Monday, September 30, 2019
How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You
Let's get started. Getting a girl of your dreams is much like getting the car of your dream. But unlike a car which you can always bargain for, there is nothing like a 20 percent discount in courting the girl of your dreams, she's so sweet a thing to be discounted, you dearly are in love with her and your feelings for her can only be communicated not by the words of the mouth, but by the words of the heart. Getting the girl actually depends on how big your heart is – faint heart, never won fair lady. The first dating idea for any man is to make a good impression. In your doing so, you don't have to talk, dress or do the common things that all the Toms do to get a decent girl's attention. Be unique, that's all you need. Be a man of his own style. Dress decently – indecency can make one be mistaken for arrogance; watch your language – obscene language gives the impression of immaturity, being uncultured and cheap; be a man of good habits – don't drink or smoke like any other loser. How to make her fall in love with you? Take your time. Add some romance to your dating style. When in College I had a crush on the most beautiful lady in our first year lot. Though all senior guys were out to get that girl, I managed to divert her attention from the other guys. I wrote her three letters without disclosing my identity and slid into her room secretly; all I said was ‘Yours Secret Admirer. ‘ The first letter contained the meaning of her name, this I got by playing around with the initials of her name to make meaning. The second was a funny message that could only be read backwards and it was all about her physique and her smartness. In the third letter I told the girl to be ready to receive a rose flower from her admirer, but only if she could be kind enough to phone him using a number that I had included in the letter. The girl did phone me that very night, and her first words to me were, â€Å"Hallo Secret Admirer. †So, the story of our love affair came to be. Later she told me that was so creative of me, no one had approached her in that manner. I made her fall in love with me and made a date in the romantic manner. Befriending and understanding the girl you are out to get is the next important thing. This is what I also did. You have to understand that as a lady, she loves to be loved, adores to be adored and needs to be needed. This will move you closer to the girl and you'll get to know what she's into, what she likes and dislikes, and what her style is. Love is built upon friendship and it always leaves individuals better off having known each other should they break up. I and my College steady were to break some time later but to date, we are the best of buddies. Be sure that bringing out the selflessness friend in you will make her create room for you in her heart. A shoulder to lean on and some good friend that she can always turn to is all that a lady wants. Please don't hesitate to be helpful and supportive. Be that friend who rekindles her zeal of hardworking and restoring hope back into her life when she looses hope. This above all other things will make you her daily vitamin simply because you bring out the best in her in terms of personality and character. In you, she'll have found that friend whom she can open up to, share with and advice each other on the rights and wrongs, the dos and don'ts of life. Don't forget to always be there to celebrate the good times, and to lend an ear when the girl needs you to listen as a friend. Make the girl feel special; because she's someone's friend – your friend, and let her know that she too has touched your life in a unique way like no one else could. Compliment her for her company and for being there when you needed her, when you felt sad and all alone. Show appreciations for the comfort the girl offers you and for making you smile. In your day to day talks, share your dreams, your world, and every aspect of your life with your girl. Always dream with her, build with her, and always cheer her on and encourage her. Tell your girl how you always think about her even when you try not to think about her. Let the girl know that she's your first thing in the morning and the last thing when you go to bed at night. Her knowing that you were thinking of her when you slipped beneath the oftness of your blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams, will make her go ‘my my' and her heart will sing your name all the year round. You have to be creative and constructive to keep girl's interest in you so full of life. I remember one time I told my girlfriend to be to imagine we are both deaf and dump. We then sat opposite each other on the table and started sharing our feelings for each other using eyes and hand signs. It turned out to be some fun. There was also this time that we were in the library and we decided we are not going to speak to each other verbal, so I wrote a love note on a paper and passed it across the table to her, she replied and on and on we carried on our love on paper conversation till we almost exhausted a whole rim of paper. At sometime, I noticed that some guys sited with us on the table were enjoying our ordeal than their studies. Such are the things that made the girl embrace my world. I remember her suggesting that we play deaf and dump two years after we broke up, can you imagine that? Never fail to phone her, even when she least expects it. I once called some girl that I was interested in at four o'clock in the morning. When inquiring of what I was doing up so early, I told her I was in thirteenth heaven, where people think of their loved ones when they can't sleep. Wow! First thing early the next morning, she was at my door with a king-sized hug for me. No matter how many dates you take her, don't make any elbow – exceeding moves after any date, just drop her home and with a friendly handshake, wish her good night. Don't kiss her when she expects you to. Your respect as a gentleman will be earned on how patient you are with her when it comes to such matters as kissing her and accessing her inner graces. The writing is on the wall that you want her, but you can't have her just yet. Increase your demand. Try to show her that men are also hard to get at times. Make her realize that when she feels a little dizzy, a little tired, a little sad, a little sick, a lot bored and very much cold, she's actually missing vitamin you. By this time, she'll be so much into you and since love is truthful and is characterized by open and honest communication, honestly promise her your everlasting devotion, loyalty, respect, and your unconditional love for a lifetime. Prove to her that you'll always be there for her, to listen and to hold her hand, and that you'll always do your best to make her happy, and feel loved. Remember, patience is the key to her heart; be like that gardener watching a fruit as it hangs on the tree, day after day admiring it, but, exercising tremendous self-discipline, neither feeling the fruit, nor pinching it, nor testing it to see if it is ready. And then, one day he holds out his hand and the fruit simply drops into it, ripe, warm and eager to be eaten. The patience and self-control which you practice will make you more attractive and charming. This will qualify you as her daily vitamin and win you that heart hers. I wish you to meet the girl of your dreams ASAP, make her fall in love with you, and make her feel the happiest girl in the world!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Investigating Water Potential of Swed
eInvestigating water potential of swede The aim of our experiment was to investigate the water potential of swede and then use our results to help us determine the water potential of plant tissue. This overall flow of water from a dilute area of high water potential to a more concentrated solution of low water potential across a partially permeable membrane is called osmosis.I predicted that the swede cylinders which are put in a test tube with a low potential of sucrose solution would become turgid because the water molecules that are present in the swede will move away from an area of higher potential of water molecules to an area that has a lower potential of water molecules, this means that the swede sample will gain mass and become full almost to an extent where it is ready to burst.The swede samples that are going to be put in a test tube with a high potential of sucrose solution will become flaccid because the swede cylinder will have a higher potential of water molecules and so these molecules will diffuse into the sucrose solution as it has a lower water potential, this means that the potato sample will shrivel and loose mass. Equipment * Plant tissue such as swede * 1M sucrose solution * Distilled water * Boiling tubes * Cork borer size No. 5 or 6 * Scalpel, white tile and ruler * Boling rack tube to hole six tubes * Measuring cylinders * 10cm cubed syringes Chemical balance * Tweezers * Labels or Chinagraph pencil/OHP pen * Bungs to fit boiling tubes * Paper towel for blotting To ensure that our experiment gave us the best possible outcome of results and to make sure that we carried out the experiment safely we were extra cautious with the type of equipment we used and how we used it. If we used more than one swede we made sure that the swede was of the same brand and roughly the same size this helped to reduce any errors in our results. We took care with any glassware and cutting equipment that we used to reduce the risk of anyone getting injured.Th ere were quite a few factors in the experiment that we controlled, for example we put stopper caps on the test tubes to stop the solution from evaporating. Also we used a syringe when measuring the amount of sucrose solution to make sure that we put the exact amount that we needed in each test tube. A top pan balance to 2. d. p was used which meant that our results were more accurate. We also made sure that our experiment was fair by only changing one variable which was the concentration of the sucrose solution and then keeping every other variable the same. ) Prepare a series of six sucrose solutions using 1. 0M sucrose and distilled water to give a range of 0. 0 – 1. 0M 2) Measure 25cm cubed of each sucrose concentration into separate boiling tubes and label with the appropriate molarity 3) Cut six cylinders from a swede using the cork borer. Trim to remove any skin and cut to the same length. 4) Dry the swede cylinders by rolling in a paper towel – the same number o f times for each cylinder. For each of the six sucrose bathing solutions, weigh a cylinder on the top pan balance. In a suitable table record its mass against the appropriate solution molarity. ) Using forceps place each cylinder into the correct sucrose concentration and insert the bung 6) Leave the swede cylinders in the test tube for an hour 7) Remove each cylinder from the tubes in the same order that they were put in. Roll each cylinder in a paper towel – the same number of times as in step 4. Reweigh and record the new mass in your table against the correct bathing solution 8) Calculate the change in mass for each cylinder 9) Draw a graph of your processed results showing the intercept. Now work out the water potential value using a calibration table or curve. Join the points with straight lines and do not extrapolateM| Water (ml)| Measurements before (g)| Measurements after (g)| Overall % change| 0. 0| 25| 2. 09| 2. 28| 9. 09| 0. 1| 22. 5| 2. 00| 2. 15| 7. 50| 0. 25| 1 8. 75| 1. 89| 2. 05| 8. 47| 0. 5| 12. 5| 2. 09| 2. 18| 4. 31| 0. 75| 6. 25| 1. 90| 1. 90| 0| 1| 0| 2. 16| 2. 03| -6. 02| Our results show us that there is negative correlation between the potential of sucrose solution and the mass of the swede samples decreases, we know this because on our graph we can see that overall the gradient of the line is decreasing which shows that as the potential of the sucrose solution gets higher the average mass of the swede sample decreases.An explanation as to why some swede samples gained mass and others lost mass is because if the swede samples are placed in a test tube with a low potential of sucrose solution then the water molecules in the sucrose solution will pass through a partially permeable membrane to the swede sample and if the potato samples are placed in a test tube with a high potential of sucrose solution then they will do the opposite and the water molecules in the swede sample will move to the sucrose solution.There may be some limit ations with our results because the recommended time to leave the swede cylinders in the test tube with the sucrose solution was for an hour but we were unable to leave them in there for that long and so that may be the reason why there are some anomalies in our results.If I was to make improvements to the experiment then I would have took a few more mass measurements for each sample so that my results are more reliable, I would also carry out the experiment on two different substances for example eggs and courgettes so that I am able to study whether osmosis takes place in the same way and I would compare where the two different equilibrium points are.From my results I can say that my hypothesis was correct because my results show me that the swede cylinders which were put in sucrose solution that was of a low potential became flaccid because the water molecules in the swede moved into the sucrose solution and the swede cylinders that were placed in sucrose solution of a high poten tial became turgid because the water molecules in the sucrose solution moved to the potato. In the future to study osmosis further i will keep the concentration of sucrose solution the same but place the test tubes in different environments to see whether this will affect how osmosis will take place.