Friday, April 17, 2020
Things You Should Know About Military Research Papers
Things You Should Know About Military Research Papers Photo credit Jim Wintering In recent decades, government funding for scientific studies have been slashed in the majority of fields. Launching the distinctive satellites, especially intergalactic satellites, is very costly, and even massive nations, like the United States of America, are finding very challenging to finance such projects. While foreign policy ought to be closely tied to the interests of the country. China's one-child policy was meant to help control population development. Military Research Papers - the Story Certain schools have better athletes and programs in a specific sport, though others might not be in a position to field a winning team. There are a number of homeless folks in Berkeley. Students feel exactly the same trepidation at the idea of visiting college. How to Find Military Research Papers Online Thus it's possible to evaluate the caliber of their works and know what things to anticipate. Make certain that all pieces are reflecting your major ideas and you have written in a strict accordance with the needs of your academic supervisor. The ordering process on the website is so straightforward you will discover that it's familiar and simple to use from the very first moment. Today, a lot of the procedure is done online even though others are automated. Students have to be taught how to control their time and organize their calendar to beat each and every deadline and prevent frustrations. Stress is a critical facet of addiction relapse. Therefore, the amount of your research is vital also. Regardless of what genre you would like Business Studies, Microeconomics, Business Management and Financial Accounting, we're here to serve your needs. The research employs the documents so as to describe the background of the issue in addition to to complement the received results with the reliable scientific findings. Research papers are supposed to evaluate and assess th e comprehension of students in some specific topics. Should you need an outline for research paper example, it's no problem for us. Students who choose to order research paper examples at our service are always happy with the practice of cooperation and pleased with the grade of the result. Don't be afraid to click the order if you require only the very best research paper. With us, you can be sure your research paper and personal information won't ever be obtained by any third party. In earlier times military-funded research brought advances in nuclear electricity and space exploration. The results indicated no major interactions. It's also crucial to remember that research involves getting the info from other print or people, no matter their understanding of the issues, and it isn't of any interest to research whether they are conversant with the issue or not. The qualitative research, for example, is weak due to problems regarding research validity. Career is the end result of a conscious attitude and behavior in the expert field that is connected to official and expert growth. Military studies have caused numerous technological advancements. Technology has changed a lot of the manner college applications are complete. The ability of the study has to be increased by obtaining a bigger sample size. Consequently, it's critical for students to learn about the practice regardless of the opinions that you may have towards it. The exact same applies if more than a couple of organisms were studied. The Advantages of Military Research Papers Sentence structure determines the positioning of the parentheses. For example, you will have to recognize the 10 page research paper example MLA subheadings, good style. The cost of an essay depends upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. The type of essay you're looking for will be offered to you within the deadline provided to you. So should you need to employ college essay writer online, we're just the people that you want to contact. You also need to define this issue in the introduction in order for the reader can get a notion of what it is that they will be reading. While it's the case that there are a few excellent writers in college some find it extremely tricky to write. A couple are still students. Today, most college students find it difficult to compose an essay on a specific topic. Therefore, many students and employees decide to obtain inexpensive essay rather than writing it themselves.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Essay Writers Must Understand
Essay Writers Must UnderstandDo you want to write an essay with a betrayal theme, but are not sure how to go about it? Then the trick is to consider Shakespeare's plays and essays, which include all of his works that deal with betrayals.You can begin your selection of themes by remembering that any betrayal is never truly believable. Therefore you should not concentrate on the character's actions, but rather what they say or do. This is essential if you want to make the best selection.The choice is also dependent on the nature of the play, since every play has a particular betrayal. For example, as the playwright of Hamlet, Shakespeare chose a betrayal that was so dire that he resorted to throwing the prince out of the window of the castle because he could not forgive him for his crimes.Hamlet's betrayal was so severe that he was left with nothing to live for except revenge-style quotes to remind him of his self-hate. As an essay writer, you can use this to create a compelling theme. What are some of the main types of betrayed themes in Shakespeare's plays?One betrayal type is that of self-love. Romeo and Juliet are a classic example, as their relationship was based on the fact that Juliet made love to her own man, Claudius. Of course, the two of them had fallen in love with each other, but she thought she was letting herself off the hook for a moment by committing to Romeo.However, there is no forgiveness in love, as one thing can ruin all the rest. Juliet's betrayal of her own man eventually drove her crazy, causing her to commit suicide. In addition, another prominent theme of the play is that of denial, whereby Claudius denied his wife's affair for many years and thereby kept her away from him, despite her obvious reasons for doing so.Another theme that may be appropriate to use is the theme of power. Some of the most famous plots of Shakespeare's plays involve power, either power over others or the power to take revenge. In 'As You Like It,' Cordelia, son of King Lear, uses a potion to seduce her king.In 'Twelfth Night,' Coriolanus accuses the Pope of being a traitor to Rome and declares himself King of the Jews. These themes can help you write an essay with a betrayal theme.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Feminism Essay Topics - Why Women Should Care About Feminism
