthusen 1) The Cathar order appeared around the 12th century and flourished in some areas to the point where their beliefs and practices held the majority, even above Catholicism. This is the only sect, aside from the Knights Templar, that have managed to maintain their presence in continual research and mythology.(Hughes) This sect was, also, on occasion, referred to as the Albigensians. The Albigensians are not a different order of Chris tianity, but the specific name give to a particular sect of Cathar located in Languedoc in 1181. The Cathar, also, had another name given to them by the Catholics, the â€Å" Great Heresy.â€
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Case study - Essay Example The main attraction that is established for the Harrahs customer relationship strategy is presenting the customer a combination of all facilities at the same place (Watson and Volonino). These can be lavish hotels, shopping malls, and attractions such as massive dancing water shows and a replica of the Eiffel Tower. Here the Harrahs customer relationship strategy is established by seeing and understanding relationships with their customers. They believed that strong customer service relationships are built on customer knowledge. This is done through gathering each and every aspect of customer behaviors in the form of the marketing data and information. This whole structure provides for the effective implementation and execution of Harrahs customer relationship strategy (Watson and Volonino). â€Å"In closed loop marketing, data can simply be transferred between marketing and sales, and clients can be examined through the suspect-to-sale range†(Anderson). In implementing closed loop marketing a customer or player is selected that is already known to the Harrahs business (Watson and Volonino). In this campaign a special offer according to customer behavior and playing position is offered. In this offer a special message is sent. This involves the presentation of some hotel stays, special visits, special playing offers and credit. The decision of offer is presented according to the past visits of client to the Harrahs casino. The overall pervious data regarding customer playing is recorded and decision is made on the basis of that data if he requires some offer. For example a player has lost his pervious five games and now he is really dissipated with the Harrahs casino. His all record will be analyzed, like his lost money, main playing behaviors and additional det ails. After that a special offer that offers him one night stay in luxurious hotel, $30 credit or and additional offer. This will attract
Immigration And The Uk Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Immigration And The Uk Economy - Essay Example The only requirement one must have so that they can enjoy the jobseekers allowance is that one must be living in the UK, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland for three months immediately before making a claim for Jobseeker’s allowance (Ciupijus, 2011). Considering this, more than 30,000 people from Slovakia, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and Lithuania claim unemployment benefits in the UK, the research revealed. After a person satisfies the test in the UK, then that person can claim Jobseekers Allowance of up to  £ 72.41 ($116) weekly for a single person,  £113.70 for a couple (Hatton & Tani, 2005). The immigrant ends up costing the British taxpayers  £5B a year in tax credits. New figures show almost  £100 million a week is spent on the 415,000 people and cases of unemployed immigrants. Accordingly, there are foreign nationals who work in Britain who are benefitting from the payments a new analysis has revealed. We also have unemployment as anoth er effect of immigration as stipulated above herein. High unemployment rates Most of the immigrants who go to the UK have low skills or professional training while others are skilled (Freeman, 2015). Those that are skilled end up taking jobs of the UK natives who would have taken the jobs but due to lower skills or professional training they were avoided for the jobs. The semi-skilled immigrants are also willing to work at a much lesser pay as compared to their counterparts (Dustmann, Frattini & Preston, 2013).
