Monday, May 25, 2020
Famous American Authors Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allan...
The period of the late eighteenth century and beginning of the nineteenth was cosidered the Romantic era in Europe and in America. This movement was a large scale rebellion against the Englightment period ideas where science and logic ruled the literary arts. Authors took several approaches on how to convey to the readers social and metaphysical opinions through the tone in a series of novels published. Tone is apparent in much of the American Romantic era writing including that of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allan Poe. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a self proclaimed Transcendentalist believe that every man was infinitely good and pure goodness was possible. Emerson was also an Idealist, someone who trusted that man’s†¦show more content†¦This Transcendental idea as well as that it is essential for man to recognize the Spirit in natue were an underlying message Emerson was trying to convey in his radical essays. The radicialness of Emerson’s w ork prompted a movement, known as the Antitranscendentalism or Gothic movement. Nathanial Hawthorne was a promanent member of the American Antitranscendentalist movement and this was easily detectable in this works. Hawthorne’s use of allegory and symbolism in his literature was a common way of introducing metaphysical tone to a simple story, such as in The Scarlet Letter. Anti-Transcendentalism was characterized by the belief that nature is fully capable of horrible violence and man has the ability to be evil, which offers a lot of negative evidence towards Transcendentalism. Hawthorne’s use of literary techniques to transport ideals of Antitranscendentalism to his readers, and it also proved that every man could be corrupted and altered by society like in Young Goodman Brown. His works interrputed meanings showed the important of tolerance and understanding by society over differences in religious and intellectual planes. Another Antitranscendentalist of the Romantic era was Edgar Allan Poe, considered the first American Gothic writer. Poe was severly unhappy with American society and the injustices it caused, thus his strong dislike for the Transcendental ideals of Utopian ideals. Poe belonged to the section of authors who ackowledged the
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Flotsam and Jetsam - 1362 Words
ÃÅ¡Ã £Ãâ€Ã˜à ÞÒà à à à à ¡Ã ¢Ã à ¡Ã˜à ¯ 512 TEXT INTERPRETATION: FLOTSAM AND JETSAM BY W. S. MAUGHAM GIST/PLOT This short story is told in the 3rd person, this is the third person narration. The story took place in Borneo, in the Malay states. The story begins with the description of the setting in the Grange s house. Everything betokened poverty there. The dining-room was dingy. Norman Grange was a rubber-planter and after walking over the estate and checking that everything was done properly, he and his wife were having brunch. But the reader understood that their relations were far from ideal. Mr. Grange didn t notice her. He didn t talk to her as if she was not there. Suddenly the house boy came, accompanied by two men, a Dyak and a Chinaman.†¦show more content†¦The 2nd external conflict is in the minds of the characters. The conflict is between Norman and Vesta. He loves but hates her. An internal conflict is in Norman s mind. He understood that he had married Vesta and he d made a mistake, choosing an English woman. There are some flashbacks in this short story. The first one concerns Vesta s life before her marriage, playing on the stage and the second one reveals her love story but tragic one, the third one is told by Skelton, why he has turned out to be at the Granges. Also there is a foreshadowing in this story. Author shows that Vesta and Norman s future is quiet clear. They will keep living together. NARRATOR: The story is told in the 3rd person. The author isn t intrusive. He is omniscient, he tell the reader about intentions, inner emotions. The author is also reliable. He guides by the reader s opinion. He uses both indirect and direct methods. The author sympathizes with Norman but doesn t sympathize with Vesta. He shows the events through the character s eyes. And in the end of the story the narrator leaves for reader to judge. CHARACTERIZATION. There are 2 main characters in the story. They are Vesta and Norman. They are both dynamic. Vesta was an actress, played the seconds in comedies, and read any slop. She was pretty in an undistinguished way when she was on the stage and she met Norman. Norman Grange was a rubber-planter. He spoke like a native. He was a cleverShow MoreRelatedFlotsam and Jetsam1147 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Flotsam and Jetsam†___________________________________________ The short â€Å"Flotsam and Jetsam†is written by Alan Bissett in 2012. Alan Bissett, born in 1975 is a Scottish writer, and the short story appeared in the collection â€Å"Elsewhere: There†in 2012. The story is written in third person, and the narrator is omniscient. The characters are both described directly and indirectly by what they say, or how they act, because some of the characters has hidden agendas. The main theme in the storyRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Landscaping1405 Words  | 6 Pagesoff-season.|On the other hand, occasional finishing abandon some zone not dealt with amid the off-season.} {Such a territory will be portrayed by excess of weeds and debris.|Such a domain will have weeds and debris.|The abundance of weeds and flotsam and jetsam will describe such an area.} {Another advantage of all season finishing is the counteractive action of abundance of the vegetation.|Another the reason, why a mortgage holder should hone all-season arranging, is the avoidance of the excessRead MoreThe Waste Water Treatment Process Essay2616 Words  | 11 Pagesframework is accomplished through schedule investigation, cleaning and repair and arranged substitution of framework segments. 