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Wynn Las Vegas Financial Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wynn Las Vegas Financial Analysis - Assignment Example The Profitability Ratios considered in the paper include Net profit margin, Return on Assets, and Gross profit margin. The Liquidity Ratios considered in the paper include the Current ratio and the Quick Ratio. The Leverage Ratios considered in the paper include the Total debt to total assets ratio and the Debt ratios. Data relevant to the calculation of these ratios was tabulated for the five companies considered in the paper, for the year 2013 financial results. When analyzing this ratio, the net profit after tax and sales are considered. Below are the financial data for the three companies under consideration. Net Profit Margin can, therefore, be established using the formula; From the table, it can be established that Bellagio has the highest Net Profit Margin, and Wynn Lass Vegas has the least. This means Wynn Lass Vegas had the least efficiency, after all, the expenses were considered. This ratio analyzes the productivity of the asset in consideration of net profits after tax. The formula used to analyze ROE is Net Profit after tax/Total Assets * 100. The table below illustrates the analysis of the Return on Assets for the five companies under consideration. Current ratios are used to analyze the company’s ability to pay short-term debt meet its day-to-day operations. In the calculation of the Current Ratios, the values involved include Current Assets and Current Liabilities (Vandyck, 2006). The table below shows the five companies’ Current Assets, Current Liabilities, and Current Ratios. The table above shows that Bellagio has the highest current ratios, closely followed by Wynn Lass Vegas. The high value of current ratio indicates that the company has greater ability of paying short term debt than those companies with lower current ratios. This ratio analyzes the percentage assets financed through
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Role of Critical Period in Second Dialect Acquisition Essay
The Role of Critical Period in Second Dialect Acquisition - Essay Example At the time there had been enough discovery of a number of feral children to support this hypothesis. However, other variables were problematic, as these same children had been neglected, deprived and usually abused. Many were half starved and most had suffered isolation. With all these factors involved it was difficult to limit the variables in order to establish cause and effect. Later, other linguists tried to tie this theory also to second language acquisition with varying contradictory results. Finally, neurobiologists did manage to identify a portion of the brain that seems not to develop if a â€Å"second†language is not acquired by a certain pivotal age, generally coinciding with puberty. However, just what exactly is meant by a second language is not cast in stone. Does Latin qualify? What about children’s code language for play? Do other jargon sets qualify, such as mathematics terminology, psychology vocabulary or academic English? What about a second dialect sufficiently different from the mainstream language? Little or no research has been done with these languages as the â€Å"second language†acquired, so it is still unanswerable. However, it is this researcher’s suggestion that perhaps any sufficiently large complex symbolic system will fill this void. However, in the case of a dialect, if the first language is a di alect of the mainstream language, is there a critical period beyond which it becomes problematic for the learning of the mainstream language? Lenneberg first hypothesized the existence of a critical period for language learning in 1967, and it was supported by the case study of Genie, who had little or no exposure to language until age sixteen. He hypothesized that â€Å"language acquisition is impossible before two due to maturational factors, and after puberty because of the loss of ‘cerebral plasticity’ caused by the completion of the development of cerebral dominance, or lateralized specialization of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Unit 3 Public Health in my backyard Research Paper
Unit 3 Public Health in my backyard - Research Paper Example The programs on public health will surely develop the individual’s interests, career and goals in life. One of the famous program on psychiatric unit is the AAâ€â€Alcohol Anonymous Program, which follows a twelve-step recovery model treatment program. The program assists the person with substance abuse problem. In addition, AA does not involve any monetary obligations but would make a contractual requirement with the treatment agencies respectively (Galanter and Kaskutas, 2008, p. 3-4). Alcohol Anonymous is distinctive, unique and voluntary mutual aid organization. Community Assessments is important in determining the population who is at risk of disease or health disparities. In doing an assessment and to identify the problem, they use qualitative and quantitative measures. For example, the community organizer uses techniques to solve the problems easily such as doing surveys, interviews, and even questionnaires. As a result, the organizer can assess the population who is most affected, the factors that contribute in exacerbating the problem. Public Health Programs are assessed, diagnosed, planned and finally implemented based on the community assessments and the resources available in the area, which will potentially lead to change and improvement of the community (Harris, 2010, p. 3). I remember one of my cousins named Kaye who weighs 120 pounds (57 kg.) at the age of 11. By merely observing Kaye, I can tell that she is overweight. Kaye always asked the school nurse why she is always included in the list of malnourished children when she believes that she’s not. Learning this, Kaye’s grandmother decided to join the health program in the communityâ€â€the healthy dieting program, weight monitoring, and exercise program to solve Kaye’s problem. The case of Kaye involves five (5) stages of behavioral change: (Riegelman,
Smith Radiators Organizational Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Smith Radiators Organizational Strategy - Essay Example Jeff Brown’s letter to Smith informs us that other suppliers could supply radiators at a lower price than Smith Radiators. On the other hand, even though the organization had built a reputation for manufacturing reliable radiators, one cannot categorically state that Smith Radiators pursued a differentiation strategy. We cannot detect a deliberate management drive towards product improvement or innovation over the 30 or so years that it has been in existence. Secondly, it is noted that Smith Radiators has to be prompted to make an adjustment to its organizational strategy due to the external pressure from Automobiles of America, Inc. (AAI) – the company’s largest customer. Smith Radiator’s implied management failure to articulate a viable organizational strategy and its implied adherence to the particular strategy-structure relationship even though it was no longer relevant to the change in environmental conditions over the 30 years that it has had a relat ionship with AAI are consistent with factors that cause firms to resort to reactor strategies (Miles and Snow 82). That which we can detect though is that Smith Radiators’ HR practices are geared towards direct, process-based control in which the focus is on efficiency and cost containment. This strategy would have been a perfect fit if the organization pursued a low cost strategy. However, since we cannot categorically state that the organization pursues such a strategy, we cannot conclude that its HR strategy is a fit. Smith Radiators worker’s skills are not particularly unique to the firm and thus cannot serve as a differentiating source of uniqueness. The organization therefore exploited the fact that it has generic key employees to negotiate the â€Å"no layoff, no strike†policy in exchange for job security but with low wages with the union. Smith Radiators’ HR strategy and practices have so far enabled it to survive in the competitive market as i t has been able to keep its costs low. The challenge now though is that to meet the new AAI’s supplier requirements, Smith Radiators has to re-think and reformulate its HR strategy to fit the new Just-in-Time (JIT) requirements.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Alyssa Marie Stephenson Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Alyssa Marie Stephenson - Personal Statement Example The life story of Alyssa Stephenson is like a winding brook, and I am the water that flows wherever the course goes. As I flow, I learn knowledge, skills and attitudes that have made me a stronger person who has the qualities of a good educator and counselor. Ever since as a child, I was active in almost sort of any activity that my parents encouraged me to join. I attended private catholic school from elementary to high school, which instilled in me values such as generosity, compassion and humility. Most of the time, I attended dancing lessons in Manhattan Dance and Arizona Dance Academy. I have been exposed into different dancing styles such as folk dancing during my stay at St. Gregory and cheer dance during my high school days. I cheered all the way to at Tucson at the U of A stations. Such activities brought me self-confidence as I could express myself through dancing. As a dancer, I had the discipline to attend rehearsals and endure long hours of practice until all the steps a re perfect. These experiences taught me discipline, value for hard work, and determination which I can apply to my studies in a graduate program. I have learned how to manage my time and even volunteered at Salvation Army Food Drive as early as grade school. It is very fulfilling to share what you have to other people, and this belief becomes part of my dream to become a teacher. I also want to impart my knowledge and skills to students.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Herbal supplements should be regulated as prescription drugs Essay
