Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Teenage Pregnancies and the Health Risks to the Unborn Child\r'
' rivulet Head: puerile climb onrager get under ones skinhood jejuneage Pregnancies and Health Risks Betty Samuelsen Western Governors University puerileage girls should quit from the colleague pressing of becoming heavy(predicate). seemly with child(predicate) at a new-fashioned age may sop up consequences with the depart of seriousness. gravid three-year-olds atomic number 18 encouraging otherwises to endure enceinte in the stress of fel crushed rack. immatures be watching too to a greater extent than television system that encourages them to perform pregnant. gestation period is a major fence that the drop egress rate of immature girls is so senior mettle whatever. juveniles bring to be communicate of the health risks that they may be set intimately with if they become pregnant.\r\n query suggests that there be no prosperous solutions to the complexity of issues poignant pregnant teens, such as international molds in the for m of other pregnant teens and media that encourage gestation, the pitch of gestation on a teenagers cultivation, and the health risks faced by pregnant teens and their unhatched children. Television shows be one example of media that complicates the issue of teen pregnancy. Studies show that teens, 12-17 years of age, that watch television shows that consent the well-nigh elicitu altogethery apocalyptic information, ar twice as in all probability to become pregnant (Chandra, 2008).\r\nThe television manufacture needs to wee-wee to a greater extent of a balance between sexual content and the risks that pregnancies fill upon teens (Chandra, 2008). These television shows excessively influence others to become pregnant be driving force it is the thing to do. For example, MTV chopine content implies that if a girl gets pregnant, thence the teen has a one-way tag end to fame and MTV is besides promoting teen pregnancy sort of of stating it as a serious conundrum in t he States (Montalvan, 2011). Television adjoins the complexity of this issue when watching television shows that bring on teen pregnancies appealing leads to peer pressure to become pregnant.\r\nFor example: Girls 16 and younger have gotten together to â€Å"plan†their pregnancies and how they be going to raise their children together. When the girls would find out if their pregnancy test came back positive, they would high five each other, alike(p) they were sublime to be pregnant at such a young age and they impart be ok (Males, 2008). Peer pressure is usually male-to-male and female-to-female, this pressure seems to be harder to extend from males due to status and cosmos reliable. On the other hand, females fall into peer pressure to â€Å"fill a void†in their lives and of importtain a relationship with the adversary sex (Sugland, 1997).\r\nNot only is peer pressure a problem, research shows that 20% of teens have stated that their p arnts (46%) are a lso a big influence on them having sex compared to the 20% of friends pressure (Albert, 2010). What is this tell close to parents influence on their feature teens? juveniles state that they wish they could have more open converses about sex with their parents and be more open in conversation about cont passption. They believe that this could pore teen pregnancies (Albert, 2010). There are also various cultural practices that complicate how teens think about pregnancy.\r\nIn adolescents views about sex, it is on their minds most of the magazine whether or non they are sexually active themselves. Views differ from race to race as to the frequency of sex among their peer groups, for instance African-American discriminate more sex than among peer groups in the European-and Mexican-American peer groups. (Mahavarkar, Madhi, & Mule, 2008). Teen pregnancy is non only a topical anaesthetic problem, just now is a global concern stock- soothe with the conflicting information from study to study. The forward new labor government in England identifies pregnant groomgirls as a particularly vulner able-bodied group.\r\nIn addition, research shows unlike effects of pregnancy on the pedagogics of pregnant teens. The leading cause, 30%, of teens falling out of high shoal is pregnancy and parenthood (National discharge to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2010, March). In England, the 1st cornerstone of a four cornerstone campaign is to increase the participation of pregnant teens in education, raising and/or employment. jibe to the affectionate exception Unit, the reciprocal ohm strategy is getting 60% of young dumbfounds into training, employment, and education (as cited in Vincent & Thomson, 2010).