2.3 PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Influent to treatment plants contains bits of wood, clothes, plastics and other flotsam and jetsam. Sand, eggshells and other coarse inorganic material is available in the stream notwithstanding natural matter from family unit, mechanical, business and institutional water utilize. Preliminary treatment accommodates the expulsionRead MoreDanger Diminishment Burning : Causes And Uses Of Fires896 Words  | 4 Pagesadministrators would more be able to effectively observe the stumps of the gathered trees, and additionally some other perils. Moreover, if the range is to be had relations with before planting, consuming first expends a significant part of the flotsam and jetsam. The outcome is all the more firmly pressed overnight boardinghouses better seedling survival. Where herbicides are utilized to execute rivalry, ensuing consuming will give extra vegetation control. This progression additionally allows moreRead MoreMalaysia Airlines Flight856 Words  | 3 Pagessuspected to be from the stricken coal blacks crate information recorders. After this the administration has chosen to pursuit the aerial shuttles in submerged as well. Bluefin 21 will plunge into the profundities to attempt and find any flotsam and jetsam. there are still numerous an intrigue scholar out there who has different thoughts. There are a percentage of the craziest and best doomsday notions which were being examined a) Afghan hijacking The Russian newspaper has been distributedRead MoreEssay On Baldwin Swamp1981 Words  | 8 Pagesbranches and bark in the tree canopies, significant amounts of mud covering leaves, a large number of 62 flotsam and jetsam spotted, 2 immature plants and 2 branches on the floor, the boardwalk was broken in 2 places and paths were covered in debris. All of these had significant impacts on the Baldwin swamps and can threaten the survival of macroinvertebrates as the high amount flotsam and jetsam could have gotten in the way. A very little improvement has occurred since. There is still a number ofRead MoreFacilitating the US Armys Transition from War to Peace1187 Words  | 5 Pagesthat the only stipulation that the U.S. Army Chief of Staff imposed on the disposition of military surplus was that if Army surplus property is to be sold that it be sold only by this govt. to another neutral govt (Watson, 1950, p. 304). The flotsam and jetsam that remained from World War II and Vietnam have found their way into the nations chains of army and navy surplus stores that contain vintage surplus from these wars to this day. The U.S. Army can do better than this, though, and it has takenRead MoreThe Case Of Calculation And Distribution Of Awards And Special Compensation1407 Words  | 6 Pagesitself or cargo or any property which must be relalted to the ship or portion of it. Further, section 255(1) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1955 has expanded the definition given under common law definition of wreck and included within its ambit â€Å"jetsam, flotsam,lagan and derelict found in or on the shores of the sea or any tidal water†. A derelict can be anything which is either a vessel or a cargo abandoned at sea. Read MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering Essay1403 Words  | 6 Pageslike red blood cells. Chromatin that occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells only, constitutes an immense majority of all DNA, excluding an amount inherited maternally found in mitochondria. 5. Cloning Cloning is usually used to intensify DNA flotsam and jetsam holding entire genes, but it can similarly be used to enlarge any DNA sequence like non-coding sequences, promoters and randomly disjointed DNA. It is castoff in a wide collection of biological experiments in addition to practical applicationsRead MoreChicago Fire : Philadelphia Fire2051 Words  | 9 Pagesyards, stockrooms, and coal yards, and canal boats and various extensions over the waterway. As the fire developed, the southwest wind escalated and got to be superheated, making structures burst into flames from the warmth and from smoldering flotsam and jetsam passed up the wind. Around 11:30 PM, flaring trash blew over the stream and arrived on rooftops and the South Side Gas Works With the fire over the waterway and moving quickly towards the heart of the city, freeze set in. About this time, Mayor
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Video Games A Scapegoat for Youth Violence Essay examples
Americans have been blaming violent forms of entertainment since colonial times. From dime novels to music, to movies to television shows. The most recent medium are video games. Aided by crime-saturated news reports, a lot of people are convinced that video game violence transfers to real-life youth crimes like the school massacres. They think that violent video games make people violent, but that is not the case. Violent people play violent video games. Not everyone who plays video games are violent, but those who already are violent will play them as an outlet for their frustration and rage. If anything, video games keep violent people from going out and killing people in real life because they can vent in the virtual world. People†¦show more content†¦If schools could establish programs that would help identify and refer depression and suicidal tendencies in minors, more would get the help they need (Olson). There is no proof that youth violence has been on the rise. On the contrary, juvenile crime and violence has gone down since 1990 while video game sales have soared, as seen in the graph below. Juvenile Violent Crime Index Compared to U.S. Game Software Sales 1990-2008 ï ¿ ¼ (â€Å"Video Game and Violence: The Myth versus the Reality†) So how is it that it is the fault of video game violence that makes juveniles violent? As much as media coverage will have people think the â€Å"wave of violence gripping America’s youth†(Grossman), the truth is violent attacks in America’s schools are â€Å"extremely rare events. The odds that a child will die in school through murder or suicide are less than one in one million†(Olson). Increase in news reports about crime just end up raising viewers’ perception of risk, whether or not there is actual danger (Olson). â€Å"Experts†like to over dramatize things. Retired Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, is convinced that video games not only make youths violent, they also teach them to shoot accurately. His evidence for that is the Michael Carneal’s shooting of a prayer group in Heath High School in Paducah, Kentuck in 1999. He states that Carneal â€Å"landed eight out of eight shots on eight different targets. Five of those were head shot s†(Hoerrner). He says not even trained FBI agentsShow MoreRelatedSociety’s Most Recent Scapegoat: Video Gaming1637 Words  | 7 PagesRebellious, violent behavior in youth is often treated simplistically – whether Elvis Presley’s latest hits, the programs airing on Saturday night television, or the newest film playing in theaters were popular amongst children and young adults, the blame for unfavorable behavior has always had its scapegoat. One of the most recent additions to society’s scapegoats is video gaming. Whether the objective of a given game is to fight crime or cause it, the morality of video games is often questioned and scrutinizedRead MoreThe Media