Herbal supplements should be regulated as prescription drugs - Essay Example This paper also stresses upon the need of providing more awareness to the people regarding the possible harmful effects of herbal supplements so that they could use these supplements only when suggested by their physicians or other healthcare experts. Discourse about the Regulation of Herbal Supplements An athlete came in the emergency of the hospital. He reported intense pain in his liver. The medical staff conducted all the tests and examinations to diagnose the root of the problem and it was unveiled from the test reports and examination that his lever was failed and was not working properly. The doctor diagnosed that the liver was failed mainly due to the use of illicit steroid. When asked from the athlete, he informed that has been using performance supplements that were considered legal with no side effects. However, his health conditions revealed that the use of the herbal supplement has destroyed his liver. He was admitted for treatment in the hospital and the doctor strictly instructed him to stop the use of the self-selected supplement. Also a Georgia woman took a memory booster herbal supplement and developed diarrhea, joint pain, hair loss and lung problem. These examples show the potential effects of herbal supplements upon the health of the human beings. Herbal supplements are the natural products that are made from the plant extracts. These could be used for the treatment and prevention of wide array of diseases and health problems. The trend of using the herbal medicines and supplements has considerably increased over the last few decades (Dennis 2009). People commonly take the herbal supplements as a measure of self-medication in case of any minor illness and health problem. ... People commonly take the herbal supplements as a measure of self-medication in case of any minor illness and health problem. This is because the herbal products have proved their significance and effectiveness in dealing with the health issues without causing negative side effects in the human body. As the interest of the people in the herbal medicines is growing, the concerns of the common people and health scientists are also increasing in identifying the potential side effects of the herbal supplements upon the human health. The evolving debate about the regulation of herbal drugs has also got momentum as the medical practitioners and health science experts are convincingly pointing towards the potential negative and adverse effects of herbal medicines and need to regulate them like other prescribed drugs. It is now widely demanded by the physicians and other healthcare experts that the herbal supplements should also be regulated like the other prescribed rungs. Currently, the Uni ted States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers the herbal supplements as food due to which these are not subjected to same regulations like the other prescribed drugs (Aronson, 2009). Herbal supplements are defined by the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) as products (other than tobacco) intended to supplement the diet containing one or more of the following: vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, or any combination of the above ingredients. Herbal supplements could be taken in form of tablet, capsule, powder, soft gel, cap, or liquid. They are not supposed to be used as conventional food or as a sole item of a meal or diet but these are just dietary
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Human Resource Management Benefits' Choices Research Paper
Human Resource Management Benefits' Choices - Research Paper Example Failure to sincerely respond to these legally required benefits may result in an employer failing to retain the best of its employees thus losing the all important attract-and-retain game (Beam et al. P. 12). Employers must however be on the lookout for the extra cost impacts related to the provision of the above legally required benefits to employees. For increased discretionary benefits, employers must always be on the look out not to lose their best employees. It is thus imperative that the most desirable employees are identified and retained. To achieve success at retaining the best workers, employers have to look for the traits that make employees most desirable among their peers. The most desirable among today’s employees are those not quite like the others, have good sense of humor, and are more engaging and outgoing compared to others. In addition, the most desirable employees are not that concerned about protocols, thus ask their employers more direct questions, especially regarding the next step in task execution (MB Financial Bank, P. 7). The best employees are also self-starters, do not take time off for trivial reasons, and are rarely, if ever, late for work. Strangely, the best employees are not workaholics but only stay after if there is extra legitimate work to be done, never complaining in the process (MB F inancial Bank, P. 8). The best workers are also task oriented, use Job description only as guideline, and might require occasional restraint while at work. Finally, such employees do not expect praise but appreciate it. MB Financial Bank. Benefit Packages for Employee: Employee Legally Required Benefits, 2012. Banking Resource Center. Retrieved on May 29, 2012 from
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Jim Crow Essay Example for Free
Jim Crow Essay C. Vann Woodward’s book The Strange Career of Jim Crow is a close look at the struggles of the African American community from the time of Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement. The book portrays a scene where the Negroes are now free men after being slaves on the plantations and their adaptation to life as being seen as free yet inferior to the White race and their hundred year struggle of becoming equals in a community where they have always been seen as second class citizens. To really understand the motivation of C. Vann Woodward’s motives of his book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, one must look at Mr. Woodward’s life. Comer Vann Woodward was born and raised in Vanndale, AK in Cross County on November 13, 1908. The town was named after his mother’s aristocratic family. He attended Henderson- Brown College in Arkadelphia, AK for two years before transferring to Emory University in Atlanta, GA in 1930, where he graduated. He received his PHD in history at the University of North Carolina and after he took graduate classes at Columbia University where he was introduced and influenced by the Harlem Renaissance. Woodward taught at Johns Hopkins University from 1946-61 and at Yale University from 1961-67. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982 for Mary Chestnut’s Civil War and won the Bancroft Prize for Origins of the New South*. It was when he was teaching at Johns Hopkins when he wrote the book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow. It was during the court ruling of Brown vs Board of Education in 1954 that Woodward started his lectures, which lead to his book, at the University of Virginia. His audience was more or less surprised about the race relations of the old south during reconstruction; most thought that the two races have always been separated with hatred. Woodward argues that the Jim Crow laws of the 1890s were a new concept of separating the two races. Throughout slavery and during the reconstruction period, the two races were fully integrated working on economics and political problems; the separation of the two races would lead to an insufficient and ineffective plantation. â€Å"The typical dwelling of a slave-owning family was a walled compound shared by both master and slave families. Neither non-slaveholding whites nor free Negroes escaped this ntimacy, for they were ‘sprinkled through most parts of town and surrounded by people of both races’†(14). The same relations remained true during the Reconstruction era when the blacks started to urbanize in the south. Woodward goes on to say that the â€Å"blacks and whites lived side by side, sharing the same premises if not equal facilities and living constantly in each other’s presence†(14). The good relations of the south turned sour when conflicts between the whites over economic troubles heightened in the late 1870s. the determination of the Negro’s ‘place’ took shape gradually under the influence of economic and political conflicts among divided white people- conflicts that were eventually resolved in part at the expense of the Negro†(6). The Negro at the time became the scapegoat for all of America’s economic strife. Many thought it best if they separated themselves from the Negro then all would be better. Hence the Jim Crow laws started to form on the segregation of the two races and then court cases followed in suit, aka Plessy vs Ferguson in 1896 which ruled â€Å"separate but equal†. Ironically the south is known for the most racism but most cities were reluctant in to enforce legal separation of the races. In New Orleans, whites and blacks gathered freely at public events and even many had sexual relations with one another resulting in an influx of mulattos in that area (15-16). Racism did in fact take place in mostly rural areas. â€Å"An excessive squeamishness or fussiness about contact with Negroes was commonly identified as a lower class white attitude, while opposite attitude was popularly identified with ‘the quality’ (50). It was within these rural lower classes that extreme racism was formed involving white supremacy groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. As political parties started to shift in the mid 1880s, more conservative Democrats took the scene and strictly enforced the laws of segregation. The Republicans were the ones in support of more tolerant and equal society. The mentality of if one thing is separate then they all have to be took precedent during this time. With the shift of political parties, the segregation of the blacks from the whites heightened and the individual rights a Negro had were limited. Blacks were discouraged to vote and separation of the two races became almost total with separate modes of transportation to separate drinking fountains. After the Progressive era and the New Deal, integration was a thought in higher education. Colleges started to let Negro students attend white universities because the separation of the races at school was infringing on their fourteenth amendment rights (144). Even though theses students did not attend the university for all four years, it was progress that helped lead up to the 1954 case of Brown vs Board of Education. The school boards argued that â€Å"’Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect on colored children’, for it ‘generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone’†(147). The ruling of integration of public schools was monumental for the blacks at that time. After trying to fight racism and limitations of their individual rights, the blacks could finally be more equal then they had been in the eyes of the law. When Woodward presented his lectures at the University of Virginia, which subsequently led to his book, it was right after the ruling of Brown vs Board of Education. He insisted that his audience would be integrated as well so he spoke to not only students, faculty and dignitary of the university but he also spoke to local blacks and whites of the community. His lectures received mix reviews; some older, more conservative members of the university were shocked and appalled by Woodward’s comments of pro-integration, while others were intrigued. For them, the white Southern professor’s message was a challenge to the assumption that race relations had been immutably fixed over the course of Southern history†(224). Woodward also argued that the south was always changing and something that limited the rights of blacks in the 1890s was to turn around in the 1950s to something better. When The Strange Career of Jim Crow was released nationally, America did not agree with Woodward’s idea that it was time for a change, â€Å"segregation was ore firmly embraced than ever†(225). Whites did not approve of the ruling of the integration of schools so they protested and sometimes rioted when the government tried to integrate some of the schools. States such as Georgia put the confederate flag back on their state flag in defiance of the new laws (225). Blacks protested in comparison. After the arrest of Rosa Parks not wanting to give up her seat to a white man, the Civil Rights Movement launched its campaign of civil and equal liberties lead by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. When this book was originally published in 1955, Rev King called it â€Å"the historical bible of the Civil Rights Movement†. I believe that the main reason behind King’s statement was that the movement was on the front page of every newspaper for over a decade that when the book did come out, Woodward looked at the struggle of the Negro in a historical sense and not putting blame on a specific race, but on certain decisions some legislators made that forced America to head in the direction of segregation. Woodward presented a historical and non threatening story which gave reason to the Civil Rights Movement. The blacks liked it because it showed the persecution they had to endure for so long and the perseverance they maintained throughout that time and the whites bought the book because it helped explain what was going on at that moment in time. No doubt that this book is an important historical document that helped a nation through one if its more difficult times in history.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Health Effects of Hazardous Chemicals from Old Electronics