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Macroeconomics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Macroeconomics - Case Study Example In other words, the level of investment determines the level of saving and not the other way around (Michl 2002, p.43). The point has been argued for the next 70 years and both theories have at times fallen in and out of favour. Thomas Palley of the AFL-CIO wrote in a 1996 paper that, "The view that saving causes investment is widely identified with classical macroeconomics, while the view that investment causes saving is widely identified with Keynesian macroeconomics. However, deeper inspection reveals that both theoretical perspectives are capable of producing bidirectional causality, and this limits the usefulness of theory for resolving this crucial matter" (p.5). Supply side economics has run headlong into the demand side theories and have resulted in numerous, and yet valid, academic arguments on both sides. According to theory, "...saving can never be different from intended investment, in equilibrium" (McCain 2007). The Paradox of Thrift is one explanation, though not the only one, of how savings can influence an economy's production and increase the unemployment rate. Supply side economics maintains that the marginal tax rate, the rate at which the next dollar earned is taxed, directly influences people's propensity to work, save, and invest (Gwartney 2002). By reducing the marginal tax rate investors are stimulated to invest in a business that may be too risky under a higher tax rate. Lower tax rates may spur people to work harder or longer hours and save their money. Indeed, the tax rate has often been used by governments to stimulate investment. According to Gwartney (2002), "Of eighty-six countries with a personal income tax, fifty-five reduced their top marginal tax rate during the 1985-90 period, while only two (Luxembourg and Lebanon) increased their top rate. Countries that substantially reduced their top marginal tax rates include Australia, Brazil, France, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, and the United Kingdom". Many critics saw these deep tax cuts as a bonanza for the rich and argued that the increased tax revenues during this perio d were simply the result of an in increase in demand. However, during this period of tax cuts in the United States, "...the income tax revenue collected from the top 10 percent of earners rose from $150.6 billion in 1981 to $199.8 billion in 1988, an increase of 32.7 percent" (Gwartney 2002). It can be inferred that a lower rate and increased revenue were the result of a massive increase in wealth for the top 10% that came from capital investment. It would seem that supply side economics had proven itself once and for all. Demand side theorists continued to point to the Paradox of Thrift and its effect on consumption and production. Advocates of demand side economics contend that, "...a decrease in spending leads to a decrease in employment, which leads to a further decrease in spending, which leads to a further decrease in employment, which leads to a yet further decrease in spending, and so on" (Thies, 1997). Some economists contend that corporate cost cutting is a path to a 'corporate paradox of thrift' which could lead to massive layoffs and firings' (Shostik 2002). Individual savings decreases spending for the consumer class and so any increase in savings decreases consumption and increases
Friday, August 9, 2019
Securing the US Border Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Securing the US Border - Term Paper Example A lot of other technological measures were also taken to enhance border security. On September 11, 2001, two towers fell, but a nation of millions rose as one. The aftermath of the terrorist attacks was massive. It defied the whole foundation of US border security. People were left feeling unsafe in their own homes. The terrorist attacks cut a huge swath across the US policy landscape, ranging from major military and foreign policy actions to the biggest reorganization of the federal government since shortly after the end of World War II. Since the hijackers entered the country through legally issued visas, immigration was automatically linked with terrorism and border security. As a result, the structures of the federal immigration bureaucracy and immigration policies at the borders and within the US interior have been dramatically reshaped, along with other border security measures and economic policies. 9/11 was an attack on the democracy and the open economy of the US. US and Canada share a border that stretches across 8,893 kilometers of land and three oceans, and the US and Mexico share a border that is extended for 3141 km(Universalium,2010). It is the general consensus of the American population that the Mexican-US border needs to be more secure as to stop the smuggling of drugs and illegal immigrants but Senator Lieberman, in a report emphasized that the Canadian border should be more secure as there are more extremist Islamist families living in Canada. Border patrolling dates back to as early as 1904, when mounted watchmen patrolled the border to prevent illegal Chinese immigrants. Now, border security is just not limited to patrolling watchmen, but also includes biometric scans, lasers, virtual fence, cameras, motion detectors, and sensors.