Feminism Essay Topics - Why Women Should Care About FeminismThe 'reason' for feminism is the core topic for feminist argument essay topics. When you read a feminist essay, you will notice that almost all of the essay topics revolve around the reason for feminism. This article will provide you with a few ideas about the reasons why you should study the reason for feminism.Feminism is about a group of women that wanted to have a right to make decisions about their own lives. Feminism is a movement that has some unique characteristics and goals. The differences between feminism and other types of feminism is that women are involved in this movement. Women have been taking part in this movement since the beginning.What makes the reasons for feminism so unique is that it focuses on the plight of women. Most other forms of feminism to focus on men and their problems. This is the reason that feminism is different than most other forms of feminism.Feminist essay topics also reflect the way t hat women feel about the world and how they want to be treated. Feminism is the realization that women should be treated as equal to men in every facet of life. This means that men should not have more rights than women in certain areas of society. Feminism is a social movement for women.Many of the feminists of today think that they have different reasons for wanting to change the way that they live their lives. What the reasons for feminism actually do is change every aspect of every woman's life. The reasons for feminism have led to the fact that there are more men than ever before being educated about what the feminist movement stands for. The causes of feminism are becoming more publicized by the day.There is a good chance that you will see a lot of feminism in current economic times. These women are fighting to help eachother get money that they have been missing out on. The reason for feminism does not end at the current economic time; women also want to be recognized for the way that they have handled their lives.Women are much more educated than they were in the past. Women have learned how to control their emotions, make decisions and stand up for themselves. The feminist movement is bringing these men into the fold. Feminism has not changed a lot of things for men.No matter what woman's reasons for feminism are the reasons for feminism can be looked upon in a positive light. Feminism is something that you should research thoroughly. You will find out that the reasons for feminism are many and they are many positive reasons for feminism.
Friday, April 10, 2020
College Essay - Learn How to Write a Good College Essay
College Essay - Learn How to Write a Good College EssayYour college essay is the first written communication in your life. That's why it is imperative that you have a clear idea about what you are writing about and the things that you want to communicate.A college degree is essential for any career and even as a second language, English degree makes you very desirable. If you are going to write a college essay, then you must have a clear idea about the subject matter. The topics should be listed down in detail so that the college admissions committee can easily select the best essay topics. Just be sure that you do not write about those topics which are not applicable in the context of your particular choice.Before you write the essay, you must first try to understand the nature of writing and the discipline. One way to do this is to learn some grammar rules by practicing in front of a mirror. There are many grammar guides on the internet. Read through those and be sure that they are from the right authors. You may also consult some grammar books to get more ideas.The essence of a college essay is to convey the things you want to convey to the reader. Do not make it too long and writing on a topic that is unrelated to the course will not help the college admission committee. You need to be able to express your thoughts clearly so that the college admissions committee will not feel that there is any problem in reading your essay.So if you are going to write a college essay, English is an essential subject. Focus on the subject you are going to write on. Remember that the college admissions committee reads this kind of essay as a proof that you have a clear idea about the subject. College admission is the first step to professional life and that is why you should be capable of writing a well written essay. Writing the college essay with a clear idea of the subject will surely help you in succeeding in your career.Another important thing about writing the college essay is to avoid any grammatical or spelling mistakes while writing. This will not only make your essay shorter but will also help you in getting a high college admission. Again, if you are having a close friend who can give you a hand in choosing the topics or can suggest some good resources, that would definitely help. You can talk to them about your essay topic and what you want to write about.These are some tips that will surely help you in writing a Harvard College Essay. Just follow the above mentioned steps and you will surely succeed in writing a high quality college essay.