\r\nThe Social Exclusion Unit assumes that meeting the second cornerstone provide help reduce the negative health, social and economic correlates of teen pregnancies. Researchers appear to agree with policy- triflers on the challenges that the pregnant tee ns and mothering teens face in their education. The discussion section of raising and Skills put out a focal point on the education of educate-aged girls and parenting mothers which outlined the expectations that the teens should be getting. Englands local authorities have a low priority in help teen mothers get back into education. scrutinize Commission, 1999, Coleman and Dennison 1998). In the 2001 guidance, the Department of culture and Skills state, â€Å"The school should ensure that the young woman continues culture as long as possible up until the induce by exploring all opport social wholeies for curriculum support available (Department of Education and Skills, 2001, 5). Schools are also required to appropriate an elective official to be in charge for the pregnant teenagersâ€someone whose main function is to facilitate the on-going education of the pregnant pupil and her successful reintegration to education afterward the six-week post-natal check-up.\r\nThis official should be made witting of all the schoolgirl pregnancies within the local authority. The local authorities are encouraged to tin the kindred education as those of pregnant teens. Pregnancy should not be the reason some of these parenting mothers are not organism geted to attend school. Schools should be partially accountable for the education of these parenting teens. In order to make this goal happen, schools would need to provide manoeuver for the pregnant teen to do at home when she is unable to attend school. almost half of the teens that are pregnant have a high school lambskin vs. 9% of those that were not teen mothers. â€Å" opposite data find that less than 2% of young teen mothers (those who have a muff before age 18) form a college degree by age 30†(National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, March 2010). Pregnancy can have negative effects on education. According to Ashley, study 1 of 4, was an average learner that found out at 6 weeks she wa s expecting. She thought, â€Å"Im not going to get my GCSEs [General security system of Secondary Education], Im not going to go to college and Im not going to get the rent out I want to get†(as cited in Vincent, & Thompson, 2010).\r\nAshley was hoping to be able to say goodby to her friends. The school implied that she would be able to moderate her education with a pupil referral unit; therefore, the school was expressing its concerns of the health and safety of her pregnancy. sorry communication of the students mainstream school with the pupil referral unit made Ashley miss coursework and failed some of her GCSEs that she was affirmative in passing. The school just did not sell. In some cases pregnancy has combine effects on a students education but sedate presents complications.\r\nShae, study 2 of 4, had mixed reactions, peers were mostly accepting, but among provide they are mixed, some accepting, others not so much. The meeting was a different internet site from Ashleys. Shae was able to stay in her school until most of her GCSEs were complete with minimal accommodations, such as leaving class a little early to avoid organism â€Å"crushed†in the hallways. Her teacher also took on making sure the educatee Referral Unit had coursework for her to do, unlike to first study. Shae snarl more apart of her school still (as cited in Vincent, & Thompson, 2010). Pregnant teens will need to make complicated decisions on education.\r\nShae was able to stay in the mainstream school until her seventh month of pregnancy, but at the similar time still felt like she was apart of the school. Unlike Ashleys school, Shaes was more supporting of her situation. Children of teen mothers are affected in the long term, such as, becoming a teen parent later (National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2010). Pregnant teens will have a much harder time finding well paying jobs if they are not able to have the square-toed education availab le to them… Without a high school education, it is much harder to be accepted into college (National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2010).\r\nShae was aware that she had a choice and made that cognise to the school and staff members and stuck to convincing them to allow her to stay and accomplish her dreams and goals that she had set for herself. entitle IX actually protects pregnant teens to have an equal education to those of their peers, no take the situation. (Educational Policy, January and March 2006, 20(1). Shae was aware of the choice that she had on her education and made it known to the school and the staff members and stuck to convincing them to allow her to stay.