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Emotional and Behavior Disorders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Emotional and Behavior Disorders - Assignment Example This study stresses that emotional or behavioral disorders are classified into three groups, namely: internalizing factors, low incidence disorder and externalizing. Behavior disorders can also be inherited through an individual’s genes or because of a chemical imbalance in one’s brain because of an injury sustained in the brains. Youth exposed to violence, death of a family member(s), abuse and extreme stress are also prone to suffering from behavior and emotional disorders. 8 emotional and behavioral disorders Characteristics/Traits Commonly Used Medications Recommended Therapeutic Interventions Recommended Educational Interventions Disorder Name: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)   From this paper it is clear that the affected child is unable to pay attention to anything. The affected child is easily distracted and not constantly active. The child is not still. The use of stimulant and non-stimulant medications like atomoxetine are normally recomm ended. Induced psychosis in methylphenidate is also recommended as medication. Lisdexamfetamin, Dextroamphetamine, Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine are also the common medication. The Team Approach should be effectively used in which the parents, therapist, psychologist, teachers and the school, and physician should work together to focus on interventions, like consistent use of reward systems, techniques and schedules to help in mastering of skills. People should be made aware of the causes of these conditions and preventive measures put in place to prevent occurrence. Treatment should also be sought as early as possible for people who are affected. Disorder Name: Severe Depression   Loss of concentration in normal activities. The affected child experiences changes in appetite and feels hopeless. Lack of value towards life which may lead to destructive behaviors and suicide. Various antidepressants are used in the treatment of depression and conditions related to depression. T hey include Tricyclic antidepressant, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, Selective Serotonin Inhibitors reuptake inhibitors and Serotin & norepinephrine Inhibitors. Interpersonal Therapies and cognitive behavioral therapies should be used in the treatment of severe depression. People should be made aware of the causes of these conditions and preventive measures put in place to prevent occurrence. Treatment should also be sought as early as possible for people who are affected. Disorder Name: Eating Disorders  Â
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
The Aurora Shootings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Aurora Shootings - Essay Example July 20th, 2012 was marked with unbelievable horror, violence and sorrow which will be remembered for a long time due to the loss of lives and the fearful scars it left on the surviving individuals. The screening of the English movie â€Å"The Dark Knight Rises†at one of the movie theaters in Aurora, Colorado, was converted from an exciting and fun-filled event into a deadly massacre spreading fear and panic everywhere. The shooting resulted in the death of 12 and the injury of 58 people in the theater; according to the police reports, nearly every injury was the outcome of gunshots (Pearson 2012). This rampage has been covered by media extensively elaborating each and every detail, number of victims and survivors, aftermaths of the shootings, government actions and emotional stories of the massacre victims and their mourning relatives. James E. Holmes, the suspect of Aurora shootings, entered the movie theater through a rear exit door, armed with a gun and wearing ballistic helmet and protective gear over his body, shot at random in the movie theater. According to the law enforcement agencies, Holmes also threw a tear gas; however, the substance is still under suspicion. Holmes was arrested within first seven minutes of the panic calls from the movie-goers, while the victims were hurriedly sent to the nearby hospitals (Pearson 2012). The Aurora shootings left many questions lingering amongst the people regarding security of movie theaters that how could an armed person enter a theater and many questioning eyes were raised against the gun ownership laws of the United States. On the other hand, reasons that provoked Holmes towards a merciless shooting spree are also being investigated and researched.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Luxury and the Montblanc brand Essay Example for Free
Luxury and the Montblanc brand Essay It is generally acknowledged that western consumption of luxury in the 1980s and 1990s was motivated primarily by status-seeking and appearance. This means that social status associated with a brand is an important factor in conspicuous consumption. The baby boom generation luxury consumer has a passion for self-indulgence while maintaining an iconoclastic world view, which is transforming the luxury market from its ‘ old ’ conspicuous consumption model to a totally new, individualistic type of luxury consumer one driven by new needs and desires for experiences ’ . The expression of ‘today’s luxury’ is about a celebration of personal creativity, expressiveness, intelligence, fluidity, and above all, meaning. LUXURY AND POSTMODERNISM Recent arguments have been sounded that