Research Proposal /Autism Qualitative research design was chosen as the survey design appropriate for the study on autism. According to Strauss and Corbin (1990), qualitative research refers to as every type of study whose result is not based on any statistical approach or any other quantification method. According to (Patton, 2002, p.39), qualitative research produces findings arrived at from real-world settings where the â€Å"phenomenon of interest unfold naturally†.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal /Autism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This survey design was chosen because it sheds light on the study subject while allowing for in-depth understanding and extrapolation of the findings to other situations as opposed to a quantitative survey design that seek casual determination, prediction, and generalization of findings. One normal method of improving the validity and reliability of research is through triangulati on. Mathison (1988) asserts that triangulation has improved to become a crucial technique used not only in naturalistic and qualitative studies approaches, but also in evaluation so as manage bias and institute valid plans. This is because the conventional scientific methods cannot be compared to an alternative way of doing a qualitative study provided by triangulation. Golafshani (2003) supports triangulation technique because it makes a qualitative study strong. Despite the importance of Reliability and Validity as a measure for quality in quantitative studies, the terms Neutrality, Credibility, Dependability and Applicability are crucial measure for quality. Golafshani (2003) continues to argue that the use of the term â€Å"dependability†in qualitative studies is a close match to the idea of â€Å"reliability†in quantitative research. Moreover, the author suggests that another method of improving the dependability of qualitative research is through the use of an assessment method called inquiry audit. In this way, the reliability of a qualitative study can be assessed at process and product level. Similarly, (Fowler, 1993) approves of the concept of dependability with the concept of consistency or reliability in qualitative research. Through assessment of study items like raw data, data reduction products, and process notes dependability of data will be realized (Fowler, 1993).Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This survey will be based on interviews with about 1,000 respondents, although many high-quality surveys are substantially larger because of the need to cover extensive areas, many subgroups of interest, and other considerations. However, a sample size of 1,000 has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, which is precise enough to suit the purposes of most researchers. A sample of 1,000 cases als o permit making of statistical comparisons among some sub-groups of the population, such as, comparing the responses among different gender categories (men and women) , with a margin of sampling error of about 6 points. In the case where the survey findings are reported to the press, the findings will produce good round number that captures the interest and possible support of news people and the public. The population of interest will be defined as all the patients suffering from Autism in a particular hospital during a specific time period. The patient list to generate the sample will likely include information about the patient’s age, duration of stay, and reason for admittance. The parameters of time, age, hospital, and duration of stay will be used to limit the scope of the study. Semi-structured questionnaires administered in an interview schedule will the preferred method of data collection in the qualitative study. In order to reduce bias, a list of patients (sample f rame), will be subjected to randomization in selecting a sample that is representative of the whole population. References Fowler, F. J., Jr. (1993).Survey Research Methods, 2nd ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding reliability and validity in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 8(4), 597-606. Retrieved from Mathison, S. (1988). Why triangulate? Educational Researcher, 17(2), 13-17.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal /Autism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative evaluation and research methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Strauss, A., Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Autism Autism This custom research paper will focus on autism which is defined as a developmental disability which is believed to occur in early three years of a childs life. This disability comes up as a result of a neurological disorder that actually disturbs the normal functioning of the brain which thereafter impairs the development of an individuals communications and interaction abilities. Usually this disorder comes with different impairments on different children. Neurological disorders like autism in some other instances can be very severe, and during such chronic stages it is usually debilitating thus resulting to inability of the child affected to perform the usual routine practices for example household matters effectively and efficiently. (Francesca, 1994) The symptoms of this disorder may be poor concentration, being temperamental and sleep disorders. Such worries and anxiety causes major stress and may cause bad image in the societal aspect as well as in the work-related environment contexts and other significant parts of operation in an individual’s daily life. We can also deduce that such turbulences caused by psychological disorders including autism are not related however to other psychological causes such as drug abuse or medical conditions that might be related to this kind of anxiety. (Graff, Green and Libby, 1998) Problem statement Research indicates that autism is stated to be among the five neurological disorders referred to as Pervasive Developmental Disorders that is said to be carrying a severe and pervasive impairment in a number of development parts of an individual. Autism disorder mostly affects young children and most cases have been reported to be chronic or severe between the ages of one to three years. According to the Center for Disease Control Prevention carried out in the 2007, it was found that an estimation of two in three hundred births many children are believed to be affected by autism and the cases are still reported to be rising. As a neurological