Violence And Aggression1069 Words  | 5 PagesLiving in a world full of crime and violence, people begin to wonder what the cause of the violence is and how it can then be prevented. Unfortunately, there is not a single root cause that can be found when people attempt to decipher why children are deciding to bring guns to school and murder their peers. Some may believe that it was influenced by being exposed to a hostile family, violent films, or gory video games. Although sometimes this might be the case, a lot of the time it is not as blackRead MoreThe Truth about Video Games and Violent Children 1222 Words  | 5 Pages Violent video games are not training kids to be murderers. The video game industries have been called against and blamed for making kids more aggressive and violent for years. Although recent studies show tha t violent video games have been useful for kids to get their anger out. Only some kids were found to be aggressive after violent video game play, but they had three specific traits that lead to this aggressive behavior (â€Å"Violent...). Not all kids are affected by violent video games, but peopleRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effect On Children1101 Words  | 5 PagesEver since the Columbine Massacre occurred, people seemed to concern themselves with the violent nature of video games. So many people argue that because video games played a part in the lives of the two teenagers who planned and executed the event, video games are to be blamed as their motive. Although video games have often glamorize graphic violence, people should not cast blame upon them for an increase in violent behavior in those who play them (especially teens) because those who make theseRead MoreViolent Video Games: Society’s New Scapegoat Essays1248 Words  | 5 PagesDo modern video games contri bute to the increasing level of violence that we see around us? Can we really attribute the shootings and bombings we see on the news to the increased violence and realism of video games? Every day, people are exposed to violence through the TV shows and movies they watch, the video games they play, and national media networks who bombard us with graphic information portraying violent and hard-hitting global events. To top it all off, the media frequently loves to makeRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Video Games794 Words  | 4 Pagesimproved, video games have been enhanced together with the latest technology. Now, video games have become one of the most iconic hobbies and free time activities for teenagers from simple smartphone games to high-graphic console or pc games. However, some people tend to claim that video games are harmful to teenagers and cause them behave violent and aggressive. Also, some opinionated radicals state that video games are related to youth violence. While some people think that video games have negativeRead MoreThe Is Not A Serial Killer1326 Words  | 6 PagesThree of the most prominent words or actions used to describe video games. Arum Steinbeck wakes up, goes to school, comes home and plays video games. His face glued to the television, he is exposed to gruesome acts of violence. Nonetheless, Arum Steinbeck is not a serial killer. How is this possible? Adolescents who play video games are killers. Dead wrong. 90% of children in the US play video games and 90% of those children play games that involved mature content. Yet, it is possible that not oneRead MoreViolence and Americas Troubled Youth Essays1069 Words  | 5 PagesVideo games have come a long way since the days of Pong. Advances in technology have allowed games to present state of the art graphics and surreal like qualities to its consumers; from four star simulated battle scenes to enhanced real live fire shoot outs. With all these innovations added to viol ent video games it attracted the visual needs of our teenage youth. Although video game violence has been blamed for high profile school shootings, video games and its creators should not be held accountableRead MoreViolent Video Games Should Not Be Banned1170 Words  | 5 PagesIV Mr. Kula November 21, 2014 Violent Video Games Should Not be Banned Violent acts committed by children seem to occur on a monthly basis. What is to blame for this trend? Many people try to find, what they would believe to be, a likely source for the violence once. Some people turn to violent video games as the reason why violent acts occur amongst children. Some would even argue, that violent video games in general should be banned. Violent video games should not be banned because they doRead More Violent Video Games Dont Lead to Increases In Violent Behavior1424 Words  | 6 Pagestoday’s games are ridiculously violent, can one honestly believe they can open a portal to hang their enemies? Do video games really warp the mind and cause players to be aggressive? Recent studies say no. It is not the game’s fault for a player to react violently in real life. Other forms of media have plenty of violence, if not more, yet video games are the scapegoat of society’s or the player’s mental problems. Game makers have rati ngs on the games to warn players (or parents buying the game) what
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gender Roles in Shakespeare - 1834 Words
Gender Roles in Shakespeare It is a peculiar feature of Shakespeares plays that they both participate in and reflect the ideas of gender roles in Western society. To the extent that they reflect existing notions about the proper roles of men and women, they can be said to be a product of their society. However, since they have been studied, performed, and taught for five hundred years, they may be seen as formative of contemporary notions about the relationships between males, females, and power. Derrida was right in asserting that there is no outside to the text. His claim is that every text is affected by every other text and every other speech act. As an instance, most of Shakespeares plays have†¦show more content†¦The contrast between the empowering masculinization of female characters and the paralyzing feminization of males make the latter more appropriate to a tragedy or a satire, the former more useful in comedy. Rosalind speaks several times in ways that display an awareness of her (doubly) altered gender, for instance linking boys and women as cattle of this color (III.ii.414). In a more radical maneuver she addresses the audience as a male epilogue. If I were a woman ... (AYLI epilogue) not only calls attention to the gap between the gender of the performer and the gender of the actor, but demands that the audience recognize of the actor as actor. The tensions set up in the play remain in suspense