aspects of contemporary luxury consumption have reflected the phenomenon of postmodernism. Postmodernity means very different things to many different people’. Postmodernism is essentially a western philosophy that ‘refers to a break in thinking away from the modern, functional and rational’. In terms of experiential marketing, two aspects of the postmodern discourse are most relevant: hyper-reality and image. Hyper-reality refers to ‘the blurring of distinction between the real and the unreal, in which the prefix ‘hyper’ signifies more real than real. When the real that is the environment, is no longer a given, but is reproduced by a simulated environment, it does not become unreal, but realer than real’. The example of Bollywood to illustrate the so-called ‘Disneyfication’ of reality within the context of contemporary Indian society: ‘Bollywood captures not only the imagination in the form of song, music and dance but fairy tale settings, romantic melodrama and heroic storylines immerse the viewer in ‘simulated reality’. Traditional marketing was developed in response to the industrial age, not the information, branding and communications revolution we are facing today. In a new age, with new consumers, we need to shift away from a features- and-benefits approach, as advocated by traditional approaches to consumer experiences. One such approach is experiential marketing, an approach that in contrast to the rational features-and-benefits view of consumers takes a more postmodern orientation, and views them as emotional beings concerned with achieving pleasurable experiences. EXPERIENTIAL LUXURY MARKETING When a person buys a service, he purchases a set of intangible activities carried out on his behalf. But when he buys an experience, he pays to spend time enjoying a series of memorable events that a company stages to engage him in a personal way. Experiential marketing is thus about taking the essence of a product and amplifying it into a set of tangible, physical and interactive experiences that reinforce the offer. Experiential marketing essentially describes marketing initiatives that give consumers in-depth, tangible experiences in order to provide them with sufficient information to make a purchase decision. It is clear that the fact that many luxury goods are almost always experiential puts luxury marketers in a unique position to apply the principles of experiential marketing to their activities. Dimensions of the luxury experience The term ‘involvement’ refers to the level of inter-activity between the supplier and the customer. Increased levels of involvement fundamentally change the way in which services are experienced, that is, suppliers no longer create an experience and pass it to the customer; instead, the supplier and customer are interactively co-creating the experience. The term ‘intensity’ refers to the perception of the strength of feeling towards the interaction. The four experiential zones are not intended to be mutually exclusive; the richness of an experience is, however, a function of the degree to which all four zones are incorporated. Those experiences we think of as Entertainment, such as fashion shows at designer boutiques and upmarket department stores, usually involve a low degree of customer involvement and intensiveness. Activities in the Educational zone involve those where participants are more actively involved, but the level of intensiveness is still low. In this zone, participants acquire new skills or increase those they already have. Many luxury goods offerings include educational dimensions. For example, cruise ships often employ well-known authorities to provide semi-formal lectures about their itineraries – a concept commonly referred to as ‘edutainment’. Escapist activities are those that involve a high degree of both involvement and intensiveness, and are clearly a central feature of much of luxury consumption. This is clearly evident within the luxury tourism and hospitality sector, characterised by the growth of specialised holiday offerings. The launch of the Royal Tented Taj Spa (Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces) at the Rambagh Palace in Jaipur (India) recreates the mobile palaces used by the Mughal emperors of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with chandeliers, royal pennants and Indian love swings. When the element of activity is reduced to a more passive involvement in nature, the event becomes Aesthetic. A high degree of intensiveness is clearly evident within this activity, but has little effect on its environment such as admiring the architectural or interior design of designer boutiques. The six-storey glass crystal design of the Prada store in Tokyo conceptualised by the architects Herzog and de Meuron has become a showcase for unconventional contemporary architecture.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Consumer Behavioral Study On Buying Coffee Marketing Essay