Health Effects of Hazardous Chemicals from Old Electronics What are the effects on human health of hazardous chemicals from obsolete electronic products? With the rapid advancements in technology and engineering of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the ‘waste mountain’ of obsolete electrical products appears to be growing at an alarming rate. This essay evaluates five Internet-available resources which directly address the title in an attempt to assess the level of evidence available on the subject. The first resource to be considered is the Greenpeace webpage ‘Eliminate Toxic Chemicals’ (Greenpeace, 2007), which highlights the negative impact that electronic equipment has on the environment, particularly in relation to toxic chemicals involved in the manufacturing process. It gives companies a ‘green ranking’ which one can assume is to allow the individual consumer to make informed choice about their buying options. It also highlights the fact that there are two environmental dangers from the rapid obsolescence of today’s products – the damage caused by manufacturing, and the damage to the environment of the large amounts of waste products being disposed of. As a resource, it directly informs the topic and provides plenty of information about the issue. In terms of reliability, Greenpeace has a mixed reputation of activism and credibility, and given that many of the electronics companies themselves are listed on the site, this may add cre dibility. It may, however, simply be another marketing ploy, given that environmental issues have become the latest commercially manipulated topic to fall victim to the capitalist bandwagon. The resource seems up to date, with reports filed in June 2007. There are no authors cited, and little reference to scientific evidence in these pages themselves. However, the website is highly accessible, easy to read and easy to navigate. In criticism, the notion of the environmental impact of this issue is presented as a given, a fait accompli, with little or no critical debate on the issue. The second resource is the article by Hischier et al (2005) on waste electrical and electronic equipment recycling. The authority of the authors is established on two fronts. The first is that this is published in a peer reviewed journal, and the second is that the authors’ affiliations to a Technology institute are given. The approach is scientifically credible, but the article remains readable, giving a good literature review, and a clear discussion of two Swiss take back and recycling systems with scientific analyses (Hischier et al, 2005). However, it does require a degree of technological and scientific knowledge to read the tables and results. It is reasonably up to date, having been written and published in 2004-2005. It highlights the issues related to recycling of these products, and concludes that the proposed systems would have clear environmental advantages (Hischier et al, 2005). It also notes some of the limitations and the need for ongoing assessment of such sys tems. The third resource is an article by Poole and Simon (1997) on technological trends, product design and the environment. It is readable, accessible and easy to follow, but it’s greatest drawback is its age. However, it does demonstrate that the environmental impact of these technologies has been anticipated in the scientific literature. The authors are from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Manchester Metropolitan University, which suggests a degree of authority in addressing the subject. They demonstrate means by which products can undergo lifecycle analysis, and suggest that reducing environmental impact may come in the guise of smaller, mobile technologies (Poole and Simon, 1997). This would indeed perhaps reduce the waste volume of obsolete computational electronics, but not necessarily the environmental impact associated with the manufacturing processes of up to date products, or the challenges of recycling the materials used in original manufacture. Focusing on design trends, however, seems a positive approach in terms of longer term management of environmental insult. The fourth resource is an article by Tanskanen and Takala (2006) which looks at a simplified model for an end of life process for mobile terminals. The authority of the authors may be questionable, given that they work for Nokia. On the one hand, this may suggest considerable knowledge and acumen of the subject; on the other, a degree of bias is inevitable given their affiliation. The publication of this in a reputable journal however does offset some of the possible bias, and it is up to date. It is accessible, but considerable specialist terminology is used which affects readability. The focus on efficacy and effectiveness in recycling processes and the need for further development is clear, showing that there is a potential to reduce environmental impact but the necessity for appropriate processes to achieve this (Tanskanen and Takala, 2006). The fifth resource is by Macauley et al (2003), which is a little more dated but still within the last four years. The authors are affiliated to an environmentally focused company, and so their authority in terms of scientific or technological acumen is harder to establish. Again, the article is published in a reputable journal, is readable and in this case, easy to follow with logical discussions and some use of relevant literature. They examine the cost of computer monitor waste management in terms of environmental and health impacts of components, and cost of recycling or waste management policies (Macauley et al, 2003). There are considerable costs here, and this article demonstrates some elements of the economic minefield which characterises this debate. The authors clearly highlight the need to target research in the areas described, perhaps to lend further weight to environmentally-conscious policies of recycling and waste management (Macauley et al, 2003). These resources have demonstrated some of the dimensions of the debate on this subject. All the resources assume and demonstrate that there is an environmental (and a general health) impact of electrical and electronics waste in the light of rapid obsolescence and increasing demand for these products. While ways in which to address this are suggested, no clear resolutions are apparent, and economic and practical concerns remain a barrier to implementation of environmentally sensitive recycling policies. References Greenpeace (2007) Eliminate Toxic Chemicals Accessed 508-07. Hischier, R., Wager, P. and Gauglhofer, J. (2005) Does WEEE recycling make sense from an environmental perspective? The environmental impacts of the Swiss take-back and recycling systems for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Environmental Impact Assessment Review 25 525-539. Macauley, M., Palmer, K. and Shih, J-S. (2003) Dealing with electronic waste: modelling the costs and environmental benefits of computer monitor disposal. Journal of Environmental Management 68 13-22. Poole, S. and Simon, M. (1997) Technological trends, product design and the environment. Design Studies 18 237-248. Tanskanen, P. and Takala, R. (2006) A decomposition of the end of life process. Journal of Cleaner Production 14 1326-1332.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
College Admissions Essay: The Turning Point -- College Admissions Essa
The Turning Point Probably the most important turning point in my life happened in 1992. At this time, I was eight years old and living in Williamsport Pennsylvania. My dad had a well-paying job at Anchor Darling Valve Company, I was attending a parochial school and I thought life was just great. At the time we lived in a large four-story house with a separate three-story garage and an acre of forest for a backyard. I had a ten-speed bicycle and I would often go bicycling with my friends at the nearby cemetery. No-one ever objected to this, in fact people would often have picnics at the top of this hill at the cemetery. I guess the only things I ever complained about were the constant music lessons and practice sessions my parents subjected me to. Life was great until my dad came home one day with bad news. As it turned out, his well-paying company was downsizing and they had to let him go. Well, I didn't think much of it at the time. "So he'd get a new job," I thought. Well anyway, he took out his resume and started mailing away. Oh well, life goes on. Well soon enough companies began to take interest in him and he decided to join a company called Cellular One (which would later be bought by ATT and become ATT Wireless Services). So what was the catch? Well, Cellular One's offices are based in Pittsburgh which is not exactly an easy commute from Williamsport. "Carlos, we will have to move, but it won't happen for a while. We'll make sure you finish the school year and besides, I still have to look for a job in Pittsburgh too," my mom told me. Somehow, although I knew my parents had many friends in Williamsport,... ...ttsburgh than I would have ever been able to in Williamsport. I learned how to ski and rock climb, things I became good at and still do today. I also suddenly had a deep appreciation for music. This was something I had never had, now all of a sudden, I actually practiced when I was supposed to (this probably had something to do with the new music teachers). I also took up karate again and eventually earned my black belt. I realized that Williamsport was actually a dull place to live in and the only things I really missed were my friends and the house. Before I knew it, we had lived in Pittsburgh for six years and although it may not be the best place to live in, it has opened up a whole world of opportunities to me. That was something I may never have gotten if I had stayed in Williamsport or if I had continued to move around.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Ansel Yosemite Adams Essays -- Biographies Bio Biography
Ansel "Yosemite" Adams It is said that, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Ansel Adams proved this statement correct with every single image he produced. Some of his best-known photographs were taken in the Yosemite Valley, including his first ever picture of Monolith; the Face of Half Dome nestled in the heart of the valley. When the thought of Yosemite comes to mind, Ansel Adams' name follows right behind it. Adams' life revolved around Yosemite in many ways, and he was often called "Ansel Yosemite Adams" (Fischer 8). He was a caring man and cared deeply about the Sierra Nevada, and seemed to have a psychic connection with Yosemite (Spaulding 615). Ansel Adams once recalled his first visit to Yosemite: The first impression of the Valley-white water, azaleas, cool fir caverns, tall pines, and solid oaks, cliffs rising to undreamed-of heights, the poignant sounds and smells of the sierra, the whirling flourish of the stage stop at Camp Curry with its bewildering activities of porters, tourists, desk clerks, and mountain jays, and the dark green-bright mood of our tent-was a culminations of experience so intense as to be almost painful. From that day in 1916, my life has been colored and modulated by the great earth-gesture of the Sierra. (Fischer 9) Adams' love for Yosemite was portrayed through his elegant words and pure black and white images of the valley. The natural beauty of Yosemite was shared with the world through his images of unspoiled rushing streams, raging waterfalls, crystal clear lakes, lone trees and high sierra mountain peaks. In the combination of his photographs and writings, Adams demonstrated "that those who appreciate the earth's wild places have a duty and responsibility to use them wisely and well... ...tional Park idea" (246). His magnificent photographs were his key to access the powerful leaders that could help him protect the land he loved (Fischer 18). Adams persistence and dedication to Yosemite changed the face of how people view our national parks. Yosemite's natural beauties and wilderness gained much appreciation from the American people through Adams images and efforts to protect the national park. In his autobiography Adams said, "While touching the fringes of environmental problems, I am happy to have been able to have had some small effect on the increasing awareness of the world situation through both my photographs and my vocal assertions" (322). Adams "photographs continue to inspire artist and conservationist alike" (Sierra Club). With his contributions to Yosemite, the sentimental value of the national park would not be as momentous as it is today. Ansel 'Yosemite' Adams Essays -- Biographies Bio Biography Ansel "Yosemite" Adams It is said that, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Ansel Adams proved this statement correct with every single image he produced. Some of his best-known photographs were taken in the Yosemite Valley, including his first ever picture of Monolith; the Face of Half Dome nestled in the heart of the valley. When the thought of Yosemite comes to mind, Ansel Adams' name follows right behind it. Adams' life revolved around Yosemite in many ways, and he was often called "Ansel Yosemite Adams" (Fischer 8). He was a caring man and cared deeply about the Sierra Nevada, and seemed to have a psychic connection with Yosemite (Spaulding 615). Ansel Adams once recalled his first visit to Yosemite: The first impression of the Valley-white water, azaleas, cool fir caverns, tall pines, and solid oaks, cliffs rising to undreamed-of heights, the poignant sounds and smells of the sierra, the whirling flourish of the stage stop at Camp Curry with its bewildering activities of porters, tourists, desk clerks, and mountain jays, and the dark green-bright mood of our tent-was a culminations of experience so intense as to be almost painful. From that day in 1916, my life has been colored and modulated by the great earth-gesture of the Sierra. (Fischer 9) Adams' love for Yosemite was portrayed through his elegant words and pure black and white images of the valley. The natural beauty of Yosemite was shared with the world through his images of unspoiled rushing streams, raging waterfalls, crystal clear lakes, lone trees and high sierra mountain peaks. In the combination of his photographs and writings, Adams demonstrated "that those who appreciate the earth's wild places have a duty and responsibility to use them wisely and well... ...tional Park idea" (246). His magnificent photographs were his key to access the powerful leaders that could help him protect the land he loved (Fischer 18). Adams persistence and dedication to Yosemite changed the face of how people view our national parks. Yosemite's natural beauties and wilderness gained much appreciation from the American people through Adams images and efforts to protect the national park. In his autobiography Adams said, "While touching the fringes of environmental problems, I am happy to have been able to have had some small effect on the increasing awareness of the world situation through both my photographs and my vocal assertions" (322). Adams "photographs continue to inspire artist and conservationist alike" (Sierra Club). With his contributions to Yosemite, the sentimental value of the national park would not be as momentous as it is today.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
