Tuesday, January 28, 2020
School As Organizations Essay Example for Free
School As Organizations Essay 1. Primary schools: Primary Schools are for children aged 4 to 11 years. The subjects to be taught at primary schools are specified by the National Curriculum, the pupils tested on SAT’s at year 2(age 7) which is known KS1 and year 6(age 11) which is known as KS2. The subjects to be taught are English, Mathematics and Science. Other subjects, including History, Geography, Technology, Music, Art and Physical Education (PE) are also taught. The first class in primary school is called the Reception class which is known as Foundation Stage (F2). 2. Secondary Schools: Secondary Schools are for children aged 11 to 16. State secondary schools must follow the National Curriculum and they assessed the children at Key Stage 3 (age 14) and Key Stage 4 (age 16) which is known as (GCSE). 3. Private (Independent Schools): which is also known as Public Schools, they don’t have to follow the national curriculum. They need to pay the school fees as there is no funded from the government. All private schools must be registered with the government and are inspected regularly. There is a private school which is specialist in teaching (special education needs). 4. Community Schools: is a type of state-funded school in which the local education authority (LEA) employs the schools staff. The LEA employs the staffs, own the land and buildings as well as put the rules for admission. 5. Trust or Foundation Schools: Foundation schools are run by a governing body which employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria. Land and buildings are owned either by the governing body or by a charitable foundation. Trust schools are similar, but are run together with an outside body, usually a business or charity, which has formed an educational trust. 1.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
The 3G+GPS shield uses the 3G module, SIM5218E from SIMCOM, which enables the connectivity to high speed WCDMA and HSPA cellular networks. It is a single board which can handle high speed wireless communication. The 3G module has an internal GPS with the help of which it is possible to locate the device outdoors as well as indoors. It combines the standard NMEA frames with mobile cell ID triangulation for accuracy and uses both assisted-mobile (A-GPS) and mobile-based (S-GPS) modes. A video camera can be connected to the shield which enables recording photo and video in high resolution (640x480). It is also possible to connect a microphone to the module and a SD socket to save directly all the data coming from the 3G network or recorded from the video camera. Since the 3G+GPS shield supports the above mentioned features with all the hardware on board, it became the first choice for the implementation of the prototype. Described below are the important components of the 3G+GPS shield that we have used. 3.1.1 Hardware 3G Module (SIM5218E) Figure ‎3 2: SIM5218E Sim5218E is a quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE and UMTS engine that works on frequencies of GSM 850 MHz, EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz, PCS 1900 MHz, and WCDMA 2100M/1900M/900M [28]. Sim5218E provides interfaces for Serial communication, GPS, Camera, USIM Card as well as an audio interface. These are described briefly below. Detailed information about these is present in the â€Å"Hardware Design†document of SIM5218E [29]. Serial interface Sim5218E has an asynchronous serial port. Sim5218E is designed as a Data Connection Equipment. It can be connected to any Data Terminal Equipment using standard DCE-DTE connection. Serial port can be used for sending AT commands ... ...verage problems are experienced, then two antennas are used, where the second antenna is connected to the sub-antenna connector. Electret Microphone We have used electret microphone for the prototype. It is a small microphone useful in acoustic and audio applications. Figure ‎3 3: Electret Microphone Camera The camera used for the prototype is a VGA Sensor Camera module. This camera is a very compact size. It uses a GC0309 CMOS sensor. It is 0.3MP (VGA) camera with a maximum resolution of 640 x 480 dpi. Figure ‎3 4: VGA Sensor Camera Arduino Mega 2560 Figure ‎3 5: Arduino Mega 2560 Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), which will be very useful in interfacing various components. It has a 16MHz crystal oscillator with a flash memory of 256KB and SRAM of 8KB.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The George Lopez Show
The show stars George Lopez as manager of Powers Brothers Aviation (originally Powers & Sons Aviation), an airplane parts factory. He is married to Angie Palmero (Constance Marie) and has two outgoing children, Max and Carmen (Luis Armand Garcia and Masiela Lusha). They all live together in Los Angeles, California. George had a difficult childhood. He was abandoned by his father, Manny, and further mistreated and traumatized by a careless, abusive, chain smoking, alcoholic mother, Benita â€Å"Benny†Lopez (Belita Moreno). She usually criticizes Angie's cooking and parenting skills.George and Benny's adult relationship mainly consists of the two of them trading insults about each other, mainly referring to George's childhood (one example being how George was forced to eat a chair because Benny did not feed him). They appear to care for each other, and George has admitted his feelings for Benny in some episodes. Benny works at Powers Brothers Aviation, as does George's best friend, Ernesto â€Å"Ernie†Cardenas (Valente Rodriguez), who is mostly luckless in the dating arena and still lives with his mother. George's father-in-law, Dr.Victor â€Å"Vic†Palmero (Emiliano Diez), thinks Angie should have married someone better than George, but as the series progresses, he begins to respect and accept him. George always tries to catch his children getting in trouble when they misbehave, whether it be by confronting them straight on, or sneakily investigating, then punishing them later. It is still always shown that George loves and cares deeply for his family, even though in one episode he said that his kids were definitely in the top 5, and he would sometimes insult Angie.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Companies Are Impacted By Competition Through The Price Of...
According to Chapman, L. (2010), â€Å"Companies are impacted by competition through the price of their resources and the demand of their products. Market Research provides the insight to improve daily operations and save costs.†Over the course of this program I have learned that society often believes that the words business and ethics do not belong in the same sentence. History has proven that we are making a valiant effort to change that way of thinking. For instance, if we look back at how some of the biggest cases in America that dealt with ethical business practices, we can see that America is taking a stand against unethical behavior in business. Organizations such as Enron, has single-handedly destroyed our faith in ethical business practices. This also rings true when discussing ethics as it relates to marketing research. As stated in this week’s Hall Lecture, â€Å"as Christians we have a duty to ensure that marketing intelligence gathering is legal and eth ical.†Conducting ethical market research requires us to have certain characteristics such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, fairness, leadership, reputation and accountability. Because of the competitive nature of the business world, it is sometimes hard for people to maintain those ethical values. As President Theodore Roosevelt said, â€Å"To educate the mind without the morals is to educate a menace to society.†Being competitive is a great quality for a marketing researcher to have, but that competitiveness has to beShow MoreRelated1.The Disruption Of Significant Supplier Relationships1383 Words  | 6 Pages 1. The disruption of significant supplier relationships could negatively affect the business. The company is overly dependent on its supplier (United Natural Foods, Inc.), more than 30% of their total purchases in 2016 are from the same supplier. 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