Consumer Behavioral Study On Buying Coffee Marketing Essay Investigate and find out why do people willing to pay more for Coffee Bean coffee than a normal coffee shop. Discuss the importance of finding out of consumer behavior. One of international food company, Coffee Bean, offers more expensive coffee, if compared with other coffee shop, the price of Starbucks coffee is more than triple but there are many people who like to go and drink a cup of coffee at Coffee Bean. There are several factors found that why people keep going to Coffee Bean. Body Product, its Quality One of factors that people like to spend more for Coffee Bean is due to its qualified products. One of Coffee Bean products is as we know as coffee which is considered as the main product of Coffee Bean. Coffee Bean has put a lot of effort to search the finest coffee bean in the world. Even people are in sleep, there is someone from Coffee Bean who is trying a cup of coffee. Furthermore, Coffee Bean has a variety of coffee flavours. Coffee Bean tries to satisfy its customers with their different types of favourite coffee with its well-trained baristas. Usually, each coffee drinker has its own favourite which is the most tasteful and aroma to suit customers. Coffee Bean suits them with 22 varieties of coffee and 20 kinds of tea. Coffee and tea can be categorized mainly Bottled drinks, Brewed coffee, Chocolate and Espresso beverage, yogurt. Not only that, Coffee Bean serves like bakery, hot breakfast, salad and fruit snack plates etc. In the comparison between Coffee Bean and a normal coffee shop, at the normal coffee shop does not entertain customers with a variety of flavours even it is hard to find good roasted coffee. Coffee Bean is famous because of its products to increase satisfaction of each customers taste that makes people willing to pay more for the drinks or delicious food in Coffee Bean. Place Another factor of the popularity is the location which Coffee Bean chooses. Coffee Bean can be found internationally. It can increase a consumption and identity of Coffee Bean from customers. Coffee Bean has a very strong team to select the place in which there can be high demand for an area that people can drink coffee and make their discussion with friends, colleagues, workers and many more. Starbucks eases the access to people to find and walk into its stores worldwide. Figure .1.2.1 Coffee Bean in Kinta CityOn the other hand, Coffee Bean usually opens stores in busy town and tourist spots such as shopping malls and hotels which are luxury and ambiance places all over the world, and the taste of coffee in Coffee Bean is different from the coffee that are available in the normal shop. These factors increase effectiveness of distribution channel of Coffee Bean. Coffee Bean, its best chosen locations that comfort people to find finest coffee taste around the world. They can release their stress by drinking a cup of coffee in coffee bean because of the quiet condition. The place of coffee bean is relaxing and comfortable and this makes everyone to choose coffee bean when they want to discuss or have an informal meeting. When we are at a normal coffee shop, we cant concentrate on our job or for students; they cant even concentrate when they are doing their assignment because of the noisy environment. So this is why consumers prefer and are willing to pay for a higher price for Coffee Bean. Coffee_Bean.jpg 12coffeebean.jpgcoffee_bean_master_franchisee_city_food somke.jpg Figure Smoking area and non smoking of coffee Bean In addition, in Coffee Bean, there are two areas which are non-smoking area and smoking area. So non- smokers can enjoy their time with their favourite coffee drink without any cigarette smell or smoke. Staff Staff in Coffee Bean is well train and they are polite. They are train manners by the supervisor of Coffee bean so they are very friendly, kind and always smile. Also they are required to know how to speak English because Coffee Bean has foreign customers so they need to know the international language. Figure Staff in coffee Bean [1] Staff s is required to wear uniform and this will give consumer a very good impression. In normal coffee shop, the waiters or the staffs sometimes wear their own clothes during working times and that will look untidy and uncomfortable for consumers. Figure show the staff wear black cap and brown or black uniform. For example in normal coffee shop, when consumers order drinks, they difficult to order because they do not know who waiters or waitresses are. uniform.jpg Brand Recognition Another factor is strong brand recognition of Coffee Bean. Coffee Bean is well known by its people and its market especially its competitors. Coffee Bean is very strongly recognized company in the world as a coffee retailer. In this generation, most of people may hear the name of Coffee Bean and half of people may taste its finest coffee too. Once people hear Coffee Bean they can think of its finest coffee, luxury designed environment and its staff attitude toward customers. Those facts can improve the recognition of the company and they will keep falling customers into deeply tasteful coffee of Coffee Bean. Lifestyle Consumers are willing pay more for Coffee Bean coffee than a normal coffee is the lifestyle. In the modernization, people are open-minded for everything. People like to enjoy their lives without limit. Especially, middle of 20 to 30 aged people like to go nicer and cooler place to enjoy their moment. They like to use and wear expensive things then why not they like to drink expensive drinks that they can get highest satisfaction. Promotion People like to spend for Coffee Bean coffee is the promotion. Coffee Bean has seasonal promotions to attract more customers to walk in. For example, Coffee Bean makes events for any special days which people celebrate internationally such as Christmas, valentine, calendar new year and Chinese new year etc. During these special