U.s. And Swedish Trends In Tax Reform :: essays research papers
U.S. and Swedish Trends in Tax Reform Tax reform has become a major governmental policy issue in the United States as well as in the rest of the world. Countries are attempting to balance both economic efficiency and provide equity in taxation. Governments are looking to rewrite tax codes to minimize their impact on economic growth. Specifically, governments throughout the world are attempting to preserve incentives built into taxation to maximize economic efficiency. At the same time, these governments are trying to cope with the growth in social welfare programs throughout the past three decades. In this paper I shall discuss two nations which dramatically overhauled their tax systems, and whether or not their goals with tax reform were achieved. In the article "The tax reform act of 1986: Did Congress love it or leave it?", Randall Weiss discusses the attitudes about taxes in the United States. He details the events and attitudes leading to the Tax Reform Act of 1986, and shows how public perception about taxes has changed since then. He also discusses some of the tax reform proposals that are now currently being thought about in Congress. In 1986 the United States Congress enacted the Tax Reform Act (TRA-86). The act passed with a great deal of bipartisan support. This support was made possible by two features of the act. The first was that federal income tax rates were to be cut dramatically. While this would lead one to believe that federal government receipts were cut substantially as well, it was the second important feature of the bill that allowed it to be revenue neutral. This feature was that the bill was to improve horizontal equity in the tax system. This would be accomplished by eliminating many of the deductions that many individuals, particularly the well to do, were allowed to make. Many of the complains about the tax system in the United States that preceded the Tax Reform Act were about the gross horizontal inequities that it allowed. A great deal of press preceding TRA-86 showed the public how many of the country's wealthiest individuals were able to get away with paying little or no federal income tax. Eliminating many of these tax deductions and loopholes had been the goal of several liberal Democrats for some time. In addition, conservatives in Congress wanted to reduce the escalating federal budget deficit at the time. Also, a prevailing attitude of the time was that reducing marginal tax rates would benefit the economy. It was believed that specific tax breaks and deductions to support economic growth would not be needed with the greatly reduced tax rates.
Life without Modern Gadgets Essay
A lifestyle without the modern gadgets, sounds quite a hard life to live. But lets look deep and analyse both sides of this. Life de-modernised would be a time consuming one requiring a lot of time and effort, for example, can u imagine urself carrying around your home stereo, you cannot!!.. instead we have mp3 players and iPod’s too boost our speed in life. Although there are so many negatives to be seen on the surface when considering a lifestyle without modern gadgets, we as people have actually forgotten the beauty and simplicity of life without modern technology. The simplicity of learning to do things by yourself instead of a ‘machine’, the simplicity of working together physically instead of creating your ‘own workspace at home’ as ‘teleworking’, confining you to a lonesome boundary in life giving you all the opportunity to procrastinate in ur own home.. Technology is good but has also brought people to a height of extreme convenience where we easily forget our roots of simplicity. Time is very precious in today’s era. Everyone wants to do things in very short span. The quotation â€Å"Stitch in time saves nine†means if you finish something in time, you will be able to do ten things in the time you saved. Keeping this in view, scientists and technologysts developed many new things to save as much time as possible. In each and every sphere of life we can find machines and gadgets that saves our time a lot. Wether it is business, transport, education, communication, new technology did a lot. ATM is one of the inventions of time saving gadgets. ATM is expanded as Automated Teller Machine. Or sometimes we can also say it as Any Time Money machine which is true in its sense. We can draw money at any instance of time with the help of ATM, a day or mid-night, in emergencies, or when we shop we need not have to carry cash, we simply apply the credit or debit card, same like ATM card. Initially, we have to stand in long ques to draw money out of banks, sometimes, the employees are absent, there is some holiday in bank or strike of workers hence we have to sit back without money and our work remains pending for several days. There was a boy named Salim, he went to factory every day for his life earnings, early morning he used to went and came back in the evening. One day, his owner wants rent. When he came back in evening he found a board at his door, it was written on the board, that if he didn’t pay rent by morning, he will be out from the room. He was very upset, he talked to the owner and takes the deadline of next evening. He thought that he will take a leave from office and will draw money from bank and give it to the owner. Next morning, he went to the bank, and he find a long que, he was bit upset, but he have to give money before deadline. He stand in the que in the last place, when he was near his turn, he found that the strike break down in the area. Every shop and office went close. The bank also closed due to strike. He was upset and he again came back home without money. Again on TV he found that the strike will remain stir for next 2 days. Hence, this is the best example of giving the importance of ATM in our daily life. Our life was like miscommunicated without these gadgets.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Basic Mechanisms of Homeostasis
The Basic Mechanisms of Homeostasis Overview of homeostasis The term homeostasis was first coined by Walter Cannon in 1929 to literally mean ‘steady state’. It describes the dynamic equilibrium by which internal constancy is maintained within set limits by regulation and control. There are many examples of homeostatic control throughout the human body and in other living organisms, such as pH, pressure, and temperature. A concept important to homeostasis is the process of feedback circuits; involving a receptor, an effector, and a control centre.A receptor is responsible for detecting a change in the body, while the effector corrects this. The control centre organises these two together to elicit the response. The most common form of control in homeostasis is known as negative feedback, in which an excess or deficit in a homeostatic system triggers its own regulation. The diagram below illustrates this concept in reference to the control of temperature (Figure 1). Figure 1 is a simple representation of a rather complicated process.Here, the several types of negative feedback circuits involved in temperature control have been summarised into one. The hypothalamus is a combined receptor and control centre, both recognising extremes of temperature change, and triggering bodily effectors to correct the changes. Figure 1 shows the responses to a decrease in body temperature, which directs organs to increase metabolism, thus causing shivering. Another effect would be causing hair cells on the skin to force up their hairs, creating a trapped layer of air across the body surface.Such effects should then cause the body temperature to rise to the optimal 37Â °C again, causing feedback to switch the circuit ‘off’. If this does not occur, the circuit will continue to direct effectors to warm the body because the feedback will not be switched ‘off’. Recent research, however has added another dimension to the accepted definition of hom eostasis. Scientists studying circadian rhythms (24-hour bodily cycles) have pointed out that the internal environment does not have completely constant ‘normal’ set point. They have found, for example, that he set point for human body temperature varies over a 24 hour cycle, fluctuating between 36Â °C and 37Â °C. As a result of this research, current thinking suggests that while homeostasis controls the ‘minute-by-minute fluctuation in the environment’ , circadian rhythms control the body’s general programming over time. In this essay, we will concentrate on two examples of homeostasis, one that occurs in humans and one which occurs in plants. Firstly, we will discuss the control of blood glucose levels in mammals, and then will look at the role of plant stomata in regulating water loss.Example 1: Control of blood glucose levels The human body has a number of mechanisms in place to regulate the storage and release of molecules for energy. Sometime s, an individual will consume more calories than can be immediately used, so sugars will be stored in the form of glycogen (a polymer of glucose) in liver and muscle cells. Other periods of increased activity may however, require the sudden release of energy, whereby glycogen is initially oxidised from the stores in the liver. Clearly, this is another example of homeostasis and it is outlined in Figure 2.Two enzymatic hormones are utilised by the body to control the interchange of glucose as an energy molecule and glycogen as a storage molecule. The first, insulin, lowers blood glucose levels by promoting its conversion to glycogen. The second, glucagon, increases glucose levels by allowing glycogen to be phosphorylated. Both of these hormones are produced and released by specialised cells in the pancreas known as Islets of Langerhans. Insulin is released from ? -cells, and glucagon is released from ? -cells. Figure 2: Blood glucose control by insulin and glucagonIf the blood glucos e level is too high, more insulin and less glucagon is released. This causes cells to take in glucose from the blood, while the liver converts glucose to glycogen. During low levels of blood glucose however, glucagon release increases, activating the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver, and glucose is released into the blood. This is a good example of negative feedback control, as the lowering of blood glucose, for example, inhibits further insulin secretion. Importantly, insulin is dependent upon calcium.This is because glucose activates calcium channels. When glucose levels are high, the subsequent release of calcium results in calcium binding to calmodulin. Together, the two molecules promote insulin vesicles to be released from the pancreas. This demonstrates the negative feedback system discussed in the overview. Example 3: Control of water loss by plants Plants need to balance their need to conserve water with their need to photosynthesise energy. Transpiration cause s water to be pulled up through the plant passively as water diffuses out through the