until Ganymede disappears and Rosalind reappears near the end of Act V. All the complications surrounding Orlando, Phebe, and Silvius are resolved as Rosalind gives up her assumption of a mans prerogatives. It is easy to assume that dominant males in Shakespearean comedy conform to norms of expectation and behavior, but it is more difficult to determine what those expectations may have been in the Elizabethan era. Psychologists have examined the development of sexual awareness as part of identity. Much psychological theory holds that the male childs initial awareness as Other (than Mother) has to do with aShow MoreRelated Gender Roles in Shakespeare Essay1760 Words  | 8 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It is a peculiar feature of Shakespeares plays that they both participate in and reflect the ideas of gender roles in Western society. To the extent that they reflect existing notions about the proper roles of men and women, they can be said to be a product of their society. However, since they have been studied, performed, and taught for five hundred years, they may be seen as formative of contemporary notions about the relationships between males, femalesRead MoreGender And Gender Roles In Macbeth By William Shakespeare1043 Words  | 5 PagesIn Macbeth by William Shakespeare, gender plays a pivotal role in the development of the overall plot and as the play advances, certain characters, including Macbeth and Lady Macbeth experience a reversal in traditional gender behaviors. Additionally, we see gender confusion among other characters that enhances conflict in the play. Originally, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are portrayed in ways that enforce their respective masculinity and feminism in accordance to the society around them. As MacbethRead MoreShakespeare s Viewpoint About Gender And Gender Roles1412 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Shakespeare’s viewpoint about gender and gender roles in the play? Do you agree? In the play â€Å"Macbeth†by William Shakespeare the play was about power and greed. Macbeth were given prophecies from the witches and one of the prophecies was that he was going to become king. After he heard the news he told his wife what the witches told him. From there on she chose to do anything that was going to make them become apart of royalty. She accomplished this missions by manipulating her husbandRead MoreTransgressing Prescribed Gender Roles in Shakespeare Essay1502 Words  | 7 PagesTransgressing prescribed gender roles in As You Like It Shakespeares As You Like It is both a gentle, pastoral comedy and a complicated, dark debate on the relationship between love, power and gender construction. At the centre of the play is Rosalind, arguably one of Shakespeares most engaging, witty, intelligent, and lovable female characters. Rosalind is the epitome of Elizabethan femininity: beautiful, chaste, and charitable; and yet she is able to transcend traditional gender boundaries to becomeRead MoreGender Roles in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay1292 Words  | 6 PagesGender Roles in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Although at the time of Shakespeare, women were thought of as lesser beings, he still manages to portray them as strong, and influential people in his play Macbeth. The orthodox view of females when Shakespeare wrote the play is that they were homemakers, looked after their children, they were quiet, weak and unintelligent, and the only reason they existed is to have male children. Males however were the warriors and theRead MoreGender Roles Of Shakespeare s Taming Of The Shrew 2030 Words  | 9 PagesAngamnuaisiri 1 Narupat Angamnuaisiri Foster English IV 10 April 17 Taming of the Shrew: Gender Roles William Shakespeare was one of the most famous writers in the world during the sixteenth century. He came from England, born in 1564 and died in 1616. He was also a poet with more than one hundred sonnets and two long poems. Many of Shakespeare’s dramas illustrate various forms of domestic and social problems. He was a playwriter of some famous plays, such as Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and JulietRead MoreGender Roles And Roles Of William Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice 1837 Words  | 8 Pages Gender plays an important role in Shakespeare’s comedies. Cross gender roles and cross dressing are essential not only for the inherent humour of the situation but also for the advancment of the plot. English Renaissance stereotypes of women and men and their various roles and responsibilities in society are reflected in Shakespeare. What sets Shakespeare apart is the fact that he also challenges, and at times even breaks down those stereotypes especially in his comedies. Hamlet may proclaim â€Å"FrailtyRead MoreShakespeare s Othello - Role Of Women And Gender Representation1312 Words  | 6 PagesWomen in Othello The role of women and gender representation in Othello challenged the male dominated society in that time period. Women in Shakespeare’s time were seen as being loyal and submissive to their husbands and not going against their husband’s judgment. Shakespeare developed complex and varied female characters in his plays, especially the women portrayed in Othello. In the play, Shakespeare introduces three female characters: Desdemona, Othello s wife, Emilia, Iago’s wife and mistressRead More Gender Roles in Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare Essay857 Words  | 4 PagesRomeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, there is an overlaying presence of the typical roles that men and women were supposed to play. During Elizabethan times there was a major difference between the way men and women were supposed to act. Men typically were supposed to be masculine and powerful, and defend the honor. Women, on the other hand, were supposed to be subservient to their men in their lives and do as ever they wished. In Romeo and Juliet the typical gender roles that men and women wereRead MoreGender Roles Of Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare1259 Words  | 6 PagesGender Roles in Romance Comics Author and civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said, â€Å"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!†. When one thinks of comic books, it is very likely that the subjects that come to mind are Marvel’s Spiderman or DC’s Batman. Although comic books are stereotypically thought to be mainly about super heroes, there are a wide variety of subject matter they could be written about, such as romance. In the 1950s – 1960s, it was common
The Importance Of Professional Standards And Institutional...