disorder it symbolizes an array of psychiatrist states whereby emotional suffering is manifested in the form of bodily, mental and psychological troubles and in many instances physical indications are seen. However, it should be noted that the ultimate indication is that of manifestation of this disorder which may develop to be severe to the chi ld in the long-term. Many medical scientists have come to an agreement that children suffering from such disorders usually have poor capability to adjust to new environment, incapability to alter his/her life patterns and more specifically the lack of ability to build up a comfortable, more pleasing and a more comprehensive personality that he/she desires to live in. Indeed autism disorder impairs the child’s communication system which may affect him/her negatively in the future in the ordinary course of life. Medical scientists under this research report that the most common disorder as a result of autism is that of speech referred to as aphonia whereby an individual cannot communicate loudly but only can whisper while speaking. The other common disorder associated with autism is that of mutism whereby it also lies under the category of speech disorder and in many cases it is difficult to be diagnosed and at the same time it is not common as compared to that of aphonia which is widespread in most children. (Guralnick, 1998) Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to identify whether this autism disorder is treatable and what are the means of treatment available. Autism is said to be deeply entrenched in ego defense mechanism whereby it leads to building up of conducts and thinking that results to a child affected to loose taste for life. Therefore the overall purpose of this study is to shed more insight on the symptoms, causes and ways of treatment of this disorder in order to equip mainly the parents on how to curb the spread and effects of this disorder. Benefits of conducting the research This study will therefore enable the families of the individuals suffering from autism to realize and learn the best methods and ways of treating their family members affected with such a disorder. This study will give hope to the families who in one way or another have been affected with this disorder; that is they will get suitable information about autism and particularly the ways of treatment deemed to be effective in curbing the disorder. Limitations of the study Since this is an exploratory study it will imply that more time will be needed to conduct the research in order to find the relevant information that will reflect to the general behavior of the disorder. Also another constraint is that of availability of funds since the research will require the researcher to reach to a wider population through interviewing many respondents. Research Hypothesis The statement about this research topic that reflects the general outcome of this research area will be; there is significant evidence that the adverse effects common in the world regarding autism is caused by lack of adequate knowledge by the affected persons on the best ways of treatment of autism. LITERATURE REVIEW Research indicates that autism occurs in different ways in different individuals, especially children and therefore its treatment is said to be successful in most cases but it has been reported that it is difficult to identify the different indications of autism on different people affected which in the process has made treatment of this disorder to be ineffective because of late identification. There has been many reasons as to why autism treatment has not been successful over the last few years and such reasons include; indications of the affected person not clearly being known which is considered the first step in treating such disorders. The other reason is that of the view that people with autism are usually feeble and lazy which may not be true thus inability of treating the disorder with its corrective measures because the assumption may not hold. We also find that an individual suffering from autism is an analytic tag applied to the condition of mind, usually that of fear or emotional extremes The fear associated with this disorder normally lies on a certain body part and usually an individual imagines that he/she has a problem in that part of the body. (Harris and Handleman, 1994) This disorder is found to be associated with social phobia which is characterized by powerful fear of becoming disgraced in social circumstances and particularly embarrassing oneself when other people are seeing him. From the previous cases of autism it is indicated that the disorder may commence at an age of three years and sometimes may attack the young ones in society. Those suffering from this disorder believe that they are inferior in the society and often they overstate small errors that they commit of which it may not hold. Another sign of this disorder is that of blushing where the individuals affected in the society tend to view such blushing as an embarrassing experience because they always think that everyone are seeing them in that state. Also such individuals may have fear of associating with persons of diverse cultures apart from those that they live with them. In some other instances those suffering from social phobia disorder may feel nervous when making speeches and particularly when addressing large crowds of people and sometimes fear to communicate to their bosses in their place of work or even having fear to date. Social phobia disorder in may interrupt an individuals way of life and particularly relationships in workplace and in the community. (Harris and Weiss, 1998) The best way of treating individuals with social phobia disorder is through medication process under which tricyclic antidepressants are used for example the use of imipramine, phonelzine among others. The actual treatment is normally directed to reduce panic attacks which aids in speedy recovery of patients suffering from the disorder. In some other cases meager management of panic will be adequate for those affected to come back to normal. Also antianxiety and some specific drugs are recommended particularly for chronic attack by social disorder. Also over the past, psychotherapy practices particularly behavioral psychotherapy have been recommended too to treat social disorder which involves trying to understand or counseling the persons affected ( This is a part of research paper on autism )
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