leaves.These pores are opened and closed by the action of surrounding guard cells, located as illustrated in Figure 3. Figure 3: Drawing of stoma & guard cells These guard cells can take on two extremes of conformation; either flaccid, to close the stoma, or turgid, to open the stoma. When guard cells take in water via osmosis, they swell, become turgid, and are forced to bulge outwards into a kidney shape, opening the stoma. They adhere to this shape both because the two cells are attached to each other at either end, and because cellulose microfibrils constrain them.However, if the guard cells lose their water content, they shrink and become flaccid, closing the stoma so that water cannot leave. The opening and closing of the stomata have been shown to be affected by light concentrations. When illuminated, the concentration of solutes in the guard cell vacuoles increases because starch is convert ed to malic acid, and a proton pump in the plasma membrane is stimulated. The proton pump removes hydrogen ions (H+) from the guard cells, and in response, potassium ions (K+) flow into the cell.Chloride ions (Cl-) also flow into the cell via another pump in response to the H+ concentration difference. The accumulation of these ions and malate in the vacuole of the guards cells is enough to cause the water potential to drop within the guard cells. Water then flows in by osmosis, leading to the turgidity just described and opening the pore. As this opening process occurs in light, exactly the opposite happens at night. As light is lost, channels open to conduct Cl- and K+ out of the guard cells, water is lost, and the cells become flaccid and close.Another stimulus for the closing of stomata is an emergency response to the plant wilting from lack of water. In this case, CO2 concentration increases inside the leaf cells, and alongside the wilting, causes the plant to release the hormo ne abscisic acid (ABA). This diffuses into guard cells and activates the loss of Cl- and K+, effectively mimicking the night time action of the stomata. Concluding Remarks The idea of homeostasis has been well-developed since it was first identified in the mid-1900s.We have seen in this essay that feedback loops play an important part in homeostatic processes, and that the process is controlled by the action of detector and effector hormones and other molecules activated by control centres. Ongoing research also indicates that innate circadian rhythms affect the processes of homeostasis, causing the optimal set point for internal conditions to vary on a daily basis. Bibliography Alberts, B. , Bray, D. , Lewis, J. , Raff, M. , Roberts, K. , Watson, J. D. (1994). Molecular Biology of the Cell: Third Edition.Garland Publishing, U. S. A. Campbell, N. A. , Reece, J. B. & Mitchell, L. G. (1999). Biology: Fifth Edition. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. U. S. A. Foster, R. & Kreitzman, L. (2004 ). Rhythms of Life: The biological clocks that control the daily lives of every living thing. Profile Books, London. Givens, P. , Reiss, M. , Rowland, M. (1996). Human Biology and Health Studies. Nelson, Surrey. Jurd, R. D. (1997). Instant Notes in Animal Biology. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford. Rost, T. L. , Barbour, M. G. , Stocking, C. R. , Murphy, T.M (1998). Plant Biology. Wadsworth Publishing Company, USA. Van De Graaff, K. M. & Fox, S. I. (1999). Concepts of Human Anatomy & Physiology. McGraw Hill, USA. Webpage: Physiological ecology: functional responses to environment. Accessed 16/03/2005. http://www. ecology. botany. ufl. edu/. .. /homeostasis. html Webpage: Class Notes (2002). Accessed 17/03/2005. http://www. msu. edu/course/lbs/145/smith/s02/classnotes_032802. html Webpage: No title. Accessed 17/03/2005. http://www. puc. edu/Faculty/Gilbert_Muth/botgloss. htm
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Monitoring clinical research
Monitoring clinical research has been recommended by several organizations that funds clinical research to the Research Ethics Committee. Through monitoring clinical research the Research Ethics Board is able to ensure that approved standard in theory are applied. It has been suggested that reviews should be done on a yearly regular basis. Reviews should require series of research aspects like consent process, adherence to approved protocols, and data integrity. The sole purpose of monitoring is to educate research staff, quality assurance, and to avoid research misconduct. The government of Canada is one of the pioneers of this monitoring program. In response to the issues mentioned above, the government research funding bodies issued the Tri Council Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans in 1998. The policy suggests that annual status reports must be submitted to the Board. Also, the review of research projects exceeding the threshold of minimal risk should include: formal review of the informed consent process, establishment of a committee to monitor safety, periodic review of a third party of the documents generated by the study, review of reports of adverse events, review of patients’ charts, and a random audit of the informed consent process. In this study St. Mary’s Hospital Centre was subjected to monitoring. Review of research activity in the hospital is coordinated by the Research Review Office in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Community Studies. The research framework or policies of McGill University in 1994 was the basis for creating hospital research policies. The monitoring policies and activities in the year 1997 are described in this study. Before a new research protocol is approved, investigators are required to describe the characteristics of patients who would be qualified for the protocol. An informal check is also done to determine overlap with patient populations of protocols under way. The Research Ethics Committee specifies the duration of approval which is usually 1 year after the initial approval. The committee will also set other conditions and decides the most suitable type of monitoring by taking into account such factors like the type of protocol and the experience of investigator. By investigator we mean the staff member of St. Mary’s Hospital Centre who is designated by the Research Ethics Committee to be the primary contact person responsible for the protocol. This investigator may be the principal investigator, co-investigator, or local collaborator. Decisions are communicated with the investigator by the monitoring assistant to explain the details of the procedure. Consent form audits are asked routinely for protocols involving written consent. Any consent form must be filed in the patient’s medical record with a brief summary of research interventions and outline of any potential risk including the name and phone number of one investigator. To ensure that documentations are being filed as required, the medical charts of the sample are checked periodically. For research protocols that do not require hospital patients, but for which the Research Ethics Committee has undertaken responsibility, consent forms are reviewed in the investigator’s office. The monitoring assistant validates that the consent form is approved by the Research Ethics Committee and that the signatures and dates for every form is completed and consistent. Then the monitor assistant informs both the committee and the investigators about the results. Interviews with research subject may be asked for protocols with minimal risk. The protocol is reviewed to determine an appropriate time to contact the subjects and the type of question to be asked. A meeting is arranged with the investigator to organize a method of contacting the subject. Subjects that are eligible are selected sequentially from the subject log provided by the investigator. The monitoring assistant contacts the subject and request verbal consent to conduct the interview. The Research Ethics Committee requests from each investigator an appropriate plan to assure and evaluate the quality of protocol data over the duration of data collection. In a survey to evaluate monitoring, an anonymous evaluation was sent to 34 investigators in February 2000. A Likert-type response scale was given which includes 6 statement and comments on aspect of hospital monitoring. From this survey results show that there were several instances in the monitoring of recruitment log in which the same individual have participated in more than one protocols. However the Research Ethics Committee concluded that this did not pose an undue burden on the patient or the caregiver. It was also revealed that the Research Ethics Committee help to negotiate an agreement with the investigators to achieve their enrollment targets, while preventing the same patients for being approached for more than one protocol. This is with respect to the situation here two protocols were approved for two protocols. Results from the consent forms audit reveal that required forms were missing or incomplete for a substantial proportion of 123 hospital charts. A discrepancy between the age and age criteria of the protocol has been found out also to be legitimate due to a change in protocol approved by the funding organization. In this case the investigator did not coordinate this to the Research Ethics Committee. Overall Assessment In this study the subjects such as the hospital patients, the investigators are said to be the independent variable for the results obtained from the protocols would be based on the perceptions given by the hospital patients, and the investigators. The dependent variable would be the problems with regard to clinical monitoring. Factors that were considered to be answered by the hospital patients are said to be the dependent variable. As an assessment statistical parameters for this study were not defined. Sampling of the study is said to be done sequentially and it was based on the recruitment log of the investigator. Interviews of subjects were also done. This method tends to open its doors for the investigator to manipulate his or her data. Moreover the study did not define how many samples should be taken and it did not consider the eligibility of its samples. The stud did not give a clear idea of what kind of protocols were given to the subjects and what are those factors to consider in evaluating monitoring. The problem that this study tries to address in not even clearly defined. However this paper were able to present the anomalies that happen among the subjects and the investigators during data gathering. Works Cited McCusker, J., Kruszewki, Z., Lacey, B., Schiff B. â€Å"Monitoring Clinical Research: Report of One’s Hospital Experience.†Canadian Medical Association Journal: (1 May 2001). Vol.164 n. 9 pag. 1321.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Food Adultration Essay
The Objective of this project is to study some of the common food adulterants present in different food stuffs. Adulteration in food is normally present in its most crude form; prohibited substances are either added or partly or wholly substituted. Normally the contamination/adulteration in food is done either for financial gain or due to carelessness and lack in proper hygienic condition of processing, storing, transportation and marketing. This ultimately results that the consumer is either cheated or often become victim of diseases. Such types of adulteration are quite common in developing countries or backward countries. It is equally important for the consumer to know the common adulterants and their effect on health. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ THEORY The increasing number of food producers and the outstanding amount of import foodstuffs enables the producers to mislead and cheat consumers. To differentiate those who take advantage of legal rules from the ones who commit food adulteration are very difficult. The consciousness of consumers would be crucial. Ignorance and unfair market behavior may endanger consumer health and misleading can lead to poisoning. So we need simple screening, tests for their detection. In the past few decades, adulteration of food has become one of the serious problems. Consumption of adulterated food causes serious diseases like cancer, diarrhea, asthma, ulcers, etc. Majority of fats, oils and butter are paraffin wax, castor oil and hydrocarbons. Red chilli powder is mixed with brick powder and pepper is mixed with dried papaya seeds. These adulterants can be easily identified by simple chemical tests. Several agencies have been set up by the Government of India to remove adulterants from food stuffs. AGMARK – acronym for agricultural marketing .This organization certifies food products for their quality. Its objective is to promote the Grading and Standardization of agricultural and allied commodities.