The Importance of Professional Standards and Institutional Ethics A Review of Two Medical Cases Lisa Martinez HA570: Healthcare Ethics Kaplan University 01 September 2014 The intention of this paper is to analysis two medical cases and respond to the questions at the end of each scenario, explain the appropriate ethical course of action and legal requirements for actions in each case. Throughout this paper, professional standards and institutional ethics will be discussed and this writer propose that further studies should be considered in order to fully identify with the ethical/legal relationship between physician and patient in regards medical treatment or procedures. For the purpose of this paper and before reviewing both each medical case, professional standards and institutional ethics will be defined in order to discuss the following medical cases. The Importance of Professional Standards and Institutional Ethics A Review of Two Medical Cases Professional standards has traditionally established standard of conduct that administrates its members. It is the traditional understanding of the healthcare profession that they are supposed to control entry and monitor themselves. This responsibility is twofold: first, there is the responsibility to maintain and improve quality of care and secondly there is a responsibility to monitor the profession in order to protect society from unqualified professionals (Garret et al., 2010). Moreover,Show MoreRelatedMy Ethical Principles Of The Student Affairs Profession Essay1476 Words  | 6 Pagesstudent affairs profession is the importance and involvement of ethics within your daily life and within the workplace. From personal experience I believe that autonomy, faithfulness, doing no harm, and the ability to be just are extremely important. I also believe that there are many important expectations found in NASPA’s Standards of Professional Pr actice. These expectations include, equal consideration and treatment of others, assessment, agreement with institutional missions and goals, and conflictRead MoreTaking a Look at Special Education879 Words  | 4 Pages Special education is an ethically and politically complex area of professional education (Paul, French, Cranston-Gingras, 2001). Critics have claimed that special education does not benefit student with disabilities and should be renounced for ethical reasons (Gartner Lipsky, 1989). Others assert that special education is unethical because it stigmatizes and segregates minority students and violates the rights of children (Grossman, 1998; Granger Granger, 1986). On the other hand, proponentsRead MoreCode Of Conduct Through Their Own Behavior1408 Words  | 6 PagesDefined the code of ethics is written standards that are reasonably designed to deter wrongdoing and to promote (Cornell University Law School, 2005): †¢ Code of conduct through their own behavior. Honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships; †¢ Full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that a company files with, or submits to, the Commission and inRead MoreBusiness Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Integrity, And Integrity1318 Words  | 6 Pagesresponsibly. Business ethics, have been created in recent years as responses to an increasing sense of corporate wrong doing. This essay attempts to discuss what business ethics are for improvement of business behavior to the satisfaction of the â€Å"constituents†of business, i.e. the major stakeholders. In addition, the essay describes how similar ethics can be applicable to a University setting, especially playing a role in the society. It also explains the concept of integrity and its importance is our careerRead MoreMy Experience With Parenting And Home Schooling1642 Words  | 7 Pagesparenting and home schooling children. In this paper, I will reflect on my experiences in collecting and interpreting data . I will also reflect on my social location, my academic and professional position, my emotional response, my academic and professional position and my emotional response as well as institutional and interpersonal context and epistemological stance influenced the interview, the data collection and the interpretation of the data. Further, I will briefly talk about what I have learnedRead MoreThe Army As A Profession Of Arms1283 Words  | 6 Pagesthen, the Soldiers that fill the Army’s ranks must be professionals. These professionals are morally and legally bound by the Army ethics to constantly develop their occupation specialties and apply them â€Å"ethically, effectively, and efficiently.†In being an expert of one’s occupation and using said expertise in morally just ways, the Soldier creates a reciprocal relationship where being an expert and a professional means living by the Army Ethic and vice versa. The Army as a profession is definedRead MoreEthics Committees Are Formed To Help Hospital And Medical1699 Words  | 7 PagesEthics Committees are formed to help hospital and medical personnel resolve ethical issues that arise in their facility. The committee members are a mix of hospital personnel, including physicians, nurses, administration, social work, chaplains and others. These professionals work together to assure quality patient care in their facility. To achieve their goal the members must work together with open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision making. I will discuss three points related toRead MoreHome Health Care1390 Words  | 6 Pagesfactors that influence client’s ability 3. Identify the client’s ability to manage healthcare within the home 4. Explain the major areas of assessment by homecare nurse 5. Describe the nurse’s roles and responsibilities. 6. Identify the importance of community resources for the clients KEYTERMS Aesthetics Facilitation Home health care Hospice Patient education advocacy Case management coordination HOME HEALTH CARE: It is characterized by a range of healthRead MoreAnalysis Of The East Los Angeles College Transfer Center1702 Words  | 7 PagesThe department that I reviewed using the Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) was the East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Transfer Center. I am currently doing my graduate assistantship at the ELAC Transfer Center. Therefore, I thought it would be a more meaningful experience to choose this department to review using the CAS standards because it offers the opportunity to learn more about the department and probably provide my supervisor suggestions that can help improve the department to beRead MoreCode of Ethics Paper1044 Words  | 5 PagesCode of Ethics Team B HCS/335 June 6, 2011 Code of Ethics Introduction Code of ethics is very important with all the different organizations and businesses that are in the world today. This paper will explain why the code of ethics is important to the organizations, what the relationship between the organization’s culture and ethical decision making is, and is it important that the organization’s ethical values support an individual’s personal ethical values. Code of ethics help an
Climate Change and Average Temperature