days, Coffee Bean sells event products which reflect features of each day. 161977_189809951041140_2369883_n.jpgThe-Coffee-Bean-Tea-Leaf-Christmas-Cake-Promotion.jpg Figure Promotion of Christmas and Valentines Day Psychology Coffee Bean is luxury and comfortable concept place. Inside Coffee Bean is quiet and comfortable and there is music playing. It encourages people to talk with their friends and family in quiet with nice melody that relax people from stress. Nowadays, it is a war outside without a gun and bullets. It means there is a lack of place that people can find comfort. Coffee Bean provides that place to people who really need the peace that influence people emotionally. It also can be happened that some people drink coffee at Coffee Bean because of it is not for everyone can effort. On the other hand, there are some people that want to drink expensive coffee because they want to be seen cool. Importance of Consumer behaviour Consumer behavior can be defined as the metal and emotional processes and the physical activities that people engage in when select, purchase, use, and dispose of products or services to satisfy particular needs and desires. As customers, they benefit from insights unto their own consumption-related decision such as what they buy, why they buy, how they buy and the promotional influences that persuade them to buy. The study of consumer behavior enables them to become better, that is, wiser, consumers. As marketers, it is important for them to recognize why and how individuals make customers consumption decisions, so that marketers can make better strategic marketing decisions. So marketers must understand consumer behavior to develop successful strategies and identify target market segments. Moreover, awareness of emerging trends in the consumer marketplace is essential for quick recognition of and response to problems and opportunities with sound marketing strategies. Conclusion In conclusion, Coffee Bean is very famous to people who like to drink a cup of coffee. Even though the price of Coffee Bean coffee is more expensive than a normal coffee shop people are willing to pay more for Coffee Bean coffee. There are several factors that may influence people purchasing decision for Coffee Bean. Firstly, one of factors is the product. Coffee Bean provides a variety of coffee and tea and snacks or food. There are more choices that allowed customers to choose highest satisfaction of the product. Secondly, the place of Starbucks is another factor that influences consumer decision. Coffee Bean has opened more than 16,000 stores in more than 50 countries that make people to experience much easier. The next is staff; staffs of Coffee Bean are very kind and friendly so customer can relax and feel comfortable. There are some more factors considered such as brand recognition, lifestyle, promotion, and psychology that can influence consumers purchasing decision. Consumer behavior is very important to any organization to be aware and keep focusing on. Once the organization become outdated about consumer patterns that means the organization is out of the market or will be sooner. The organization should carry studies about consumer behaviours and factors that influence consumers final decision. Question 4 Friends and society opinions on the products and services are always one of the factors influencing individual buying behavior, comment on how facebook enhance the impacts from friends and society towards buying behavior. 2.1 What is Facebook? Facebook is the largest social network in the world. Its first name is Facemash which was named to start the service when Mark Zuckerberg was Grade 2 Harvard University in on 28 October 2003. Then on 4 February 2004 under the name of The Facebook begin to services In June 2004 the company moved to California Palo Alto. After that PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel was the first investment and in 2005 purchased domain name for $ 200,000 and then took off in the name The name of right now, facebook as continue to use. Initially, facebook is available only to Harvard University students. But In Stanford, Columbia, Yale has been expanded to the area, Ivy League Universities, New York University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and Canada, most universities have been expanding into areas. In September 2005, high school student also has expanded and the end of 2005 more than 2,000 college and high school have a network of more than 25,000 was produced. Thereafter until the member area for some companies also can make and finally in September 2006 more than 13 years old, anyone with an e-mail address was able to join. In addition, in 2006, from Yahoo offer undertaking $ 1,000,000,000 but reject the offer received and it is received investment $ 250,000,000 from venture capital investment. 2.2 How Facebook enhance impact the Buying Behavior Buying behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products so need to understand what factors influence when consumer purchase and analyze buying behavior. There are many factors which actually influence or affect consumer buying behavior, such as comments or ideas or even suggestions from friends, advertisements and etc. Nowadays, one of the biggest influence is by Facebook, one of the social network which came to be part of everyones routine since everyone logs into Facebook at least once a day. This is the main reason why Facebook influences a lot on someones buying behavior. Moreover, Facebook isnt just a social network, it has got advertisements with promotions or some companies create a page for themselves and promote their pages on Facebook. 