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Cask Of Amontillado Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Cask Of Amontillado - Essay Example The design in which the author brings out his message in the Cask of Amontillado story would be that people should always be careful whenever they are talking bad about other people. The issue of trust is also quite common in this story (Poe, 23). The author’s main point is primarily from Montresor who is the story’s main character. Alternatively, the author shades light on how Montresor exacts his revenge throughout the story and his self-satisfied reaction to the outcomes of the tragedies (Poe, 28). As readers of the story, the readers might be tempted to judge Montresor as a cold-blooded murder and an unreasonable character since his presentation to us is his poor motivations. However, there is the other side of Montresor where he has good will pretense and has careful Fortunato manipulation, which generally indicates care upon the planned Fortunato’s death. The readers have also a classic Poe’s case as an unreliable narrator. Throughout the story, his guilt and irrational nature tends to stop him from presenting himself as a truthful narrator to the reader (Poe, 40). On a closer inspection of the story, it is quite evident that Montresor has a black sense of humor. This character amuses the horrified reader especially when he directs Furtunato into his trap. By doing this, Montresor informs the audience regarding his intentions thus before the start of the story of his happenstance with Fortunato. On the other hand, Poe employs both dramatic and verbal irony in conveying the darkness of the Cask of Amontillados story. Verbal irony in this case is used to illustrate how the speaker contrasts his literal meaning with the speaker’s actual message. Alternatively, Montresor’s dialogue use in the story demonstrates the use of verbal irony (Poe, 35). There is also the aspect of dramatic irony in which the author uses throughout the story. Dramatic irony is generally as a result of disconnection which mainly occurs
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Current health issues in relation to the Australian Health Care System Essay
Current health issues in relation to the Australian Health Care System - Essay Example Health Issue Statistics e.g. Incidence According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 6% of Australian adults experience depression on a regular basis. Among employed Australians, 3.6% Australians experience depression on a regular basis. The financial cost of depression, which is estimated to be more than 50 billion dollars annually in Australia, includes the direct treatment costs as well as indirect costs such as lost productivity. Depression also exacts financial as well as emotional costs within the family of the affected individuals. While Australian adults of different age groups have reported suffering from depression at one time or another, it would appear to be most prevalent among women in their 20s, men in their late 30s, and in elderly Australians of both genders (Haywood, Garrat, and Fitzpatrick, 2005). Many Australians do not feel that their negative feelings may actually be characteristic of depression. This makes them quite reluctant to seek for medical trea tment until they are almost driven to attempt suicide by the negative feelings. Population type affected e.g. gender, age, group etc According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2009), one in six Australian adults will experience serious depression on an annual basis. The high risk groups include teenagers, young adults, and the elderly people. While women are more likely to report feeling depressed and seek a relief for the negative feelings, Australian men are more likely to seek for more permanent ways, such as suicide, of dealing with depressing feelings. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2009), depression among Australian men is linked to other illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Australian men are more likely to leave episodes of depression unreported than Australian women. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2009), Australian men who are 65 years of age and above have the highest suicide rate in the nation, accounting for 29 suicides per 100,000 cases. A new Women's Health Australia research study has also provided evidence that Australian women between the ages of 28 and 33 tend to experience depression even more than their mothers, or even grandmothers, did. According to this study, one in five of these women goes regularly to doctors so as to get prescriptions for anti-depressants (Haywood, Garrat, and Fitzpatrick, 2005). Identify a range of factors which may affect the health of this client group including risk factors. Give consideration to any specific health and social circumstances of this client group. It is difficult to determine the exact factors that cause people to be depressed because there are so many factors that can trigger an episode of depression. In an Australian society, there are multiple factors that affect indigenous groups such as the Aboriginal community and result in an almost community-wide state of depression which afflicts the young as well as the old (Hunter, 2007). The Aborigines have to deal with racism, poverty, and feelings of detachment that are caused by the fact that their traditional values are for the most part irrelevant in the modern world (Hunter, 2007). This has spurred generational drug and alcohol abuse among the Aborigines which further exacerbates the incidence of depression among the community’s citizens. Among other Australians, there are factors such life traumas
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Marketing Strategy of Vodafone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Marketing Strategy of Vodafone - Research Paper Example Strategies of an organization should well be able to detail themselves as per the needs of the environment while planning for the future. A framework for any program can well be preferred if it is deeply affinitive to the generalization of a venture or enterprise keeping in mind the quality of methodizing. The one concept firmly oriented towards the creation of values for its customers will conclude with excellence in the target market. Vodafone uses its familiar red logo and retains themes of togetherness, fashion joy, and enjoyment throughout its marketing communications. The same uniformity is maintained and followed by Fanta, Microsoft, Nike, Sony and host of other companies. What should be the rationale behind this Is it for fun Integrated marketing communications see the elements of the communications mix 'integrated' into a coherent whole. As the fight of market shares and a quest for product success continue, marketers are employing all the necessary tactics, and methods to g ive their product a breakthrough, or remain competitive (Brennan, Baines, and Garneau, 2003, Rowley J 2004). One way of doing this is through differentiation, making your product outstanding, by having your values and image (Zineldin M., and Philipson S., 2007). This is known as the marketing communications mix and forms the basis of marketing (Pelsmacher& Kitchen., 2005) This paper examined the importance of marketing to Vodafone, it current and future market challenges using certain analytical tools and models. Part one of the paper lay emphasis on these models while part three looks at the resources and capabilities that distinguished Vodafone from its competitors.  The PESTEL framework can only be used to look at the future impact of environmental factors and that this impact might be different from the past. Thus an understanding of how the factors in the above framework may drive change is only a starting point1.There is a need for an understanding of the key change dri vers and this will be explained below. Looking at the PESTEL framework shown above one can observe that the Vodafone is affected by all the environmental factors in the framework. Under political factors, Vodafone is affected by both taxation and social welfare policies.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
H Azeem company analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
H Azeem company analysis - Assignment Example Table of Contents Executive summary 0 Table of Contents 0 INTRODUCTION 1 CHOICE OF ORGANIZATION 2 Introduction of the organization 2 Choice Of Organization 3 BUSINESS BEHAVIOUR OF STAKEHOLDERS 5 Theories and frameworks in the small business management 5 Reasons of Small businesses to survive and prosper 7 Marketing Mix 9 ANALYSIS OF H AZEEM BUSINESS STRATEGY 11 Development of personal relationships 12 Flexible response to problems & challenges 12 Innovation 13 Low overheads 13 Niche markets 13 Marketing Mix 14 COMPARISON WITH COMPETITORS 15 Conclusions 16 Task B: Reflection on learning 16 References 17 INTRODUCTION There is a very famous German proverb stating that no one is rich or poor without helping himself to be in that position. That is one is to blame himself in what financial situation he may be. It is these kind of words that become a motivational factor for one person to start off of a small business and later on become an entrepreneur (Goel, Sanjay and Karri, Ranjan. 2006) . Some people start of their journey of becoming an entrepreneur by seeking a job which helps them to understand the ways a business is run and determine the factors that are crucial in the success of a business. Other may start up a business of their own and then learn from their mistakes. Many believe that small businesses may have some development issues but at the same time most of the people believe and it’s a proven fact that small business play a pivotal role in the development of the society and economy of a country (Aldrich, H.E., & Auster E.R. 1986). This report goes about in three steps. First, the introduction of H Azeem Jewelry, its basic information along with why was it chosen as an example. In the second step an analysis is carried out regarding the behavior of its stakeholders with respect to theoretical and practical ideas. Lastly, H Azeem is compared with its competitors and a reflection of where and why it stand at its current position is described. CHOICE OF ORGANIZATION Introduction of the organization H Azeem is a London based jewelry brand, It is managed by the designer, Hinna Azeem, herself and her aim is to introduce luxurious and stylish jewelry to the community at a cheap price. As they is a large Indian and Pakistani community nearby, who love to wear jewelry on every occasion, providing it on a cheap price gives her an advantage. Her luxurious and stylish designs give the business and brand an added value. H Azeem using both traditional and technological methods when it comes to marketing and sales, that is, jewelry can be bought through retailer shops and also through her e-store online. This also gives the business an extra advantages over its competitors. Another achievement of H Azeem is that it achieved a steady and stable positive growth within two years of business. This reflects the level of commitment and entrepreneurial skills of the management of H Azeem, the designer Hinna Azeem herself. H Azeem has been mention ed up in journals such a Vogue and has even displayed jewelry at the International Jewelry London 2012. This again shows how popular is this brand and how much is it loved by people. . Choice Of Organization We may come across many definitions of small business, some may relate it by the number of employees other may related it by how operations are
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Elements Of Job Design. Management Support and Turnover Ratio Essay