Question: Discuss about the Climate Change and Average Temperature. Answer: Introduction Climate change can be defined as a kind of change in the statistical dispersion of different sort of weather series as it signifies a change in average weather conditions. This kind of change happens when long term weather schemes are changed and global warming can be contemplated as one of the most crucial measures of climate change as the global temperature is increasing due to this (Maldonado, Benedict and Pandya, 2016). In other words, climate can be regarded as the average temperature at a particular region as it involves aspects like humidity, wind, seasons and weather. Climate also plays a significant part in the framing of natural ecosystems and it has been seen that the climate is constantly changing due to various disruptive causes and this change has increased with fast pace in the last 2000 years (Rosenberg and Edmonds, 2005). According to the reports of many surveys, the main cause of climate change are increasing levels of carbon di- oxide and other heat trapping gases in the environment. This is causing many wide ranging impacts in the climatic conditions of different countries which may include rising levels of sea, extreme heat events, fires, droughts, melting of snow and ice, higher rainfall and extreme flood conditions. It is believed that if these trends would not stop and continue for longer time then, human life may get impacted at vast scale which may even impact other natural resources and the quality of life. It is perceived that short term climate change is normal and does not impact the environment in a huge manner but long term trends may lead to a vast climate change (Usikalu, 2009). Purpose The main purpose of the current report is to find how climate change is affecting the world with the help of authentic sources. The main agenda is to determine the climate change impact on USA and the manner in which it is affecting the environment in an adverse manner. It would be the key purpose to find the aspects that are responsible for such frequent changes. It is viewed that large number of environmental aspects are attached to the climatic condition of a particular region and a small variation in climate may impact the various relevant elements of where and how people and other living creatures live like food production, utilisation of water and other health risks. Sources The report mainly focuses to determine that how climate change is affecting the environment and how these changes are affecting the environment of different countries. Here, the selected country is USA and in this regard; the data has been gathered through secondary sources as lots of articles and journals would be explored to meet the objective of the report. The main reason of gathering data is that it is not very expensive as well as one does not need to make strained efforts to attain secondary data. Also, it is very time consuming and helps to get a great understanding of the severe problem of the report. Analysis of Current Situation How climate change is affecting the world It is worthy to state that climate change impacts all regions across the world as it has numerous observable effects on the environment. Some of them may include shrink of glaciers, ice on rivers and animal ranges have altered as well as trees are flowering before the time. Various scientists forecasted that the impact of climate change in the past that may impact the future environment which is occurring in the current situation (Wapner and Elver, 2016). These impacts involve loss of sea ice, intense heat waves and increasing sea level. It is assumed that overall temperature is likely to increase for next decades due to high amount of green house gases produced by the activities of human beings. According to the result of report conducted by IPCC, "the range of published evidence signifies that the net damage expenses of climate change are likely to be significant and to rise over time." Therefore, it can be stated that global climate is likely to rise and proceed to change over this century. This shows that climate change is impacting the entire world in numerous ways which has been proved in the above mentioned instances (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2007). How climate change is affecting USA Climate change is impacting several countries of the world and USA is one of them. Due to global warming, the country has got a major alarm to reduce total green house gas to save it from major climatic concerns. In this regard, the US saw its warmest year on record in the year 2012 which shows that climate change is impacting Americans in far reaching manners. The average temperature in US has enhanced by 1.3 to 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit and this change has mostly occurred since the year 1970. These changes have included very often downpours, droughts, floods and heat waves (Earth Observatory, 2014). Also, the problems of heavy rainfall have become very common across the whole country and on the other hand, heat waves and droughts have become really intense and problematic in the country. With the main aim to control the drastic impact of climate change in the country, the article of global climate change impacts of USA is issued after every 10 years by government of United States of America. The main agenda behind this report is that it is a great effort to strengthen and stabilize the affects of changing climate in the country (Rosenberg and Edmonds, 2005). Also, the report lays emphasis that reducing carbon di- oxide emission can help in lessening the impact of global warming and problems as well as challenges do not arise that may overpower the good aspects of climate change (Tol, 2009). Who do you see as responsible? It is believed that the global north of industrialized nations has majorly contributed to global warming and United States is one of those countries which is highly responsible for the same. In context to this, it can be said that the responsible factors to this major problem may include industries, nations and various human activities too but the ratio of their competition may differ. Hence, some of the natural aspects that may lead to climate change may involve eruption of volcanoes, the earths tilt, continental drift, currents of oceans and many more (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2007). For instance, at the time of volcano eruption, it is likely to throw out large amount of sulphur dioxide, water vapors and ashes into the environment which is not at all healthy for the atmosphere. On the other hand, there are various human causes that contribute to various climatic changes. It is true that electricity is one of the major sources of power in urban areas as maximum number of day to day gadgets run from thermal power plants (Union of Concerned Scientists, n.d.). These plants run on the principle of fossil fuels and are highly accountable for the emission of high amounts of major gases which are not good for the environment and various other harmful elements. Also, vehicles like cars, buses and trucks and 2 and 4 wheeler vehicles run on petrol or diesel and they are fossil fuels and impact the environment in an adverse manner (Houghton, 2011). Addressing Strategic Issues It is very important to address these issues and take effective measures to cope with major climatic changes. Nations across the world are trying to manage and overcome the drastic