\r\nAs stated above the Title IX, is an American statue, that should also prepare pregnant teens the same opportunity as those in other countries. For example, a non-educational consequence of teen pregnancy is the health risks to the mother and the baby. antepartum care is critical in the first mon ths of pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins with folic acid are suggested to be interpreted before becoming pregnant to counteract certain have got defects, such as neural tube defects (as cited in Nihira, M. , 2009. Teen Pregnancy: Medical Risks and Realities). Some of the health risks for both the pregnant teen and un intrinsic child are as follows:\r\nTeens have more complictions in delivery than those in their 20s and later. Pre-Term deliveries for the unborn child are a major complication. The teen is 3 times more likely to develop anemia, than those that are not teens. Pre-term deliveries are higher in some studies while other studies do not have the higher rates. unretentive prenatal care and late recognition of complications could explain the high rate of pre-term delivery. (Mahavarkar, Madhu, & Mule, 2008). some(prenominal) baby born before 37 weeks is considered pre-term or â€Å"preemie. †Full term lasts 40 weeks.\r\nThe baby can have respiratory, digestive, v ision, cognitive, and umteen more problems (as cited in Nihira, M. , 2009. Teen Pregnancy: Medical Risks and Realities). Pregnant teens are still growing themselves which puts their unborn child at a greater risk of being a â€Å"premee†and being under weight. Pregnant teens are 1. 8 times more likely to have low birth weight babies. Research shows that in a controlled and study low birth weights are as follows: 2. 5 (42% study, 59% controlled). (Mahavarkar, Madhu, & Mule, 2008). Babies that are less than 3. 3 lbs. ay have to be put on a breathing device to help them breath after birth due to their lungs not being to the full developed. Premature babies usually have not had enough time in the womb to develop fully (as cited in Nihira, M. , 2009. Teen Pregnancy: Medical Risks & Realities). Complications for the pregnant teen may be very severe. pre-eclampsia is a severe condition for the mother such as bleeding problems, pre-mature musical interval of the place nta from the uterus before the baby is born (placenta abruption), rupture of the liver, stroke, and death (rarely). (Mahavarkar, Madhu, & Mule, 2008).\r\nFor example, pre-eclampsia, can cause swelling in the hands and feet of the mother along with organ damage (as cited in Nihira, M. , M. D. , (2009). Teen Pregnancy: Medical Risks & Realities). Research suggests that there are no easy solutions to the complexity of issues affecting pregnant teens, such as outside influences in the form of other pregnant teens and media that encourage pregnancy, the effect of pregnancy on a teenagers education, and the health risks faced by pregnant teens and their unborn children. In conclusion, outside influences account for some of the reasons that teens are becoming pregnant in high school.\r\nIf teens are not sexually active in high school, teen peers torment them and encourage them to become pregnant. In return, the pregnant teens and teen mothers suffer the natural consequences of be coming pregnant. One result is not having an equal education to their peers and not having the meliorate paying jobs that the other teens may have. Teens that become pregnant while still young and their unborn child face extensive health issues, such as low birth weight, pre-eclampsia, possible stroke, and possible death. annex List Albert, B. (2010). With one Voice 2010: America’s Adults and Teens sound off about Teen Pregnancy.\r\nWashington, D. C. : The NCPTP and Unplanned Pregnancy. Audit Commission, (1999) Chandra, A. (2008). report card: TV influences teen pregnancy stats. Retrieved from Coleman & Dennison, (1998) Department of Education and Skills, (2001), 5. Educational Policy, (January and March 2006) 20,(1). Mahavarkar, S. H. , Madhu, C. K. , & Mule, V. D. (2008). A comparative study of teenage pregnancy. journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 28(6), 604-607. inside:10. 1080/01443610802281831. Males, M. (2008). http://articles. latimes. com/2008/jul /13/ mental picture/op-males13. National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (March 2010).\r\nWhy It Matters: Teen Pregnancy and Education. Nihira, M. , M. D. , (2009). Teen Pregnancy: Medical Risks & Realities. Retrieved from http://www. webmd. com/baby/teen-pregnancy-medical-risks-and-realities. Social Exclusion Unit, (1999). Sugland, B. (n. d). Sex, Pregnancy and contraceptive method: A Report of Focus pigeonholing Discussions with Adolescents. N/A, Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Vincent, K. , & Thomson, P. (2010). ‘Slappers like you dont belong in this school: the educational inclusion/exclusion of pregnant schoolgirls. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(4), 371-385. doi:10. 1080/13603110802504580\r\n'
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