The Elements Of Job Design. Management Support and Turnover Ratio - Essay Example While, structuring the job process of an organization, job design considers certain elements which include job rotation, job engineering, job enlargement and job enrichment. Job rotation can be defined as the process of changing the tasks of the employee after certain periods of time in order to reduce the boredom of the employees along with providing new tasks or posts. Job engineering can be stated as the process of designing the working environment according to the prevailing organizational objectives and employees’ requirements. Job enlargement can be described as the process of introducing innovative tasks similar to the assigned tasks. Contextually, job enrichment can be explained as the process of motivating employees by indulging them into the organizational decision making process along with providing certain responsibilities (Scribd. Inc., 2012). With reference to the elements considered in the process of job design, it can be stated that with the assistances of job design an organization can ensure better job retention. This is because the elements help to identify the exact skills of the employees and in relation to the identification of skills the tasks for the employees are assigned. Furthermore, it also helps the organization to satisfy and to motivate the employees to work better along with ascertaining better retention scenario within the organization. Additionally, job design facilitates the organization to innovate new job profiles along with promoting the employees according to the performances to reduce the boredom or monotonic condition that might arise out of work (Scribd. Inc., 2012). If You Have Ever Left A Job Because Of Misalignment With Organizational Goals Or Leadership, Or If You Know Someone Who Has Done So, What Were Areas Of Misalignment That Drove The Decision To Leave The Job? Could Management Have Prevented the Exit, And If Yes, How? From a scenario of personal experience, it has been derived that a person left his job due to certain misalignments that occurred with the organizational goals. The misalignments that have been identified include lack of opportunity for progression or growth and unequal wage structure. After recognizing the problems that led to employee turnover, it can be stated that the organization had the potential to manage or prevent the circumstance. With due consideration to the situation, an organization can
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Financial accounting College Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Financial accounting College - Assignment Example Such grants can be shown either individually or under a sub-heading which is a heading and is general in nature like "Other income"; or else, they are subtracted in accounting the connected expense. In the afterthought to paragraph 9 of IAS 18, sales of Real estate is stated as: "Revenue is normally recognized when legal title passes to the buyer. However, in some jurisdictions the equitable interest in a property may vest in the buyer before legal title passes and therefore the risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred at that stage. In such cases, provided that the seller has no further substantial acts to complete under the contract, it may be appropriate to recognize revenue". At the present time, real estate creators understand IFRSs otherwise and record revenue for the sale of the estates at different times. Some real estate creators document revenue only after they have passed on the finished unit to the buyer, while others record revenue in advance, as construction progresses, by indication to the stage of completion of the real estate for sale. This explanation p This explanation proposes to standardize accounting pattern amongst real estate creators for sales of units, like apartments or houses, 'off plan', that is prior to construction being completed. As of now, real estate creators adopt the option of either to record the revenue only after they have actually handed over the finished unit to the buyer or before, as construction progresses, by referring to the stage of finishing construction of the development. The understanding suggests that revenue should be entered as construction builds up only if the creator is rendering construction services, and not only selling goods (for example completed real estate units). It also suggests features that suggest that the vendor is giving construction services. The accounting treatment would not have been different even if there was rent guarantee on only some of the flats. Issue 3: It is essential that particulars of all monies received either as advance or otherwise are identified and properly recorded so that collections on or before the due date becomes easier. Also if refund takes place then the company has to record it as and when it takes place. Such refund
E-business and Value Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
E-business and Value Chain - Essay Example This paper explains the firm’s e-business practices and the weaknesses in achieving full potential, giving recommendations on necessary improvements. Introduction Use of Radio Frequency Identification, RFID enabled FedEx transform the express delivery business and particularly its supply chain. Typically, a package would be picked by a FedEx agent and scanned then passed into the system bearing a unique identification number. This would then be taken to the sorting area or hub using a truck with other similar packages. The sorting centres would normally be over two football fields’ long with between 500 and 1,000 workers. Here, the packages would be sorted using conveyor belts system with a remote sensor. The multidimensional scanner would get the dimensions of the cargo including the length, height, width and also the weight of the packages for the determination of not only their sizes, but also the shipping cost. The scanner would read the barcodes on the package then paddles nudge the scanned package onto different belts based on their destination. Nonetheless, some packages could be sorted manually. Finally, the packages would be placed in boxes shaped in a way to ensure maximum efficiency in space utilisation in the plane. FedEx has a control centre that coordinates truck movements while still monitoring airplane and airport conditions. On reaching its destination, FedEx courier hand delivers the package, scanning it again so as to complete the transaction (FedEx 2012). RFID technology enhanced FedEx’s supply chain efficiencies. Q.1 The power of the Internet at FedEx FedEx was the first express delivery company to adopt e-business capabilities in its operations by availing package shipment information to its customers over the Internet (Hemmatfar, Salehi & Bayat 2010). The Internet defined the opportunity for attaining competitive advantage for those businesses that adopted the technology in their business operations. Smith, the founde r and President of the company had foreseen the change in the way of conducting business and interaction of people through Internet business. As such, its customers do not have to physically drop their parcels to the nearest location. Instead, they would order for pick up online or by calling. E-supply chain ensured that these customers access shipment status information when need arises from their desktop terminals. FedEx established a dedicated website and gives each of its customers a unique bar code that would individualise each shipment hence the convenience in tracking one’s packages referred to as FedEx InternetShip. Other than accessing shipping information, customers and recipients would print shipping documentation from the website. According to Harris (2009), FedEx’s PowerShip programmes of 1980s provided high sense of autonomy among its customers, providing the capability of preparing shipments, printing of barcode labels, tracking of packages status and pr oducing invoices, all without engaging any FedEx employee. With more advancement in technology, today, FedEx has adopted m-commerce strategies to provide its customers with wireless solution such as tracking package through the organisation’s home delivery and ground web enabled services. Through these personal data assistance, PDAs customers would virtually access tracking information from any location any time. FedEx entered into an agreement with w-Technologies Inc. that enabled the organisation make its website available on
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Response to Horatio Alger of H. L. Dalton Essay Example for Free
Response to Horatio Alger of H. L. Dalton Essay Harlon L. Dalton in his essay Horatio Alger criticizes a concept of the American dream the idea that presents America as the country where the opportunity for a success is possible for all hard working, talented and determined people regardless of race, gender and their social status. Dalton implies that not only this idea is not true but is doing a harm to society because that equality is cover only wishful thinking and can not be true unless massive changes in society economic structure and relocation of resources will be done. Daltons essay presents the point of view with that I can only partially agree. I must say that author is probably right that in this country the opportunities are not equal for all people. Why they should be? This world is not a paradise; we cannot just overcome overnight all either what is bad in us or in our society, it a complicated and I assume time-consuming process. I would like to give an example: I could tell the employer: you must employ the African-American and not white man that will be wrong not only because it could be white man who truly deserves this position but because the employer should really be aware that what is good for his company is to employ the more talented employee. There should be no law to force him whom he could employ. Therefore, there must be change in people and their thinking; it may take sometimes a generation or two. Nevertheless, even America is not fully fulfilled dream for all people; it opened the door of success for many and still is opening for others. This vast country gave opportunity for first settlers to success. Only strong and smart could survive in the harsh environment but their hard work was well paid, and they learned how to use this land to live well. As many newcomers came, the opportunity diminished making the dream more difficult to fulfill. It does not mean that American Dream died then; it is been well preserved in American constitution and richness of this country that is a good base to create that wonderland of equal opportunities for all people. Day after day this country is changing the more women achieve the most important positions in the enterprises, the more African-American stars appears on the big screen, our children have more friends of different races and we do not mind to go to the doctor whose color of skin is different than ours. That is a big achievement and that is American dream. Dalton says not only that we live in the inequality but also that the concept of American dream is making harm to the society because allows to believe in what is not true and stop the reforms that should be done to prevent these inequalities. In my opinion, American Dream is self-realizing idea: the more people will believe in equality the more equality will be. If every man in this country will believe that all people have equal rights that will be no need to introduce massive changes in the structure of the economy and in the location of public resources as the author suggests. The problem is people still do not believe in it and therefore act as they should not act protecting those who they should not and rejecting these whom they should protect. There is another good reason to believe in American Dream; this dream is the engine that makes people works harder and more effectively, what helps to create the economical betterment of this country. I truly believe also that if any of social or racial group feels that its rights are abused it will refuse to work hard and in consequences it will fall off from the pursuit of money and goods and this way only worsen its own situation. In the conclusion, American dream is not failed idea as author wanted to present it. Although we do not live with a total equality, this dream is reflecting people desire America to be such a country and it is the factor that is making the America what is today in economical and social dimension. Bibliography Dalton H.A. Horatio Alger.
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