2.2.1 Status Figure .2.1.1 Example of status and commentsIn Facebook, friends can give comments about the specific product that someone wants to buy. For example, if user wants to buy laptop so put update her status as Sony vs Toshiba which one is better? Friends will start putting comments to her status, probably their opinions and pros and cons of products of Sony and Toshiba or even suggesting another similar product such as Samsung or Fujitsu. In other words, user will get to share own ideas with friends on Facebook, which will actually make the user skim through on the advantage and disadvantages of the product user is willing or planning to buy. And also, some of users friends who might have used the product or have the product could upload the photos of it which means user can have an idea of its specifications and its closer view before purchasing. As mentioned earlier, there are advertisements shown in the page of Facebook which means, user might be aware of any promotions or discounts o f the specific product on Facebook which would be better for the user.untitled.bmp 2.2.2 Group Some people using Facebook, when people are interested in something for example K-POP fans, people will make a page for themselves and other people want to be one of the members in the group, all people need to do is to click on the like button. And group members will be updating each other on the specific coming event or post and even link videos about it. So, for example if a person wanted to buy a Samsung camera, and there is a group in Facebook under Samsung camera, so, that person can actually join the group and get to know more about it or even compare with other models or other products. Figure .2.2.1 group of Samsung Camera samsung.bmp This picture is one of group of Samsung Camera page. It shows that now what is new product and give some information. A group of Facebook will share the value system based on the experience from who already used product. This is a greater opinion to impact the buying behavior, as same group member, other membership will trusty to the member and stop or buying the product. Furthermore, almost every group or society also has a closer communication; the opinion of the society will direct enhance impact the buying behavior. EX1.bmp Figure This Figure shows that many group members comment their opinion about Samsung camera EX1 whether it is good or not 2.2.3 Video Figure Another factor that Facebook nowadays influences a lot on consumer buying behavior is because of the videos shared in Facebook. For videos, people can actually link any types of video from YouTube or wherever to their Facebook profile, which means people can share the videos as people wish because people might feel the product of the video is interesting, so people hope can share out for other people in Facebook. Some of the companies make their companies account and add their advertising video. It will help to customer understand easily what they doing business and what product they selling. In addition, some customer also add the video when they use the products so it can know how to use the product and more consider whether it will be suitable for themselves. For example Figure shows an advertisement of Ipad 2 on the Facebook. 2.2.4 Advertisement Figure .2.4.1 Advertisement in FacebookAdvertisement is known as a paid for communication. It is used to develop attitudes, create awareness, and transmit information in order to gain a response from the targeted Figure is one of the advertisements advertised in Facebook and usually displays 4 or 5 advertisements. When log in the Facebook, users can see many companies or shops had set their advertisements on the right hand side of the page. This is because a lot of people use Facebook around the world, so, advertisements in Facebook are more trustworthy. Advertisements can attract users and able to attract users are interested in the advertisements, and users will eventually click and read it. After that if users feel that it is good or suitable and meet their needs or wants, they might decide to buy it. In addition, some advertisements can be seen many times when users are logged in Facebook. It is also able to attract users in a way that, if the users of Facebook see advertisement many times, they want to know what the advertisement is about. As a result, some of the users will be interested in it and subsequently, will be considering of purchase. Finally, Facebook is one of the largest social networks in the world which has enhanced impact to the users buying behavior such as status, group, video and advertisements. .Nowadays, Facebook is not only for making friends or communicating with friends. When users want to buy something, Facebook can help them to buy better product or service. If a user writes status what he or she wants to buy, his or her friends can comment about the product whether it is good or not. Also he or she can find the groups or videos and get more information about the product. Lastly, advertisements also help the process of purchasing in a sense that the users may be able to click on the advertisements on the right side of the page if they are interested.
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