effects of changing climate and they are trying to come up with effective plans with the main aim to lessen their green house gas emissions (Usikalu, 2009). With respect to United States, it is believed that the country is making leading major efforts to point out the major threats that are imposing various kinds of climate changes. As a major effort, the country has lessen its overall carbon pollution as compared to any other country across the globe since the year 2005 (Pittock, 2013). The ex President of united states, Obama took several major efforts to cut down carbon pollution and various other green house gases with the main aim to promote energy efficiency and clean energy. To ensure the same, the government of US has enhanced solar electricity generation as well as the country has tripled electricity production from wind energy. Apart from this, the Department of the Interior of United States has alloted approximately various kinds of plants which may include 50 wind, solar, and geothermal projects on public or rural lands to reduce the drastic effects of changing climate on the country. As a result, these projects have the ability to support and generate employment in U.S. and also, generate enough electricity to power more than 4.5 million homes with an ease (Wapner and Elver, 2016). Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be stated that climate change has been impacting the whole world in an adverse manners and the government is making great efforts to reduce its major impacts. The selected country for the chosen report is United States. It has been perceived that most of the developed countries are largely to get impacted by the changing climate and it is the main reason to select America to complete the report. Also, it has been proved in the report that the frequent changing climate is contemplated as a major security threat on the global level to the United States. The country got second position in the emission of carbon dioxide as well as it is contemplated as the second highest emitter of green house gases. Hence, it has been given in the report that how the country is tackling with these changes to save the environment and its aspects. References Earth Observatory. (2014). [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 19 January 2017]. Maldonado, J.K., Benedict, C. and Pandya, R. (2016). Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the United States: Impacts, Experiences and Actions. Springer International Publishing. Wapner, P. and Elver, H. (2016). Reimagining Climate Change. Routledge. Pittock, A.B. (2013). Climate Change: The Science, Impacts and Solutions. Routledge. Rosenberg, N.J. and Edmonds, J.A. (2005). Climate Change Impacts for the Conterminous USA: An Integrated Assessment. Springer Science Business Media. Tol, R.S.J. (2009). The Economic Effects of Climate Change. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23 (2), pp. 2951. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2007). Impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation in developing countries. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 19 January 2017]. Union of Concerned Scientists. (n.d). Climate Change in the United States: The Prohibitive Costs of Inaction. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 19 January 2017]. Houghton, J. (2011). Global Warming, Climate Change and Sustainability - Challenge to Scientists, Policymakers and Christians. The John Ray Initiative. Usikalu, M.R. (2009). Health impact of climate change due to combustion of fossil fuel. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 4 (13), pp. 880-884.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How My Parents Raised Me Sample Essay Example For Students
How My Parents Raised Me Sample Essay Equally far as I can retrieve I have had a happy childhood. I don’t have a dramatic or a traumatic experience as to how my parents raised me like most of the other childs. My parents handled my errors and errors really calmly. although I can’t retrieve making something that’s really bad. I guess you could state that I’m spoiled but I don’t think I am. Bing an lone kid I think helped on doing my penalties non that painful. But how my parents raised me is what made me the individual that I am today. and I think they did a great occupation. No. my parents were neer forcing or demanding what I should make or go. My foremost 4 old ages of life. it was merely going. since I was merely two months old. I am lucky in many ways. I was born in Australia. Stirling City. Perth. So I am a true blue Australian citizen. My parents ; ma is Filipina and pa from far-off Finland. Here I am. one of the luckiest people. because I have three nationalities. Traveling and r un intoing my sisters in Australia. grandma and other relations in Finland. and some life in the Philippines. This was one of the parts of my upbringing. When I was approximately five or six old ages old I remember throwing a immense fit that my ma would stop up shouting and stating my pa to manage â€Å"his daughter†. My pa would drag me and lock me up in the bathroom stating me that I could merely come out if I was a good miss. with an angry tone that’s about shouting I replied â€Å"I AM A GOOD GIRL†. This incident is what my pa ever portions to his friends as an anecdote. I was loved. pampered and sometimes even excessively much by my ma. because she is the cotton wool in our household. Never had a yaya. because that was the mentality of my pa. We have a babe we bring her up. My pa is the stone and Fe wall of the whole family. Mom being the soft and caring one. neer gets tired or annoyed. even if she was so busy with so many things of mundane running of the place and concern. she ever had clip for me. My pa is so logical. practical. rigorous and running place like an ground forces cantonment and a secondary school. But he was ever at that place. jobs that are large or little or even merely to embrace. My parents neer used babe linguistic communication when speaking to me. so I started to speak really early. This was one of my larning curves. when I started to speak at the age of 9 months. and thanks to my parents it was existent speaking. non some gaga guuguu! Same comes with walking. which I started at the age of 8 months. This was because my pa was and still is a true sportswoman. He used to equilibrate me on his manus when I was merely 5-6 months old we were making all kinds of amusing material. from which other people don’t even dream of making with a babe so immature. Ma was learning me the ways of the Filipinos. There’s so much to larn about traditions and idioms. ways of life. and the drawn-out household connexions. Besides about the Catholic Religion. even though I am an Evangelist Lutheran because that’s my father’s faith. Christened in the Lutheran church in Australia. I followed my father’s instructions of believing and the Holy Bible. but in a wholly different manner from Catholics. Still there were neer any struggles or statements of how to pattern or what faith to follow. Traveling to church with my ma every Sunday. was the right thing to make. Listening to my male parent and his instructions to truly believe and follow God. These things showed me how different we are but in the same clip so much the same. Turning up in the assorted matrimony household. might be a approval. but sometimes a expletive. In so many ways it is sometimes difficult to cognize which universe I belong to. Both I conjecture. Sometimes believing why we Filipinos are cruel to animate beings. ignorant about our environment. and so uneconomical. Teachings wholly against with what I got from my male parent. Since I was little. I was taught to believe about tomorrow. Respect friends. portion things with them. Take attentio n of nature in my ain little ways. Always take attention of all living things. particularly animate beings. Look after and be a side of the defenceless. Look towards tomorrow. non merely with surveies. but larning to populate a meaningful life and besides salvage money for the showery twenty-four hours. .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 , .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .postImageUrl , .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 , .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1:hover , .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1:visited , .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1:active { border:0!important; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1:active , .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1 .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7283f334b1f0181453bddbfa4ab533d1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Arthurian Romances EssayMake sure that the weakest have their portion. If person has a difficult clip. make non set the individual more down. Help the weak. Plant trees or flowers ; make anything what makes milieus more beautiful. Not merely me. but everybody around my male parent. has been larning these facts of life. Even my ma. she became wholly devoted to our favored Canis familiariss. These things and more have been my steering ropes these about 19 old ages of my life. Since I was in kinder. I was neer pushed or forced to analyze. or to be the best or even 2nd best. I was taught to be just and independent. For my parents. any degree of trial classs was good. I was nee r told to go an applied scientist. nurse or a physician. Choice was trusted on me. My parents said: Be you. because the hereafter is yours. we merely seek our best to give a nice way and a small push for your get downing journey in life. Here once more. I been lucky. no demanding and no force per unit area. I have been taught to do my ain determinations and to lodge with them. That is possibly the greatest thing in my upbringing. loving and swearing parents. whom been handling me as equal. non merely like a child. Anything and everything was and is discussed in the dinner tabular array or any given clip when we are together. No affair how immature I was. there were neer secrets or some â€Å"adult talk only†. I was ever present and portion of it. From Global affairs. to political relations and household planning. I was taught everything before I was 8 old ages old. There were no inquiries or affairs which I was non able to discourse with my parents. They called the SPADE a Spade! ! I was taught by my beloved ma to be a Filipina lady. She taught how and why to maintain the old traditions. Why it is so of import to believe and follow God. Sometimes she was like a lily-livered ma. worrying about the smallest things. She taught me to be a small miss. but in the same clip to larn and make things by my ain. She taught me to be a immature lady. to be careful and to do the right determinations. Always equal. even in the normal mundane statements. which is unusual for the Filipino childs. As everybody knows. usually here in the Philippines. grownups shouting. shouting and paddling. but they do non learn much. With my household to speak back is a must! I should reply every individual inquiry that they ask. It’s funny to believe that in other households childs get hit for speaking back. but with mine it’s a norm. It’s merely like being in a het statement. I truly learned to esteem and look up to my mom’s unconditioned love. which I neer saw anyplace else around my friends’ places. She neer taught me to cook though. because male parent did all the cookery in our place. from pizzas and casseroles to a Russian Stroganoff. Mom taught me to be patient and take everything in the Filipino manner. but that doesn’t suit me. I am small spot different. Possibly that is the other half in me. the white people’s manner. Everything has to be done now. fast and expeditiously. I am so thankful that my ma taught me to be me. non a particular white child with a Filipina ma. My ma is particular and in her manner she showed me to be a individual. non white or brown or anything in between. Just now and fast. everything must travel like that. Everything has to be planned and in clip. no alterations or holds. That is my other half. Possibly someplace deep down I am still bit more like a white individual. That’s where it com es. from my male parent. He taught me with his ain soundless manner. Building things. working and neer trusting on person. His ways are really simple. really practical and easy to follow. There are no misinterpretations if I was following the few and simple regulations. .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 , .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .postImageUrl , .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 , .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1:hover , .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1:visited , .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1:active { border:0!important; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1:active , .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1 .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u769f81b4d7358c6e6514f0562431b6d1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Explanation Of The Poem From Snowbound EssaySometimes it was so difficult to understand. why it had to be like that. Sometimes I felt like I was punished and interrogated for no ground. After a short while I thought that I understood what he truly intend. The chief thing what I learned from that is the thing that an statement should non last more than 15 proceedingss. That was my father’s thought of reasoning. It is a really good regulation. What I learned from him? Where I belong and from where I come from. I learned to esteem life. and other faiths and civilizations. The Mother Earth and everything on it. I was taught to bask what I am making. non merely travel in front and follow the flock. like sheep. I love Classical Ballet. and that has been my life for about 9 old ages. Both of my parents are World Class Athletes. and for certain they wanted me to follow their footfalls. I was taught to follow my bosom and do the right determinations for myself. I love dancing and that is what I do. I would state that it is a approval to be born to this household. where there is respect and tonss of love. Not merely inside the household. but everybody and everything around us. Every twenty-four hours is a new lesson. new things to larn from my parents. I was taught to walk with my caput up and with eyes broad unfastened. Try non to lose a thing with what life might convey to my manner.
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